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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectwho are you? Milt Romney meets David Duke Meets the Klan?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2697376&mesg_id=2697523
2697523, who are you? Milt Romney meets David Duke Meets the Klan?
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Thu May-10-12 08:32 PM
what sorry Racist thread to make. no nothing turkeys have no sense of history whatsoever.

Black Music been respected since White slave Owners were selling us like a Reality show left and right.

whatcha talking bout Mr. Drummond?

Black folks don't need no white folks approval at all. this is beyond music though.

white folks love Black Music and they be having those fantasys with it think back to Pino in "Do the Right thing".

same ole same.

Black folks make White folks clone it and water it down and then sell 5 more like it.

next some turkey is going to want an R&B artist to write a theme song to Fox News and Bill O'Reily or something?