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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectyou guys are going waaaaaaay to the extreme.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2538738&mesg_id=2539999
2539999, you guys are going waaaaaaay to the extreme.
Posted by disco dj, Wed Apr-20-11 04:20 PM
>So you actually would have wanted to see that? Backing Ice
>T's wack ass side rock project would have done nothing for
>Fishbone but probably frustrate the hell out of them.

Dude. It might've been ONE song or an EP. We'll never even know.

All I'M saying is as a fan of a band that I can get into contact with, I would call them to do something, if I'm in that position. Ice T just threw some shit together and hoped for the best.

It's not
>like Body Count blew up. They basically only sold any records
>at all because of the Cop Killer controversy.

THAT'S my point. They weren't even good.

I just think
>it's unfair to say that Ice T is full of shit because he
>didn't hire them as his backing band. Just because you are a
>fan of a band doesn't mean that you automatically are going to
>make them your band on your side project and I'm glad that it
>never happened.

No, but if you're doing someting that they're good at, why NOT give them a look. Especially if you have the leverage to do it? Rappers put other acts on all the time.

We might not be reflecting on Fishbone so
>fondly if that ever did happen.

So do we hate Public Enemy because of the collaboration with Anthrax? Do we discount KRS-ONE's body of work because of the verse he did on REM's "Radio Song"?

It's a shame that they didn't
>"blow up" but that doesn't affect how I listen to those

Not at all.