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Topic subjectRecommended Psycho Thrillers
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13499495, Recommended Psycho Thrillers
Posted by 3CardMolly, Sun Feb-18-24 09:39 AM
I usually check on tiktok with ‘Chelseigh’ but want to see what OKP’ers would recommend.

Here goes mine: Watcher (2022)
It kinda goes with the ‘woman in the window’ feel but much more intriguing, somewhat makes you question yourself too but its a good watch and moves well.
13499647, The Invisible Man (2020) was dope
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Feb-22-24 09:58 AM
Got kind of lost in COVID and straight to streamer but it was better than it had any right being.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13499739, RE: The Invisible Man (2020) was dope
Posted by 3CardMolly, Fri Feb-23-24 03:04 PM
That was such an odd realistic approach.
13499648, Barbarian.. this shit was crazy
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Feb-22-24 10:49 AM
Went in blind and once it was over we were a but disturbed.

Frailty is my all time favorite. I woke up screaming at 3AM. Shit had me shook

Hereditary.. that movie was wild af

13499741, Hereditary…it’s the first time
Posted by 3CardMolly, Fri Feb-23-24 03:12 PM
In a long time I had trouble sleeping. I dont think any movie has triggered so many disparaging emotions back to back, somber/null frustration/heartbreak/lonliness/hope/fear/dispare and trauma.

Will check out the other two films.
13499777, Norman Bates!
Posted by squeeg, Fri Feb-23-24 06:19 PM