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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectWe still do.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2697376&mesg_id=2697823
2697823, We still do.
Posted by disco dj, Fri May-11-12 04:57 PM
it's just that many acts nowadays see music as a "hustle" and not Art.

How many times have we heard some idiotic shit like:

"...man if it wasn't for this music shit, I'd be out on the block moving bricks..."

and not in the "Music is the way I channeled by focus, and presented my talents to the world" sense. But more in the "It was either Music or Crime" sense.

or how many discussions in The Lesson have invoked the Industry Buzzwords; "marketing", "promoted", "business model" and all that shit, and completely ignore the musical out put of said artist?