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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectTroubles with site-login
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13502700
13502700, Troubles with site-login
Posted by PuertoNico, Fri Apr-26-24 08:59 AM
Sorry for the xtra topic, but this is just so annoying: anybody else having trouble with reading the articles on the front page? Of course you have to register to do so, but somehow the system won't let me... whenever I try to login it says 'E-Mail-Adress is not valid' but in fact i do receive the okp-newsletter to two different adresses I'm trying to use
I just miss reading the okp-content...
13502702, I haven't been to the front page in ages
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Fri Apr-26-24 09:12 AM
I didn't know they are now requiring email registration just to read articles. I can't help you there as I won't be doing that.
13502775, I can't be...
Posted by PuertoNico, Sun Apr-28-24 07:17 AM
the only one with this problem. Am I?
13502781, You’re not the only one who sees this login behavior, but
Posted by soulfunk, Sun Apr-28-24 10:46 AM
there probably aren’t many who also view it as a problem. Because there is very little overlap between active OKP board users and people who use the actual okayplayer site.

I haven’t checked the main page regularly since the days when the Boondocks was on it. I’d guess most posters are in that same category - there’s such a small connection at this point between the site and the board. I do actually read OKP articles sometimes but only when I see them posted elsewhere like IG or Twitter.
13502799, idk where to go with main site issues
Posted by Rjcc, Sun Apr-28-24 08:56 PM
but it's completely separate

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at