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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectwell.. and i'ma freestyle this poast (fux an edit)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2675152&mesg_id=2675157
2675157, well.. and i'ma freestyle this poast (fux an edit)
Posted by CB_010, Mon Mar-19-12 10:48 AM
there's one particular album that helped me get through a very rough time..
i was young lived life like there was no tomorrow and was all about girls money clothes..
in the end i got set back with some MAJOR debt struggles.. and i really mean MAJOR.. like *cant sleep at night scared to open up envelopes hoping no bill collector would come at my door and they always did* THAT major..

this particular album was The Foreign Exchange's Connected..
it held the theme songs to my life at that particular time.. everytime i skipped class and got on the train to just.. well.. find myself really i had this cd in my discman(!).. it got me through..

just reminiscing about it makes me feel *that* feeling again..
there always was this one song that gave me hope.. i mean i FELT the whole album..

but Happiness


that track gave the strength to not give up..
it sounds corny as hell.. but yeah.. The Foreign exchange y'all..