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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectThanks for the props, sir. I appreciate it.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2649153&mesg_id=2649493
2649493, Thanks for the props, sir. I appreciate it.
Posted by mrhood75, Sat Jan-14-12 01:59 AM
It means a lot that an LA O.G. like yourself enjoyed the episode. Glad you took the time to check it out.

>Hearing these songs and hearing Mark talk about all the
>'behind the scenes' stories brings back alot of memories
>during those days....ah yes, those were good memories :)

Cool, that's what we were going for. Mark shares even more insight in part 2.

>Thank you for playing "Blessings" on your podcast. My group
>the Visionaries were the type of group that you either love us
>or hate us...but we were just blessed (excuse the pun) to be
>part of the LA Underground/Independent Hip Hop scene & it's

Been a fan of the crew since the first Key Kool and Rhett album. And I own the first three Visionaries albums. Y'all have always had y'all lane and did your thing. Also got a chance to see you guys perform at the "Unity Reunion" show in Summer 2010, and was glad to see that you guys still held it down on stage.

>And to the person that said Mark Luv is obnoxious, he is not.
>He's a great man with a big heart and is just like that with
>people he is friends with and comfortable with. I should
>know, Mark & myself always bag on each other when we see each
>other cause we have that type of friendship. And yes, Mark is
>a Triple OG....if anyone has the authority to speak upon the
>history of the LA Hip Hop Scene during the 90's, he does. I'm
>just lucky to known him for such a very looooong time....LOL!

I know my homie Mageddon didn't mean any disrespect. I know that's just how Mark likes to mess around, especially if you ain't seen him in a while. Shoot, I'm gone on talking shit back and forth with Mark for HOURS on end.

>But yeah...big respect....looking forward to hearing the 2nd
>part of your podcast.

Word. Should be coming soon.