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Topic subjectokayfit: summer time!
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13505231, okayfit: summer time!
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Jun-06-24 04:26 PM
how's your summer body going?

any new goals?

has your eating gotten better?

any new exercises or routines?

in my view, I don't look like I work out lol. this belly is doing too much. other folks think I'm fitter than I am.

my eating is still suspect. will power just won't. still a work in progress.

I've been doing more activity lately. my son has a jeet kune do classes 3 days a week for 90 minutes. the class is held at a crossfit gym.

while he's doing that, I'll go run 2 miles. once I back to the gym, I'll either jump rope with a 3lb rope or do some work with the weights. sometimes I'll do a few pull ups as well.

that heavy rope is crazy! 3lbs sounds light, but it really tests my cardio. I can do a minute at most.

this may be the last year that I do real running. the knees are starting to complain. so I'm thinking about swimming.

can you swim? I can't really swim. I can 'freestyle', but not real swimming. I'll need some lessons to get right.


13505232, RE: okayfit: summer time!
Posted by JtothaI, Thu Jun-06-24 05:16 PM
>in my view, I don't look like I work out lol. this belly is
>doing too much. other folks think I'm fitter than I am.

Same with the belly, I feel you! I've been seeing some (good) upper body gains and people at work have commented that I'm toning up.

Good work getting it in where you can while your son is in class. You could easily sit under a tree and listen to a podcast or something.

As much as I'm active I should be a monster...but food and likka.

I generally eat pretty well during the week, Chicken, rice and veggies for dinner but then some nights I get an itching for a second dinner and whip up a quesadilla or nachos. lol

And I do like some sweets after dinner but I'm getting better about that.

Routine is basically...

1. Bootcamp/Crossfit class 4 times a week

2. Swim 1mi @ lunch break twice a week, and on weekends if I'm visiting fam I can get in a 2mi swim in the Long Beach bay but that hasn't been often at all this year.

3. Run 10-12 mi a week (this is where I need to step up and notice the belly disappear slowly, I used to be closer to 20mi a week and I'm about 20lbs heavy right now)

4. Walk the dog a few miles when I can

Once or twice a year I do this 2 week or so battle rope program that culminates in you working the ropes for 20mins straight. I need to jump back on that.
13505403, lol food and likka
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Jun-13-24 01:56 PM
I don't good on the alcohol. I might get a few drinks month.

that's good that you're starting see some changes and the folks are noticing. I gotta get back on that.

where are you swimming?
13505236, good news: the bulk is bulking
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Jun-06-24 10:57 PM
bad news: the bulk is BULKING holy shit

so the last time i really posted about my training on here was early march when i was about 172 lbs. After that I was on the road 4 days a week for like 8 of the next 9 weeks so i yoyo'd between 170 and 177. been home for the last two weeks and now i'm hitting about 183 in the afternoons by the time i get ready to train

that extra weight is paying off on my lifts, and my quads look incredible now. but my midsection is cooked. the kids at the gym stay cracking on me cause i finally lost my abs.

as far as new PRs I hit a 550 deadlift (5 lb PR) late April. I got 562 up the next week but lost grip at he top

then i hit rough 523 lb squat (38 lb PR) mid-May and that kind of ruined the rest of my training because my back was so sore the rest of the week my bench and deadlift PR attempts were fucked.

next comp is in September. meet prep starts in July. going for 550/341/606 on all 3 lifts
13505405, you're in your bag with this competition work.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Jun-13-24 02:52 PM
lol @ cooked. they're disappeared quickly. I think I see one ab on me. they're in there somewhere.

for bulking are you eating the same food but more of it? more frequently?
13505249, Got a lot bigger over the winter & spring
Posted by flipnile, Fri Jun-07-24 01:37 PM
Currently at my peak college ball-playing weight, 215lbs (up from ~205 last year). I'm tall & lanky, so that weight isn't that much for me.

Been slowly going up in weight with my lifts and it's paid off. Wondering if I can hit a fit & healthy 220 by the end of the year.

One drawback is that I used to have an 8-pack when I was skinnier, now I'm more muscular and only have a 6 (if I flex, lol). Something other people wouldn't notice, but I do. Mid-section looking thicker than I ever remember.

Tried running again, and got sore feet & knees again so I've been sticking with bike riding 2-3X a week. My mom gave me a couple of old exercise bike, so I've got those ready in the basement to ride whenever the weather is bad also.
13505407, i may have asked before but how tall are you?
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Jun-13-24 03:04 PM
I'm usually between 210-215. not that tall, but definitely no longer lanky.

the running is taking taking a tole on my knees lately. will probably switch to something else eventually.

I'd never consider myself a runner, but it's tough to give up. I can do it with no equipment other than shoes and it doesn't matter the season.
13508179, I'm 6'6", so I'm just starting to look like I lift with clothes on, lol
Posted by flipnile, Fri Aug-02-24 10:41 AM
Had to be wearing a tank & shorts for anyone to notice before, but now I've had a few "you're looking bigger" comments in the past few months when wearing regular clothes.

I *love* running, but I've had to take a break. I've been having some symptoms of plantar fasciitis the past year, and rest has been helping so I'm gonna keep it up.

Been riding my bike for cardio, although it's much more planning involved (route, making sure the bike is road-ready, helmet, gloves and other gear). Running, I'm away from cars on a trail. Biking, I have to ride on the road sometimes.
13505260, holding steady. trying to whittle down this BMI
Posted by bearfield, Fri Jun-07-24 06:15 PM
currently trying to optimize my time on the stationary bike. goal for each session is a 20 mph pace and i'll extend or shorten the time based on how i'm feeling and how much i worked out the previous day. so 10 mi in 30 mins, 15 in 45, 20 in 60 etc. generally i'm hitting 100 mi/week

i'm walking a lot, usually 3-4 times/week after work, usually 4 miles (fantastic palate cleanser and screen break fwiw), and longer on the weekends. walked 7 miles on mother's day. was otp with my mom while on the walk and she was like "you need to turn around" when i told her i was at 3.5 miles šŸ˜. looking at getting into jogging but might wait until fall when it cools down a bit

doing more pilates and yoga in addition to dumbbells. trying to tone up my core and lower body and build up my upper body. shoulders and arms are looking pretty appealing and approaching proportionate to my lower body which got super buff thanks to all this biking and walking. feel pretty good about how i'm looking these days, particularly since i'm approaching 50. getting leers from women and jeers from their (usually male) SO so i must doing something right
13505408, man, you're doing sprints on the stationary.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Jun-13-24 03:10 PM
you'll probably do well with running since you're already walking a ton. it'll be an easy transition.

yup, something's working!
13505415, i'm at altitude (denver) so even jogging is really tough
Posted by bearfield, Thu Jun-13-24 05:07 PM
>you'll probably do well with running since you're already
>walking a ton. it'll be an easy transition.

i can jog in spurts but i'm out of breath very quickly. when i'm on my stationary bike i'm good. i started doing uphill sprints since i'm out of breath after like 20 steps anyway. we'll see how/if that builds up my endurance
13505579, oh, gotcha.
Posted by tariqhu, Mon Jun-17-24 11:28 PM
that'll make a difference for sure.
13505355, one thing i love about the summer is how better produce is
Posted by tomjohn29, Wed Jun-12-24 09:36 AM
have a lidl and amazon fresh within walking distance
do my run and as im heading back stop at the store for a snack
its really helped in being motivated
13505409, that's good living fr.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Jun-13-24 03:12 PM
13505404, I've dropped 20+ since the end of Feb/beginning of March
Posted by mrhood75, Thu Jun-13-24 02:48 PM
Trying to drop another 5-10 pounds over the summmer. Already going through a pretty serious change in diet; I honestly can't believe I've been doing mostly plant-based meals four nights a week, much less enjoying. Helps when wifey is super supportive.

Getting exercise through walking a lot more. Finally past my "brick wall" that I've never really been able to get beyond. We'll see where it goes from here.
13505410, yo, that's good work! congrats on the progress.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Jun-13-24 03:17 PM
how tough was the food transition?

what was the wall? a certain distance?
13505574, Thank you, sir
Posted by mrhood75, Mon Jun-17-24 05:22 PM
The food transition wasn't that tough. It helps that my wife is a REALLY good cook and has been completely supportive. So we've found ways to eat low carb and occasionally (and increasingly) ovo-lacto vegetarian while still incorporating food that I like. Plus, I've been slowly trying vegetables that I never had much of a taste for, and I'm enjoying enjoying.

The brick wall was a certain weight that I couldn't get past. Now I'm a few pounds below it, and can hopefully can further beyond that.
13505411, took my bike off road for first time.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Jun-13-24 03:21 PM
had hella fun! didn't die. almost crashed a few times, but was able to keep my balance.

got lost while the woods. after going in circles, I finally figured my way out.

I thought I was doing something with my 2-3 road rides. this one hour of off road kicked my ass. 5/5 stars though.

13508142, Rejoined gym - got 24 traning sessions
Posted by handle, Thu Aug-01-24 01:42 PM
Starting tonight back on strength training. First time back since COVID.

Going to be *sore as hell* for the first month at least.
13508161, get it!
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Aug-01-24 04:44 PM
I love that soreness.
13508181, That sore feeling kinda feels good in a weird way
Posted by flipnile, Fri Aug-02-24 10:46 AM
>Going to be *sore as hell* for the first month at least.

Like some kind of nostalgia or something. Maybe because it's hard to get sore after training for a while, so it brings back memories of starting a new workout and making gains.

That funny walk from squats might be my favorite.

Anyway, congrats bro. Look forward to hearing about your progress.
13509096, I'm too out of shape to get real sore right now
Posted by handle, Fri Aug-16-24 03:35 PM
I'm lifting a lot less than I think I can because my muscles aren't remembering the movement *and* because I'm just tiring out.

I remember when I started that it took a few months for me to be able to not only get near the top of the weight I could pick up but to also not tire out too quickly. Then the gains started coming.

But I'm going twice a week for 50 minutes until at least January 1st, I'm hoping that October I'll be back into the groove.

On work-out days I'm drinking water, having protein and carbs (eggs, chili, etc.) and trying to get a good night sleep.

I have to stop hiking as much the day before, I did a 9.5 mile hike with 1,800 feet elevation gain in 3:15 on Wednesday and I was still super tired by workout time on Thursday. I need to move harder hikes to Friday, Saturday and Sunday and do smaller hikes the other days.

While I've gained some weight recently (up to 260 from around 245) and slowed down a little I'm still in really good shape *for me.*

Had a physical and blood work and everything is spot on - blood pressure, b-12, iron, D, etc. (As a vegetarian since 1988 my lipid are always more than perfect.)
13509105, Youā€™re a big boy
Posted by rdhull, Fri Aug-16-24 05:14 PM
>I'm lifting a lot less than I think I can because my muscles
>aren't remembering the movement *and* because I'm just tiring
>I remember when I started that it took a few months for me to
>be able to not only get near the top of the weight I could
>pick up but to also not tire out too quickly. Then the gains
>started coming.
>But I'm going twice a week for 50 minutes until at least
>January 1st, I'm hoping that October I'll be back into the
>On work-out days I'm drinking water, having protein and carbs
>(eggs, chili, etc.) and trying to get a good night sleep.
>I have to stop hiking as much the day before, I did a 9.5 mile
>hike with 1,800 feet elevation gain in 3:15 on Wednesday and I
>was still super tired by workout time on Thursday. I need to
>move harder hikes to Friday, Saturday and Sunday and do
>smaller hikes the other days.
>While I've gained some weight recently (up to 260 from around
>245) and slowed down a little I'm still in really good shape
>*for me.*
>Had a physical and blood work and everything is spot on -
>blood pressure, b-12, iron, D, etc. (As a vegetarian since
>1988 my lipid are always more than perfect.)
13508145, Soooo, we going to talk about this Ozempic?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Aug-01-24 02:14 PM
So many people around me are doing it. Folks showing up with dramatic weight loss. But still, if you are not working out and toning with it looks...sloppy.

My brother is doing something like Ozempic with good results. He is a gym rat and runner but it helps him with his one issue which is eating too much. I think that's the idea type of candidate.

I am tempted to try it to get rid of like 10 lbs and be done with it. I can see a lot of people starting to go from thick winters and thin summers since the drug will make it so easy to drop weight.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13508160, I know a couple of people using that or the other versions.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Aug-01-24 04:43 PM
one guy told me he lost 30 on Wegovy.

It's cool that there's a tool that folks can use to help themselves get healthier. like all other meds, I wonder what the long term negative effects will be.

last I heard, it's was fda approved for weight loss. it's approved for diabetes, but weight loss is also a side effect.

here's some quick info:

Ozempic side effects

Common Ozempic side effects

Common Ozempic side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, constipation, upset stomach, heartburn, burping, gas, bloating, loss of appetite, runny nose or sore throat, stomach flu symptoms or headache, dizziness, tiredness and low blood sugar (in people with type 2 diabetes).

Serious Ozempic side effects.

Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction, such as hives, itching, dizziness, fast heartbeats, difficult breathing, or swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

I'd likely never use it unless I actually get diabetes. hopefully, I won't need anything to help me lose weight.
13509307, I've been on Wegovy (the weight loss version) since 2021
Posted by handle, Wed Aug-21-24 03:08 PM
>I am tempted to try it to get rid of like 10 lbs and be done
>with it. I can see a lot of people starting to go from thick
>winters and thin summers since the drug will make it so easy
>to drop weight.

It's not used to lose 10 pounds, at least not the prescribed versions. This drug is for people who weigh 50 pounds or more overweight,

I basically lost 65 pounds from 310 to 245 in just over a year, and over the next 20 months I've regained about 15, so down 50.

It does two main things: You think about food a lot less and you digest food more slowly.

I'd say if your doctor thinks it's a good idea to do it.

My doctor is trying to switch me to Zepbound (the weight louse version of Mounjaro) but it has been unavailable through our pharmacy for the last 5 months.

If you can get the actual molecules in a compounded form it seems to work just as well - but it's like buying street drugs - you never know what's in it.

To paraphrase Willie D "Thought he had semaglutide, but it was gold medal flour."

13509566, I got the Zepbound medication now
Posted by handle, Fri Aug-30-24 11:41 AM

Video explainer that seems okay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fAnrVCppEs

Took my first show on Monday at noon.

Since the injection of Zepbound (12.5mg since I switched from Wegovy) I've had ZERO 'food noise' and have not snacked a single time. (it's only been 5 days.

Fingers crossed.
13508158, making progress on jogging/running
Posted by bearfield, Thu Aug-01-24 04:20 PM
training my lungs by doing 30 mph sprints on my stationary bike ā€” while using the handlebars ā€” for as long as i can take it. kind of HIIT but not really. able to translate this into jogging until i'm out of breath, walking to recover, jogging again, etc. slowly building up my endurance. have a ~3 mile circuit nearby that i can complete pretty easily. goal is to get to 50/50 running/walking, then up to 75/25, then 100/0

i really need new shoes. have some nike infinity react flyknits that i thought were good but my left foot blisters and black/dead pinky toenail disagree. thinking they are a little too tight (left foot is slightly bigger than right) so i probably just need to go to a professional running shop and get properly fitted

i really like running quite a bit, and had forgotten that i liked it. used to run the mile in jr high for the track team. i wasn't able to run when i lived in the mid-south (little rock, memphis) bc it was too hot and humid and i was working evening shifts. running at 1 AM after work was out of the question, and waking up and running at noon before work at 95+ degrees and 90% humidity would have functionally been slow suicide
13508162, you are making good progress. your plan will probably work will too.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Aug-01-24 05:07 PM
for the shoes, definitely check out a running store for the fit. however, changing shoes may not fix the issues. your form could be causing your feet to slide forward each time you land, making the toes smash up against the front of the shoe.

years ago, I was also getting the black pinky toenail. found out I was running my own way and striking the ground all wrong, especially once I was tired.

Found a video on fixing my form and it changed everything. stop having plantar issues and no more painful toes or black pinky toenail. it also made my times much faster because changing the form made me a lot more efficient.

this is a different video, but same message. it's basically foot strike should be mid-foot, lift the feet heels up properly, and pain attention to your posture.


Took a bit of focus when I was learning this, but it def paid off.
13508164, nice and ty! that's the other angle i was considering
Posted by bearfield, Thu Aug-01-24 06:23 PM
i tend to put most of the weight on the outside and front of my foot. figured it was a lack of knowledge plus poor form from never really learning how to run properly
13509022, this really helped, thanks again
Posted by bearfield, Thu Aug-15-24 05:29 PM
as long as i keep it top of mind, my strides are better and my toes aren't jamming/rubbing up against my shoe. no blisters lately

almost at 50/50 walking (high pace) and running on this nearby 3-4 mi circuit. love how exhausted i am at the end, worried that when i can 100% it it's going to be not as effective. weird how exercise is like drugs and there is a tolerance of sorts where you see diminishing returns after a certain point šŸ™ƒ
13509060, you're welcome!
Posted by tariqhu, Fri Aug-16-24 11:35 AM
glad it's been helpful. it took me a little while to not think about it doing and it eventually became the a habit.
13508205, 4-5 x a week. But my diet sucks lately
Posted by rdhull, Sat Aug-03-24 05:10 PM
13508206, Oh and Lenny K is my nemesis
Posted by rdhull, Sat Aug-03-24 05:11 PM
13508998, highs and lows
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Aug-15-24 01:28 PM
highs - mountain biking, wish I'd done this sooner in life! this shit is a blast. it's a lot of fun going downhill and even the climbing is cool. this is way different on the body than street riding. a lot more energy spent in a much shorter time.

going back this saturday. the folks I've come across on the trails have been really nice.

lows - I've had to stop lifting and pretty much any upper body workouts. been dealing with tennis elbow for while. I was managing it decently. however, something new has come up.

now I also have triceps tendonitis. also both elbows. doc says to chill for at least 6 weeks until the next visit. I'm guessing it'll be longer depending on the healing progress.

didn't realize it would be so tough to not do anything. it is what it is.
13509000, for those that bench press, which version are you doing?
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Aug-15-24 01:41 PM
when I get back to it, I think I'll start doing it with my back flat on the bench rather than curved. my understanding is flat back engages the chest more.

I've been doing the power lifting style with my back curved. finding it doesn't get my chest the way I'd like.

13509050, I've only ever done flat back bench presses
Posted by flipnile, Fri Aug-16-24 09:51 AM
Back in the 90s older gym dudes told me that curved back was bad form, so I never benched that way. To work other parts of the chest, I do inclines, declines, dumbbell flys and dips.
13509064, from what I've seen/read, curved back is useful for a specific type of
Posted by tariqhu, Fri Aug-16-24 12:12 PM
lifting. my version isn't nearly as curved as what I've seen though.

I do incorporate some of those other exercises when I'm at a gym. just kinda limited at the house.
13509057, flat..that curved Alien chestburster back is some bs
Posted by rdhull, Fri Aug-16-24 10:52 AM
>when I get back to it, I think I'll start doing it with my
>back flat on the bench rather than curved. my understanding is
>flat back engages the chest more.
>I've been doing the power lifting style with my back curved.
>finding it doesn't get my chest the way I'd like.
13509066, lol
Posted by tariqhu, Fri Aug-16-24 12:16 PM
and apparently not as effective for building strength as the flat back.
13509071, It is. I hate it but you gotta game within the rules
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri Aug-16-24 12:32 PM
The arch is to shorten ROM but also to protect your shoulders long term
I can push 315 flat back but about 341 with the arch

I resisted doing the crazy arch for the longest.
13509028, Iā€™ve done great with walking/running and dropped 15 pounds since May
Posted by DJR, Thu Aug-15-24 05:54 PM
Just started lifting weights this week - have lifted 5 of the last 6 days. Hadnā€™t consistently lifted since last summer, probably. Going to try to stay with it long term.
13509068, good work on the weight loss.
Posted by tariqhu, Fri Aug-16-24 12:21 PM
what's the goal? like what weight are you shooting for?

consistency has been my issue lately. I was good for while, then had to start dealing with the injuries. I'll chill for as long as needed to let things heal up.
13509073, Iā€™m good on the weight now
Posted by DJR, Fri Aug-16-24 12:59 PM
Iā€™m now back at what has always been my normal weight range of 175-180. From here, if I put on some because of muscle gain, great. But I feel good.

Back in April/May, I hit 192 which is the most Iā€™ve ever weighed. I got into a winter rut of not working out and slipping a bit with the dietā€¦.but I just couldnā€™t get motivated to break out of that. Usually by Feb/March Iā€™m in the gym every day - this year I just didnā€™t do it. Was definitely drinking too often too.

13509086, that's great that you recognized your patterns and took action.
Posted by tariqhu, Fri Aug-16-24 02:30 PM
I'm at 220 now. my heaviest.

I enjoy working out and will do as much as I can with it, but my eating has tanked and I've yet to get it right. gotta figure that out.
13509093, i've repeated this in other fit threads but this deon cole bit is apt
Posted by bearfield, Fri Aug-16-24 02:54 PM

whenever i think about getting oreos or a pizza or any other food i used to be able to house without issue when i was younger, i think about this bit and decide to go in a healthier direction. i still eat unhealthy foods on cheat days but for the most part i just don't buy the unhealthy stuff. i can't eat unhealthy stuff if there isn't unhealthy stuff around me, and i'm certainly not going to convince myself to run down to the store just for something that is going to make me feel bad after i eat it

unsure of your ability to cook but cooking solves a lot of diet problems. even simple stuff like instant pot collard greens is fast, super easy, and good for you. also sticking to the 50/25/25 rule of 75% grains and veg and 25% meat. i used to be way out of balance with my ratios and slowly tapering down to less meat has helped. portion control is important too, and probably the toughest thing to implement bc feeling hungry after you've eaten is pretty frustrating. off hours snacking can be really detrimental to progress even though it might seem harmless. i used a calorie tracker for about half a year and it fully put into focus how bad my eating habits were. sometimes seeing the raw data in front of you is what you need to change your mindset
13509140, a calorie tracker might be a good idea. thanks.
Posted by tariqhu, Sun Aug-18-24 03:21 PM
I think this really all started when I was stressed with the job and working from home. stress eating started. it was new to me as I'd never experienced it before. I'm in a much less stressful job, but still eating like I was while I had it.

my cooking is ok. I should do more of it. for now, I'm going start replacing snacks with better ones like fruit or items with low sugar. one positive that I've started recently is drinking a lot more water.

I know how to fix things. I've done it before. lately, my willingness to do the fixes hasn't happened.

13509141, Thankfully I donā€™t have a sweet tooth at all, so that helps
Posted by DJR, Sun Aug-18-24 03:33 PM
but the walk into a bar to order some wings or a burger and fries, and have a beer while waiting for them and then another beer or two while eating them move - thatā€™s my weakness, and those calories add up quickly.
13509145, I'm an occasional drinker. every once in a while, I'll have a drink, but
Posted by tariqhu, Sun Aug-18-24 10:55 PM
it's usually limited to one per meal and even that's a maybe.

the starches and other junk are where my calories come from. just gotta decide not to partake and go!
13509168, it's like beating an addiction or bad habit
Posted by bearfield, Mon Aug-19-24 01:33 PM
>just gotta decide not to partake and go!

the further you get away from it, time-wise, the easier it gets. just remember what the starchy junk tastes like in your mind, remind yourself that it's not good for you, and keep it moving. enough successful reps of that and it becomes a good habit and eventually second nature rather than something requiring effort. willpower is the "easy" part of all of this stuff. anyone can stop doing something for a little while. the discipline is what's tough, and that only builds with repeated reps
13509321, to this very point! didn't feel like putting miles in yesterday
Posted by bearfield, Wed Aug-21-24 07:54 PM
>the discipline is what's tough, and that only builds with
>repeated reps

had a rough day at work, anxious, stressed out, high on jackson heightz, too late to go for a walk or run, and actively despised the idea of getting on the stationary bike. i knew that if i didn't get some kind of workout in that stress/anxiety would carry over to bedtime and keep me up. so i got on anyway, cranked out 11.5 mi in 35 mins (including 6 mins warmup/cooldown) and felt way better after i did it. got a nice sweat in and was fairly worn out afterward. rest of the evening was way better than it would have been had i not worked out. this is the discipline. you do it even when you don't want to, especially when you don't want to. whatever you have to tell yourself to make it happen. as long as it gets done
13509592, great job!.
Posted by tariqhu, Mon Sep-02-24 02:54 PM
this is the way.

I did that today as I didn't feel like doing a bike ride, but I also know that I've only done one workout since the last ride. was on vacation last week and ran just one day.

got back to it today with two hour ride. tired af, but needed to make it happen.

13509591, Setback - INJURY
Posted by handle, Mon Sep-02-24 01:35 PM
I was warming up at the gym and my trainer said to use the row machine. He watched and said I was splaying my knees out and to hold them in more - and I did so.

Well - I got a strain in my right quad :( Been 6 days and it still hurts, and I've been advised to stay off it - so no hiking and very little legs on leg day :(

I have a 30+ mile hike planned for Yosemite on the 23rd - I hope I recover in time.
13509593, injuries suck.
Posted by tariqhu, Mon Sep-02-24 02:56 PM
they kill all the momentum when you have to stop.

dealing with that now as my elbows needed some rest.

good luck getting back in time for that long hike.
13509872, PT says it was "strained sartorius muscle"
Posted by handle, Wed Sep-11-24 08:56 AM
Apparently I stretched/strained/tweaked and got a minor tear in my sartorius muscle.

I had never heard of that muscle, but it goes from your hips to your knee.

Here's an anatomy image: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0536/1244/5846/files/Sartorius_Muscle_480x480.png?v=1706516441

More about that muscle: https://backmusclesolutions.com/blogs/the-ql-blawg/sartorius-muscle

Also: There's a GIANT bruise on the back of my leg just above my calf - it was not there last week.

Pain was awful until Saturday - then just kind of disappeared. I can feel "something" is wrong if a really stretch the muscle, but it's no painful.

Looks like I'll be able to go on my 9/24 Yosemite hike!
13509594, Got up and did yoga this morning
Posted by DJR, Mon Sep-02-24 05:54 PM
Then went for a 5 mile walk.

Then went to the gym and lifted weights.

If every day was a holiday, Iā€™d be in amazing shape.
13509648, way to take advantage of the day off.
Posted by tariqhu, Wed Sep-04-24 10:50 PM
you got it all in.
13509787, Yoga was the hardest workout Iā€™ve done
Posted by rdhull, Mon Sep-09-24 11:41 AM
>Then went for a 5 mile walk.
>Then went to the gym and lifted weights.
>If every day was a holiday, Iā€™d be in amazing shape.
13509782, can I just say, without the gym i don't know
Posted by jdub1313, Mon Sep-09-24 09:17 AM
i'm amazed at how my mental health improves when i work out everyday.

try to get there by 530am. see the same faces. leave after 90 min of stretching, cardio, and strength training.

Some days I dread the gym but still go.

Other days I can't wait to go, and i look forward to it the night before.

No matter what I'm always glad I went to the gym when I leave.

Recently I have been struggling financially. Starting a new business, still working at my 9-5. Dual income household but the math is not mathing with twin teenagers always with their hand out lol.

Some days I can't see a light at the end of the tunnel, but after I finish working out, i see all these opportunities and strategies to try and/or implement.

My mood improves and I'm ready to kill shit.

On the days I don't go to the gym, i'm stuck in the rut and I stay there. I don't know if that's good or bad, but I know i'd be much worse off without the gym.

shit will turn around eventually. yes I went to the gym today :)
13509903, this is a big deal.
Posted by tariqhu, Wed Sep-11-24 02:28 PM
the mental part is for real. just to get time by myself on the bike, running, or whatever I do that day.

gives me a chance to focus on what I'm doing or sometimes allows me to get more clarity on life issues.

there are times when my day has been hella busy. I'm tired and late but I'll be restless. so still strap on the kicks an go for a night time run. probably not the safest thing. these street lights are iffy sometimes lol
13510357, averaging 50+ miles/week on foot
Posted by bearfield, Mon Sep-23-24 05:15 PM
spending around 90 minutes every day (even when i tell myself to make it a shorter trip), between 5.5 and 8.5 miles, depending on my pace. floor is 110 steps/minute, goal is to move that floor up to 120, then 130. warm up for the first mile or so with normal walking, then try to hit 120 steps/minute walking, then throwing in some running (not jogging; i'm running like i used to run the mile in jr high) until i get side stitches or out of breath, recover while keeping high pace walking, then running again. pretty effective at wearing me out

i'm usually getting out as soon as i get off work at 7 PM MT to make the most of the remaining daylight and taking slightly different paths in the circuit to add some variety. i've gone through the nearly entire westside gunn discog while doing this over the past week or so. turns out griselda can be great for paced walking and running. i've def had times where i had nothing left but "joe pesci 38" comes on and i find a little more energy to run. sometimes the music dovetails nicely and i get something like "rip bobby" during a recovery stretch. great stuff. can't really think of a better way to decompress from work. it's a long screen break, i get outside in temperate weather (for now šŸ˜Ÿ), and i get to listen to great music
13510358, I used to run Tana Talk 3 in the gym almost every day lol
Posted by DJR, Mon Sep-23-24 05:39 PM
I had a long stretch where it was usually that, or sometimes Reject 2.

Which reminds me, I need some new headphones. I snapped my studio beats, left my Crusher EVOs in a hotel room, and the left headphone on my Powerbeats Pro stopped working(that shit pissed me off, I barely even used them, smh trash), all within the month of August and now I have zero pairs of working headphones.
13510360, yeah i nearly memorized that entire album the previous week
Posted by bearfield, Mon Sep-23-24 05:57 PM
great album obviously but seems particularly good for running bc it's easy on the ears, most of the songs have a nice tempo, and you can pay attention to at will, wandering in and out as you focus on the task or rest, and still get a lot out of it either way. i have a very bad habit of attempting to rap along with it while paced walking or running ā€” even breathlessly ā€” and completely running out of breath within a few seconds. old habits and all that