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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectRIP The Listening Room, 12/1/2010 - 12/2/2011
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2633138&mesg_id=2633138
2633138, RIP The Listening Room, 12/1/2010 - 12/2/2011
Posted by lonesome_d, Mon Nov-28-11 04:12 PM

brought to my attention by the inimitable Howard S. Ya.

That basically gives those of us who've been frequenting TLR and Mumu before it a week to look over our options and make recommendations. I feel like if we had a site combining the strengths of those two it'd be killer, but alas.

Preferred characteristics, if anyone has a contender or if any developers are combing the OKP forums looking for ideas:

-it works
-everyone in the room gets to program music
-no max # contributors (at least not an unreasonably low # like 5)
-no points/popularity system
-no FB/Twitter necessary for those of us still in the 2000s

Less important:
-no limit on artist/song/album plays in a row
-no available library (I feel like that's a crutch, but I know some people like it)

Of contested importance:
-playlist visibility (to others)
-playlist flexibility
-cute avatars
-accurate 'time elapsed' functions so we have an idea how long the song is
-ability to jump around within the same song