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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectlyrical skills, music, overall cds are all part of a rapper's career
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2670849&mesg_id=2670992
2670992, lyrical skills, music, overall cds are all part of a rapper's career
Posted by vee-lover, Wed Mar-07-12 05:40 PM
they're not separate...it's not I asked who is the better lyricist...or whose music has been the best....or who has had the most commercial cds? it's who's the better MC?

and all the above criteria is a part of determining if rapper x is better than rapper A...because in the end a rapper's place in the pantheon is based on his (or her) overall career which is why someone like Kool G Rap, for instance, who is a pioneering MC, isn't regarded as a unanimous top 10 MC even though most rappers respect his lyricism and many east coast MCs have admitted he's had a big influence on them...

>2) Ice Cube?

>3) East Coast vs. West Coast?
>You're all over the place.

nah your reading comprehension skills are off today, that's all...
>I applaud your enthusiasm, though.