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Topic subjectAre you a good singer?
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13498764, Are you a good singer?
Posted by SuiteLady, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
Just wondering.

Go Chiefs!

Poll question: Are you a good singer?

Poll result (18 votes)
yes (4 votes)Vote
no (11 votes)Vote
depends on who you ask (3 votes)Vote


13498765, *waves hand*
Posted by spades, Wed Feb-07-24 07:39 PM
I can carry a tune, but I lack range.
13498767, I can't carry a tune from here to the corner
Posted by Adwhizz, Wed Feb-07-24 07:56 PM
13498769, hell to the naw naw
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Feb-07-24 08:11 PM
at best im decent when i remember to sing from my stomach and not my throat
13498770, yes. very good actually.
Posted by Damali, Wed Feb-07-24 08:19 PM

"i do more for both our communities than you'll ever know." - Heinz
"But rest assured, in my luxurious house built on the backs of people darker than me, I am sipping fine scotch and scoffing at how stupid you are." - bshelly
13498772, blue, but in my head i'm every GOAT rolled into one.
Posted by PROMO, Wed Feb-07-24 08:21 PM
which is to say, you gonna get the vocals, like it or not.
13498780, *smile* same here!
Posted by SuiteLady, Wed Feb-07-24 09:45 PM
13498773, Mid, on par with Pharrell or Ryan Leslie.
Posted by JFrost1117, Wed Feb-07-24 08:41 PM
13498774, Yeah
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Wed Feb-07-24 08:46 PM
13498778, of course
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Feb-07-24 09:36 PM
13498781, of course??
Posted by SuiteLady, Wed Feb-07-24 09:46 PM
13498802, Baptist church choir upbringing
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Feb-08-24 08:22 AM
13498805, Nah, but I be singing tho.
Posted by flipnile, Thu Feb-08-24 09:20 AM
13498807, lol
Posted by Brew, Thu Feb-08-24 09:50 AM
13498806, I am pretty awful. It breaks my heart.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Feb-08-24 09:38 AM
Because I love music and love to sing.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13498818, Man, I feel the exact same way... n/m
Posted by Marbles, Thu Feb-08-24 11:32 AM
13498808, My wife thinks I can sing, but I don't.
Posted by Brew, Thu Feb-08-24 09:51 AM
I only sound good when I'm singing under my breath, I think. Can't really hit notes with my raspy ass normal voice.
13498820, “Zero much” is how my kids describe my singing
Posted by MEAT, Thu Feb-08-24 11:53 AM
I ask how much they enjoy my singing they tell me zero much.
Id say they’re not too far off base.
13498821, lol kids are the bestworst.
Posted by Brew, Thu Feb-08-24 12:06 PM
They'll never let their parents have a *damn* thing.
13498848, no, but I rap worse.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Feb-08-24 05:22 PM
13498853, Yep.
Posted by Binlahab, Thu Feb-08-24 06:01 PM
Not much I'm not good at tbqh