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Topic subjectAlabama court effectively makes in-vitro fertilization (IVF)illegal
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13499650, Alabama court effectively makes in-vitro fertilization (IVF)illegal
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Thu Feb-22-24 11:13 AM
This is going to twist a lot of pro-life folks into knots.

The court said that embryos are people. Since extra embryos are created in the IVF process, people either need to use them all and create 8 babies, or face legal problems.

Fertility clinics in Alabama have stopped treatments for the moment over fear of prosecution.

13499651, These people crazy af
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Feb-22-24 11:28 AM
13499652, it's already affecting people.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Feb-22-24 11:33 AM
"We are saddened that this will impact our patients’ attempt to have a baby through IVF, but we must evaluate the potential that our patients and our physicians could be prosecuted criminally or face punitive damages for following the standard of care for IVF treatments,” UAB officials said.

these idiots: Alabama Chief Justice Tom Parker wrote that "even before birth, all human beings bear the image of God, and their lives cannot be destroyed without effacing his glory."

13499654, Alabama has a lot more pressing maternal issues
Posted by shygurl, Thu Feb-22-24 11:41 AM
Alabama had the nation’s third-worst maternal mortality rate between 2018 and 2020, the report found. The state’s rate (36.2 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births) was significantly higher than the national average (20.4 per 100,000) in those years.

Alabama’s infant mortality rate (7.2 infant deaths per 1,000 live births) also was much higher than the national average (5.4 per 1,000) in 2020. Black babies died at an even higher rate in Alabama that year (11.1 per 1,000 live births).

A decades-long decline in access to maternity and obstetric care in rural Alabama is compounding these statistics. Twenty-nine of Alabama’s 54 rural counties lost hospital obstetric care providers between 1980 and 2019, CCF found. These closures required women in these counties to travel farther to providers elsewhere. That, in turn, can reduce the timeliness of care and increase barriers for women with limited transportation options.



These ignorant fools have been paying for these anti-women, anti-science policies with blood and the only people they're hurting is their citizens.
13499655, So the embryos can be claimed as dependents then, right
Posted by Brew, Thu Feb-22-24 11:50 AM
13499657, Frozen embryos don't have social security numbers.
Posted by JayEmm, Thu Feb-22-24 11:59 AM

13499672, But they're people !
Posted by Brew, Thu Feb-22-24 01:22 PM
13499658, you can't ride in the HOV lane with them either.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Feb-22-24 12:05 PM
13499673, BUT THEY'RE PEOPLE !!
Posted by Brew, Thu Feb-22-24 01:22 PM
13499738, RE: BUT THEY'RE PEOPLE !!
Posted by 3CardMolly, Fri Feb-23-24 03:01 PM
I’d definitely file them on my taxes.
13499696, And then mixed with Soylent Green for a yummy snack.
Posted by squeeg, Thu Feb-22-24 06:42 PM
13499667, the idea of lesser of 2 evils holds no merit tho right? smh
Posted by mikediggz, Thu Feb-22-24 12:31 PM
13499737, Its not like this is happening w/
Posted by 3CardMolly, Fri Feb-23-24 03:00 PM
the “greater evil” in office.
If the “lesser evil” cant or wont do anything to stop it then what good is being the “lesser evil”?
13499745, It's happening because the "greater evil" got elected in 2016.
Posted by stravinskian, Fri Feb-23-24 03:23 PM

Democrats were out there saying to watch out for the supreme court. The 2016 winner was gonna get two or possibly even three picks for the supreme court. Turns out it was 3. We said it was gonna upend every damn thing. Lo and behold, it's upended every damn thing.

If more "progressives" had been willing to vote for the lesser evil in 2016, *they'd* have been the ones with a 6-3 majority in the courts by now. Voting Rights Act, Roe v Wade, affirmative action, gun regulation, gerrymandering, campaign finance, ... the world would be a completely different place.

Presidents don't make laws in the 21st century. They make appointments.

13499748, smh
Posted by Lurkmode, Fri Feb-23-24 03:36 PM

>If more "progressives" had been willing to vote for the lesser
>evil in 2016, *they'd* have been the ones with a 6-3 majority
>in the courts by now.

13499758, these points still aren't true
Posted by Stadiq, Fri Feb-23-24 04:49 PM
>Democrats were out there saying to watch out for the supreme
>court. The 2016 winner was gonna get two or possibly even
>three picks for the supreme court. Turns out it was 3. We said
>it was gonna upend every damn thing. Lo and behold, it's
>upended every damn thing.

The GOP straight up said they would not approve any of Hillary's appointments. When everyone thought she had it in the bag, GOP came out with shit like "8 is a good number"

If Hillary wins, the GOP would still be on some fuck shit. In this alternate reality where Hillary wins, she still doesn't get to nominate.

GOP blocks. Breyer doesn't retire. Etc.

I know you love to look down on people and feel smarter, but you are wrong.

Yeah people should have held their nose and voted. But voters are no more to blame than RBG's ego, Obama's miscalculation on Garland, and Biden/Democrat unwillingness to be bold in the face of bold times.

Joe Biden is still waxing poetic about working with Thurmond. Dude is not built for these fights.

>If more "progressives" had been willing to vote for the lesser
>evil in 2016, *they'd* have been the ones with a 6-3 majority
>in the courts by now.

Bullshit. See above.

Voting Rights Act, Roe v Wade,
>affirmative action, gun regulation, gerrymandering, campaign
>finance, ... the world would be a completely different place.
>Presidents don't make laws in the 21st century. They make

Even if I bought your premise- which is just built as a way to continuously rehash 2016 and predictably let Democrats off the hook for doing anything- it doesn't solve shit.

It doesn't address the issue.

Which is...right today....knowing we can't go back in time....what is the plan from the "lesser evil" party to address these things?

IF Biden and Dems are powerless to address this, why bother?

If your response/thinking is always "they should have voted for Hillary" and it ends there...then fuck it. Why worry about any of it?
13499778, When are you gonna outgrow this naive, reactionary wishposting?
Posted by stravinskian, Fri Feb-23-24 06:24 PM
You post like some kid who's Marxist/Randroid phase just seems to go on forever.

>>Democrats were out there saying to watch out for the supreme
>>court. The 2016 winner was gonna get two or possibly even
>>three picks for the supreme court. Turns out it was 3. We
>>it was gonna upend every damn thing. Lo and behold, it's
>>upended every damn thing.
>The GOP straight up said they would not approve any of
>Hillary's appointments. When everyone thought she had it in
>the bag, GOP came out with shit like "8 is a good number"

Yeah? So?

In 2018 we won back the Senate (and we would have done so with Hillary in office, too). If the GOP Senate had continued to hold up that nomination for two more years, and then the one to replace Kennedy, then obviously Schumer's senate would have ended the filibuster against supreme court nominees. Yes, we would have gotten those seats filled.

>If Hillary wins, the GOP would still be on some fuck shit. In
>this alternate reality where Hillary wins, she still doesn't
>get to nominate.
>GOP blocks. Breyer doesn't retire. Etc.
>I know you love to look down on people and feel smarter, but
>you are wrong.

I'm not smarter than you, but you are being pretty dumb. You really should try to challenge your own assumptions SOMETIMES. Pause once in a while from your obsession with blaming each of the world's problems on the only progressive coalition that has ever had political power in this country, to try and get your head around how the machinery of government actually works!

>Yeah people should have held their nose and voted. But voters
>are no more to blame than RBG's ego, Obama's miscalculation on
>Garland, and Biden/Democrat unwillingness to be bold in the
>face of bold times.

Blah. You sound like you're imagining a movie script in your head. If you "go bold" when strategy requires being defensive, you lose. The Democratic party, and the whole progressive movement in the US, is built around a loose, barely coherent coalition. We will always have to be defensive to hold our shit together.

FDR went "bold" with the New Deal then he was forced to severely pull it back, then nearly gave up altogether until a world war intervened and handled the politics for him. LBJ was only able to go "bold" after gaining power by a political assassination. And then he was still forced out by his own coalition. Progressives don't go "bold" in the US because it doesn't work for progressives to go "bold" in the US.

>Joe Biden is still waxing poetic about working with Thurmond.
>Dude is not built for these fights.
>>If more "progressives" had been willing to vote for the
>>evil in 2016, *they'd* have been the ones with a 6-3
>>in the courts by now.
>Bullshit. See above.

I did. You had some kind of cartoon going on.

>Voting Rights Act, Roe v Wade,
>>affirmative action, gun regulation, gerrymandering, campaign
>>finance, ... the world would be a completely different
>>Presidents don't make laws in the 21st century. They make
>Even if I bought your premise- which is just built as a way to
>continuously rehash 2016 and predictably let Democrats off the
>hook for doing anything- it doesn't solve shit.
>It doesn't address the issue.
>Which is...right today....knowing we can't go back in
>time....what is the plan from the "lesser evil" party to
>address these things?

The same as it always is: boring, minor, incremental change, mostly by standing in the way of Republicans' proven ability to make things worse. Slowly make the case to more and more people. Force occasional compromises as they did with the IRA, with student loans, with continual progress on medicaid expansion and other elements of the ACA.

The machinery of government is not a comic book and the President is not a goddamn superhero. If you're old enough to vote, you're supposed to be mature enough to recognize that.

>IF Biden and Dems are powerless to address this, why bother?

You mean the Alabama state supreme court decision? It really is outside the realm of Federal executive authority. But the courts will weigh in in due time. You know who's probably up next to be replaced on the highest court in the land? Clarence Thomas. Then Sam Alito. If regular voters who claim to care about these things can be a little more sober in the next decade than they were in the last, then eventually we'll have a more sensible court. Joe Biden can't do it for us, because nobody can do it for us. Grow the fuck up.

13499794, ^^^^^
Posted by Amritsar, Fri Feb-23-24 08:55 PM
I remember the exact talking point they used too

“Don’t threaten me with thr Supreme Court”

They’re complicit in all this and still have the nerve to do the Who Me routine.
13499849, So somehow Trump made more negative strides
Posted by 3CardMolly, Sat Feb-24-24 10:13 PM
than Biden made positive strides in the same damn position???

At this point I wish Ross Perot had won to break the cycle of coin flipping between two parties where one does its best to fuck us over and the other just halfass or dont do shit to ensure the fuck over continues.
13499882, Yeah.
Posted by stravinskian, Sun Feb-25-24 02:19 PM

Have you somehow come under the impression that it's an even playing field?

And as much as you might not like the two party system, it exists for purely mathematical and strategic reasons and it's never gonna end under this Constitution.
13499883, Aside from 100% voting 3 party, taking up for a 2nd
Posted by 3CardMolly, Sun Feb-25-24 03:38 PM
civil war, moving to another country…are there any other options?
13499747, That's an awful take. This is a direct result of overturning Roe v Wade.
Posted by JayEmm, Fri Feb-23-24 03:24 PM
>If the “lesser evil” cant or wont do anything to stop it
>then what good is being the “lesser evil”?

State's rights. Do you think Biden has carte blanche to change state laws and somehow rule by dictatorial decree?

Trump constructed the Supreme Court majority that overturned Roe v. Wade. Expect more outcomes like this if he's in the same position again.
13499756, so expand the court
Posted by Stadiq, Fri Feb-23-24 04:39 PM

"but they will just expand it when they can!"

who gives a shit. How is that worse than what is happening now??

"but then the Supreme Court will be a joke!"

who gives a shit. We should be at the mercy of lifetime overlords who are the opposite of a-political and can be bought. Let it become a joke. It already is.

'voters will punish democrats!"

bullshit. If anything, it would excite democrats more.

Not to mention, the case is very clear. #1 there are 13 district courts now.

#2 The GOP stole this court and the case is easily made- you just have to want to make it.

If Dems came out and said tomorrow "give us the presidency and 52 seats in the senate, and we will expand the court" they would win in a fucking landslide.

Truth is, Democrats want to fundraise and run off Roe.

13499775, The president can’t unilaterally change the number of SC justices.
Posted by JayEmm, Fri Feb-23-24 06:04 PM
He can't do anything but sign the bill, the House and Senate would need to pass it first.

I'm sure you know that but it isn't obvious just from reading your imaginary dialogue.
13499786, none of you far lefts/independents give a fuck about the courts lol
Posted by shygurl, Fri Feb-23-24 07:11 PM
In fact a strong case could be made y'all don't seriously care about anything related to politics. If you did then our country would have better turn outs during our elections, particularly non presidential elections.

The thing is, if Dems did everything you said, expanded the courts, turned it liberal, start reversing some of the previous terrible decisions then you would just move the goal posts and find another reason not to vote.

Y'all complain about climate change, the WH passed the biggest climate law ever and it's still not enough.

Complained about President Obama (just Obama not Trump interestingly enough 🤔) using drones and President Biden almost *completely* stops using drones and it's still not enough.

Complained that Biden could wipe out school loans with "the touch of a pen" which gets turned down by the Supreme Court and it's still not enough. (It must be noted too that the total amount of loans that would have been forgiven by that law was $400 billion and the WH has forgiven over ***$138 billion dollars*** in school loans, more than all another presidents combined, and it's still not enough.)

Complained that President Biden is a union buster because he made sure that our country and economy didn't grind to halt by letting the railroads go on strike for more sick days during Christmas. He then proceeds to continue to work with the unions and the railroads behind the scenes to insure the workers got their fucking sick days, and it's still not a gaddamm enough.

So stop trying to pretend that the Dems can earn your vote. You and your ilk have made it painfully obvious that you're not interested in changing anything, you just want to complain about 'late stage capitalism' and think the world should bow to your superior opinions.
13499789, It's not just turn out
Posted by Lurkmode, Fri Feb-23-24 07:35 PM

Dems flipping and voting Republican is the problem.
13499790, It's a problem, but not a primary one imo
Posted by shygurl, Fri Feb-23-24 07:59 PM
Republicans have been excellent at running people who appeal to the absolute worst, most vile and racist base desires and unfortunately a lot of people have been swayed by the thought of being allowed and in fact being encouraged to be gigantic cunts.

It's a problem, but a bigger problem is fully one third of our country can't be bothered to do the bare minimum to insure we have a healthy democracy.
13499791, True
Posted by Lurkmode, Fri Feb-23-24 08:17 PM

People should try.
13499852, ppl wanna not vote and then complain.
Posted by mikediggz, Sun Feb-25-24 12:42 AM
Alabama is the latest example of the wicked envelope being pushed yet again. who the hell knows where we end up after another 4 years of 45...we underestimated this guy once before and now this MF has revenge pulsing thru his veins. scary AF to think about.
13499862, If voting didn't matter, Republicans wouldn't try to suppress it so much.
Posted by JayEmm, Sun Feb-25-24 10:58 AM

13499864, Who said voting doesn't matter ?
Posted by Lurkmode, Sun Feb-25-24 11:17 AM

What ?
13499865, RE: Who said voting doesn't matter ?
Posted by JayEmm, Sun Feb-25-24 11:18 AM
"It's a problem, but a bigger problem is fully one third of our country can't be bothered to do the bare minimum to insure we have a healthy democracy."
13499866, Is that the same thing ?
Posted by Lurkmode, Sun Feb-25-24 11:31 AM

All of them are sitting out for that reason ?
13499869, Maybe images work better for you.
Posted by JayEmm, Sun Feb-25-24 11:44 AM
Here: https://i.imgur.com/erUhRPb.jpeg
13499870, Don't deflect and hide like a coward.
Posted by Lurkmode, Sun Feb-25-24 11:52 AM

So it wasn't white women and whites in the suburbs and educated whites who helped Trump get in ?
13499871, Fuck off.
Posted by JayEmm, Sun Feb-25-24 12:12 PM
We're in a conversation that started with a statement about the "lesser of two evils". Within that thread, in agreement, I replied to (and subsequently quoted for you) shygurl's "a bigger problem is fully one third of our country can't be bothered to do the bare minimum to insure we have a healthy democracy" line.

My comment in congruence was about folks choosing to not vote because, (paraphrasing) "what's it matter?"

You followed up with, "All of them are sitting out for that reason ?"

- Who the fuck is "them"? What "reason"? I'm not deflecting here, bro, you don't articulate your thoughts and words very clearly.

> So it wasn't white women and whites in the suburbs and educated whites who helped Trump get in ?

- You somehow concluded that through my series of posts? Very odd.
13499873, Fuck you and your mother and the pos father who didn't raise you coward
Posted by Lurkmode, Sun Feb-25-24 12:36 PM
>We're in a conversation that started with a statement about
>the "lesser of two evils". Within that thread, in agreement, I
>replied to (and subsequently quoted for you) shygurl's "a
>bigger problem is fully one third of our country can't be
>bothered to do the bare minimum to insure we have a healthy
>democracy" line.

>My comment in congruence was about folks choosing to not vote
>because, (paraphrasing) "what's it matter?"

IF you you want to be a cheerleader go to a game. because a yes coward is unnecessary.

>You followed up with, "All of them are sitting out for that
>reason ?"
>- Who the fuck is "them"? What "reason"? I'm not deflecting
>here, bro, you don't articulate your thoughts and words very

Dumbass did you read what you typed or looked at the pic you posted ? Them = the people who did not vote. That's not hard. Are you drunk ?

>> So it wasn't white women and whites in the suburbs and
>educated whites who helped Trump get in ?
>- You somehow concluded that through my series of posts? Very

Did you follow the conversation ? my response and her reply ? If you get confused and lost that easy, stay out of the convo.
13499874, You seem lonely.
Posted by JayEmm, Sun Feb-25-24 12:51 PM
Spending so much time and energy tough-typing about a rather benign comment. A comment, I might add, that was in agreement with the person that I replied to.

I have nothing more to add here but feel free to continue on with your incoherent outrage, bruiser.
13499875, You overreacted to a question.so I gave your energy back to you
Posted by Lurkmode, Sun Feb-25-24 01:10 PM
Now its time to take the ball and run home scared.

>Spending so much time and energy tough-typing about a rather
>benign comment. A comment, I might add, that was in agreement
>with the person that I replied to.
>I have nothing more to add here but feel free to continue on
>with your incoherent outrage, bruiser.

5 min is "so much time and energy" ?

LOL you made a comment about people who are not voting and lost it when I asked you about the "clear" comment.

Stop trying to pretend as if all your replies were "benign" and free of passive aggressive clown behavior.

lmao at you thinking I need your permission to respond.

13499879, Nobody's taking a ball and running home, sweetie.
Posted by JayEmm, Sun Feb-25-24 02:00 PM
I've responded to your every post. It appears we're at an impasse. Your platitudes and aspersions have been captivating material to read but aside from that I'm not sure what else you need from me in this exchange.

Enjoy the remainder of your weekend.
13499880, I have nothing more to add here but feel free to continue on with your incoherent outrage, bruiser.
Posted by Lurkmode, Sun Feb-25-24 02:06 PM

"I have nothing more to add here but feel free to continue on with your incoherent outrage, bruiser." - you

So much for that

added more

13499692, Alabama: Don’t Come Here!
Posted by JFrost1117, Thu Feb-22-24 04:10 PM
13499808, LOL!
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Sat Feb-24-24 01:39 AM
13499742, RE: Alabama court effectively makes in-vitro fertilization (IVF)illegal
Posted by 3CardMolly, Fri Feb-23-24 03:16 PM
So how does that relate to medical oddities such as parasitic twins/fetus en fetu?
Would the person be forced to carry their tumor twin?
13499760, all I know is the tumor twin should have found a way
Posted by Stadiq, Fri Feb-23-24 05:00 PM

to vote for Hillary.

That's the only answer now.

tumor twin? 14 year old rape victim?

Should have found a way to vote for Hillary. Guess they aren't "progressive" enough. smh

Its all over. Pack it up. Nothing can be done for a generation at least.

But also, vote for Biden no matter what so he will *checks notes* stand up for Roe.

13499781, You're throwing tantrums now?
Posted by stravinskian, Fri Feb-23-24 06:31 PM
13499848, You know Trump aint bullet proof
Posted by 3CardMolly, Sat Feb-24-24 09:48 PM
I mean if you feel that strangely strong…have at it
13499810, You know it's bad when Trump is saying it's a mistake
Posted by mrhood75, Sat Feb-24-24 03:13 AM
Banning abortion targets the poor and disenfranchised, which the GOP doesn't give a fuck about. You gotta have money for IVF. It's targeting the type of "suburban mom" voter that these douches are so desperate to appeal to.
13499904, Alabama is an ignorant place.
Posted by jetblack, Sun Feb-25-24 10:41 PM
I'm from Tuskegee.

It's an oasis in a desert of stupid.