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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectthey had a serious identity crisis they still havent fully resolved
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2684858&mesg_id=2685466
2685466, they had a serious identity crisis they still havent fully resolved
Posted by GumDrops, Fri Apr-13-12 04:55 AM
all the talk of them being the next neptunes was funny, but also their main problem. these guys arent commercial sounding (ie they cant write 'hits'), but they wanted to be SO SO badly, that they didnt know - and still dont seem to know - what they were good at. they were (sporadically) great for a short time but since then, i think theyve released too much music, and lapsed a lot on the quality control. i lost interest a while back. but i like quite a few of the early songs that were doing the rounds on the net back whenever.