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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectIt's a byproduct of america's influence on popular culture worldwide...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2697376&mesg_id=2697827
2697827, It's a byproduct of america's influence on popular culture worldwide...
Posted by Jakob Hellberg, Fri May-11-12 05:11 PM
Of course, black american music is inseparable from american music period but I always find it strange when people single out just specifically black music as something that gets appropriated worldwide.

For example, a lot of swedes think that swedish hip-hop is some wannabe black thing and people call those rappers wiggers and so on. However, how pure "swedish" is indie-rock or metal or euro-techno? In ALL those cases, it's a matter of cultural appropriation; it's not like your typical swede have THAT much more culturally in common with the white american than the black one-they are both alien but since one is a different race, people make a big deal out of it.

Meanwhile, swedish people can play, say, american-style pop-punk with lyrics about highschool proms and NOONE will call them wannabes-it's hypocritical and silly...

EDIT:In the case of, say, japanese or Korean people, they will be accused of cultural appropriation regardless of if they play the blackest funk or the whitest indie and that is of course because they are neither black nor white. It's hilarious how much race informs how the authenticity of the artist is judged...