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Forum nameThe Lesson
Topic subjecthmm sounds just regular to me
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2336647&mesg_id=2374281
2374281, hmm sounds just regular to me
Posted by 3d1gg4, Fri May-21-10 04:43 AM
here is a rare one. uploaded yesterday.

most of the stuff I posted here is stuff I find while browsing randomly between discogs and youtube but there are some cats who upload rare stuff on the regular that I subscribed to on youtube. the guy above is one of them.

one of my finds of last week was Jean-Claude Vannier and the dope compilation of reissues from the BYG label by Finders Keepers
french esoteric rock-funk goodness


learned afterwards that Gaslamp Killer had put people onto some of that on one of his mixes last year

+++last man standing takes a seat+++