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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjecti hear you but ATCQ was "living" dreams at that point
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2698795&mesg_id=2698933
2698933, i hear you but ATCQ was "living" dreams at that point
Posted by ABROCK33, Tue May-15-12 02:44 PM
not "chasing" them like Thirstin

they atleast acheived a level of success at that point. Im sure they wouldn't have traded that time if they had to do it over.

im talking moreso about all the grown men living at home w/o a job but runnin to the open mic night, callin up radio shows to freestyle, spending time pressin up their own cdr's while they sleepin in the basement

its a big diffrence, ATCQ signed a bad contract as teens but they had their foot in the door to a long career

a dude 28 still chasin the dream on his mom's dime aint a good of a luck