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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjectyou should know better than anybody how this shit goes...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2516989&mesg_id=2517025
2517025, you should know better than anybody how this shit goes...
Posted by disco dj, Fri Feb-25-11 10:49 PM
>dude, if i can make semi-decent songs on a budget of $0, then
>why can't the talented artists??

and I'll overlook "semi-decent". Because YOU started thos whole thing talking about quality, so imagine if somebody doesn't feel 'obligated' to buy your music for the *sound* quality of it?

"that shit was dope...but it aint got enough bass in it...I ain't payin' for that shit."

WHY does it have to cost an
>arm and a leg (and possibly another appendage) to crank out
>some good choons?

artwork ( photography and or digital design).

and so on. Ain't NONE of that shit free. And I'm sick of repeating this. and this is just a little boutique release that MIGHT wind up in a local record store. Think of a major project. ( And if we're talking about rehearsals and shit that bands do? triple the cost...)

and how does that directly correlate to
>consumers having the responsibility of carrying said artist?

because SOMEBODY has to pay for that stuff. Where do you think the funding comes from?

I've put out (duplicated with artwork) free mix CD's, so I can TOTALLY dig setting shit out for free just to make people happy. But when it comes time to record original material? I spend money, and a lot of it, depending on the project...

>at least consumers buy for the reason of enjoying the music,
>FOR the music. all u hear from artists is they wanna make
>their loot, ohnoes they're worried bout making back their
>loot, loot loot loot.

it's a little more complex than that...

at what point do they grow up and find
>better ways of sustaining a livable income that doesn't
>involve making the listeners feel like criminals?

so which is it? "Grow up" or "Make shit I like, and do it at no cost to me"?

c'mon man...

>iono man, to me that's not a valid argument anymore.

we'll keep talkin' about...
