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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectvery
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2697273&mesg_id=2697504
2697504, very
Posted by ABROCK33, Thu May-10-12 07:15 PM
standards not only help us to preserve the culture but in terms of foundational values reinforce our culture.

yes hip hop would be for the better if new artists learned the standards and where allowed to freely interpret them through their own eyes.

in any culture if you forget the past you have trouble in the future. I think to a strong degree that applies to hip hop too.

that being said I am not saying that hip hop cant grow or breathe and the music has to stay like it was in the 80's or 90's.

Finally you can best believe that if we dont establish our own standards within hip hop than those outside us will do it for us. Do you really want some educated German man who has never even been to the states much less Compton interpeting the social significance of "F the police?". This is the same thing as haveing a Caucasion teach African history. This isnt a slam against any race nor is it a racial issue but is more about preserving our own and being able to tell our own story. By we I mean those who embrace the hip hop culture.