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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectYou stay wrong huh
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2649927&mesg_id=2650919
2650919, You stay wrong huh
Posted by Anonymous, Thu Jan-19-12 03:38 PM
>So, you insinuated that I was mindlessly force fed Drake.
>I was introduced Drake by my brother before he blew up.

I don't care how you were introduced...and never insinuated.

>>And yea, KRS could be said that he is to hip-hop what Stevie
>was to >Motown. KRS is a legend whether you like him or not
>and he has made >timeless music.
>I never discredited KRS's importance. You sir are the person
>who first mentioned Drake. You started this exchange. I gave
>KRS props.

Actually, someone else mentioned Drake and I just kept it going.

>>Speaking of term, I don't like Termanology either. Although I
>will >say he has suprised me at times with his wordplay and
>delivery which >is a lot more than I can say about your hero.
>Drake isn't my hero, he's not even in my top 10 favorite
>rappers OF THE MOMENT.

well that's a start

>>You actually were never like me because you are like 16 years
>old and >really don't have a clue about anything we're
>discussing. If you paid >attention, I don't like any specific
>type of hip-hop.
>I'm older than that. Paid attention to what? you're attacks at
>me. You've never explained or discussed your taste in Hip-Hop
>you just attacked mine.

Just like your boy Drake...always crying about being the victim. Starting to make sense why you like him.

>>I like quality music that isn't forced or gimmick driven. I
>>appreciate you telling me how to shed my shell too. Since you
>know, I >probably have listened to a wider variety of
>everything than most >people.
>How is Drakes music forced? Oh wait I get it; you just hate
>whatever's popular/on the radio. I was like /that/ to once.
>What's is Drakes gimmick?

And this is what I'm telling you that you don't get. if you don't understand how Drake's music is forced and a gimmick...then we just can't talk on the subject. you can keep saying that I don't like whatever is on the radio but it's just you saying it...it's simply not true. most stuff on the radio flat-out sucks, but when something comes out that I like...I say it. It's not about what gets play and what doesn't.

>I'm pretty sure you haven't listened to a wider variety of
>everything that most people, or me rather.

Ok...and you have reason to believe that why?

>>Haven't heard that one...but as a whole, I'm not a fan of the
>screw >tapes from what I've heard.
>I weep for you.

Again...just like Drake...always crying. It's making sense now.

>>sure...I like a lot of Southern music. I actually was looking
>at it >the other day and I like a lot more hip-hop from the
>South than from >the West.
>You say you listen to a wider variety of artists than most.
>You barely even scratch the surface of Southern Hip-Hop.

I LISTED a few artist that I like.

>You listed the Carter 2 really? lol. There's so much more than
>Freddie Gibbs??? -_-.....

Again...you are too dumb to understand that "listening to" and "checking out" or "hearing" are completely different. Just because I checked something out and decided that I didn't like it doesn't mean that I only "scratched the surface." I check out everything but I don't LISTEN to everything on a regular basis.

>>LOL @ my true colors. as if liking Screw certifies you as a
>true hip->hop fan or something. if you like Drake "sonically"
>then you like >wack shit.
>I think good music is good music, and regardless of genre etc.
>someone who loves good music can appreciate any type of good
>The fact that there's an entire niche within Hip-Hop that you
>by your own admission haven't delved into shows me you haven't
>reached........ idk self-actualization (as far as one's
>journey into being a fan of music is concerned.)

Who said I didn't delve into it? I checked it out and didn't like it so I left it alone. *shrugs* LOL

>>It's one line...and like you're focusing on Stevie above, you
>seem >not understand the concept of an example. because there
>are plenty >other lines I can quote...I am just lazy and went
>for the easy one. >But you can't fault me for that because I'm
>talking to someone who is >resorting to terms like
>"backpacker" siting artists like Termanology >and claiming I
>must only like Outkast from the South. It's also >hilarious
>when people mention those smart guy.
>Here's the good part find me more examples of Drake putting on
>his fake tough guy act. It baffles me that Drake get's
>criticized for doing in some lines, what most MC's do with
>their ENTIRE CAREER's. That, is acting tough.

His whole style is just cornball. and this is what I'm saying you don't understand. If you're a cornball...you probably like Drake. If you can see-thru his act, you know he's a cornball and can't mess with him. How is that hard to understand?

>>He actually is both and that is what is see-through about
>him. he has >no real identity. he is trying to be all of those
>things and it ALL >comes off fake. since you know, you didn't
>understand what I meant >when I said "see-through." and my
>point is that if you think Drake is >an honest artist then I
>simply have to laugh at you because you can't >see-through the
>fake shit he is doing.
>You, I'm sure, haven't explored Drakes discography. Well good
>sir, if you did you'd discover he has very little material
>about catching bodies/toe tagging/mafioso-themes in general. I
>actually off the top of my head can't even think of a single
>song that solely focuses on any of those themes.

I have heard enough through the radio and friends and internet suggestions to know that it's all the same and all sucks.

>But, because of that famously quoted "catch a body like that"
>line he is suddenly a fake thug.
>This really speaks to the greatness of Drake. With one
>incredibly powerful line he has defined himself in the eyes of
>many, that he sang might I add. That's ill./sarcasm

LOL @ the greatness of Drake...just stop man. It is embarrassing. I am sad for you man.

>How can someone who doesn't listen to an artist, define that
>artists identity.

Because I have heard enough of his material to form my opinion.

>>Maybe it's just me, but I tend to buy MOP's tough talk and
>>"representation" of being a product of their environment more
>than >Drake.
>Just like Nas right (my favorite rapper)? Or how about
>Yeah Raekwon was that nigga in the streets.
>>Simmer down youngin'
>>Maybe...maybe not. But if you understood hip-hop at it's
>foundation >then you wouldn't respect gimmicky artists like
>Drake and Rick Ross.
>Ugh, you're problem is you're way to idealistic about this
>shit, and I think it's because you're white. No racism.

I'm not idealistic at all. I was just having a conversation with someone who hates Kast because of their more commercial material and telling him why it was great across the board. Quality is Quality. So you can miss me with the racism lol.

>You been listening to way to much KRS-One. This whole idea of
>Hip-Hop being this sacred institution, consisting of
>B-Boys/DJ's/MC is retarded in 2011. There are NO RULES TO
>HIP-HOP. It's about rapping to your fans/making good
>albums/making money. You can grab the mic and lie all you
>want, If you're skilled/and make a connection with me, I'll
>buy your album.

I don't even play KRS like that. But see...Drake isnt skilled. Simple as that. and that's where I stand. The dude is not talented as an artist or MC so I don't like him. it's not about sticking to rules.

>I like Rick Ross, I like Drake. That doesn't mean I don't
>understand Hip-Hop. Because I still listen to Paid in Full. I
>still love Krush Groves.

Good for you.

>>And what I am telling you is that it will "click" with you
>when you >realize Drake is not good by any means.
>You sir are not the barometer for what is and isn't good
>music. Hate to break it to you. If you were you'd probably
>know how to make good music. #ouch

Just like Phil Jackson was a Hall of Fame player and Michael Jordan is a Hall of Fame GM/Owner right?

>So, in your eyes I'm under some kind of illusion; and I'm
>simply confused in thinking that Drake has any ounce of talent
>wtf? really?
>Sit Down Man.

Yea...you actually are.

>The Drake hate is very trivial to me. He's like the ideal

He is? How so?

>To me he's the guy that bridges the gap, it's something that a
>serious music listener like myself and a Top-40 listeners like
>my sister.


Go somewhere man.