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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRE: How much longer before hip hop dies?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2658199&mesg_id=2658227
2658227, RE: How much longer before hip hop dies?
Posted by BarTek, Sun Feb-05-12 03:58 PM
>>I'm ready for it to move on.. really think this music is
>>syncopated noise and don't see much artistry in it... what
>Sorry couldn't resist.
>I'm surprised it got so popular, but not really because for
>the last few years everything on the radio has seemed even
>more geared towards being party music. It sounds ok when I
>hear a certain song remixed but it is hard to find any variety
>for me because I don't listen to it much and it all starts to
>sound the same.

Yup, agreed. That's basically my problem with it.. is the lack of variety.. Seems like the "art" of it is to produce the highest quality distortion.. some of the sounds are cool but I just don't see myself being drawn to it too much...