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Topic subjectTaxes! (How you doing for 2023?)
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13498329, Taxes! (How you doing for 2023?)
Posted by handle, Thu Feb-01-24 09:43 AM
It's tax time again.

What you using? What you owe? What you get back? What you buying?
13498330, Who's tried a free online tax service?
Posted by handle, Thu Feb-01-24 09:49 AM
I did a draft of my taxes in the online TurboTax and in the free FreeTaxUSA https://www.freetaxusa.com/ and the numbers match exactly.

Turbotax cost like $40 bucks plus the state filing free of $15.

FreeTaxUSA is free for federal and cost $15 to file state - or I assume you can print out state and just mail it in yourself.

(My taxes are just income and interest income - nothing fancy.)

Can anyone recommend a different service?

Or is it worth it to pay someone to do the taxes - can they "find" more deductions that are "legal?"

13498334, Thanks for this
Posted by snacks, Thu Feb-01-24 10:51 AM
Mine are essentially done in TurboTax but not submitted (I used QuickBooks Self Employed until September of last year so importing was super easy). I'm due for a small refund, even after TurboTax fees. Part of me wants to try FreeTaxUSA but I hate bothering with taxes and the work is already done, so I might just eat the fees this year and switch next year.
13498341, I’ve been doing mine in Cash App Taxes.
Posted by JFrost1117, Thu Feb-01-24 11:15 AM
Totally free, but I have a very simple setup. Just one W-2 for the past few years.
13498380, RE: Who's tried a free online tax service?
Posted by rzaroch36, Fri Feb-02-24 08:49 AM
Been using free tax usa for years. If all you have are w2’s, mortgage, basic things then it is fine. Most people don’t have more than standard deduction anyways.

I won $120k last year on fantasy sports lol. Hoping I walk away paying around $40k in taxes.
13498331, not sure, hoping to break even
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Feb-01-24 09:52 AM
I had my student loans forgiven and have no idea if that will impact tax return.

Also used Obamacare last year and have no idea how that impacts tax return.

Only thing I’m buying with a tax return is less debt. I’m trying to take the family on a cruise this summer so maybe some of it will go towards that IF we get a return.
13498335, break even gang over here.
Posted by PROMO, Thu Feb-01-24 10:55 AM
13498336, Student Loan Debt forgiveness waived on Fed taxes until 2025
Posted by handle, Thu Feb-01-24 10:57 AM
That's Biden's American Rescue program in effect!

You may have state income owed, but it varies by state.
13498339, Thanks, I definitely forgot about that waiver until 2025
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Feb-01-24 11:10 AM
sevencents thinks I’m bought and paid for by Biden and no longer care about Genocide and Pandemic deaths and he’s right.

Getting my students loans forgiven is a HUGE financial burden off my shoulders
and gives my family much needed relief.

13498337, Best case scenario for me lol
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Feb-01-24 10:59 AM
13498338, I'm gonna owe again because I am a 100% procrastinating dumbass
Posted by shygurl, Thu Feb-01-24 11:09 AM
My POS (worth billions) part time job has been taking the wrong amount of taxes out, so I'm going to owe again. The entire office in fact has the same issue, so I know it's not me but an systemic issue.

A smart person would have gotten (I don't know the correct form number) to increase the amount of money they take out, but I was so angry after going back and forth with them that I couldn't even think about it without getting angry.

Not looking forward to that, so I'm waiting till the very last minute to do 'em.
13498355, a coworker got a nice surprise
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Feb-01-24 01:57 PM
somehow her withholdings was changed to zero and now they owe a nice amount of stacks.

They mad..

and it looks like mine was changed to zero as well so I’m sure my state taxes will be shit again. We always owe stat taxes which is why I set aside like $20 a check to offset it.
13498340, Job only sent W2 by mail, this year…
Posted by Dstl1, Thu Feb-01-24 11:10 AM
received mine this past Saturday afternoon…was on Turbo Tax within minutes. Federal and State done and e-filed, both accepted on Monday. Now we wait. State wasn’t much, so whenever whenever. Federal was cool…roughly $60 bucks more than last year. Navy Federal always runs your money to you early, so now I’m just checking the IRS Where’s My Refund joint, once a day.
13498357, I can't call it....been a surprise every year for the past 4-5 years...
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Feb-01-24 02:45 PM
Generally we owe Federal but get a State refund.
Generally the State Refund covers the Federal bill and we break almost even.

The wrinkle this year, for me anyway, is that i'm mulling over doing my mom's taxes for her. I was going to pick up for her immediately after my dad died but I wasn't sure if i'd be able to work through any complexities that a death would have caused to her tax situation. Now that we're a year removed from that, I don't want her to keep paying this old lady at her church to do her taxes....BUT I also fear that if I take them over I might fuck around and get her audited if that old church lady has been doing some fun math for them over the past 25 years....
13498379, my MIL offered to pay to have our taxes done by her accountant
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Feb-02-24 08:41 AM
we all got audited that year.

Never again.

13498383, right! nightmare material. I've been doing my own taxes since age 15
Posted by FLUIDJ, Fri Feb-02-24 09:19 AM
first part time job at Kmart.
Never was comfortable with the idea of somebody else managing my tax affairs.
Even when it got more complex when we had rental property and I was running my own biz, I still did that shit dolo. I've just never seen the advantages or need to pay someone. It's usually just a 2-3hr chunk out of our Sunday afternoon to knock them out.

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
"Bury me by my Grand-Grand and when you can come follow me"
13498381, Not sure how old your mom is but you may want to check
Posted by navajo joe, Fri Feb-02-24 09:05 AM
Senior Centers in your area. There's one here that offers free tax filing/help for those 65yo+

13498382, i'll check for that. thanks. mainly I want to get a better idea of her
Posted by FLUIDJ, Fri Feb-02-24 09:16 AM
financial situation going forward....hopefully to ease the inevitable estate affairs when she passes away
13498389, I Live in NY. I Paid a Salary in Taxes!
Posted by Thee Phantom, Fri Feb-02-24 10:15 AM
It's way past time to relocate.

I've had 4 company bonuses in the last 2 years and they've taken over 50% of them shits.
13498393, If I'm not mistaken
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Feb-02-24 10:40 AM
correcting the SALT changes put into effect while Trump was in office would help out in some regard to that, no?
13498459, I use H&R Block. I usually get something back because...
Posted by c71, Fri Feb-02-24 06:28 PM
....I put in for extra to be taken out Fed & State so I can be SURE I don't have to up-front pay the H&R Block fee (it'll be taken out of the refund).

Yeah, I'm like Gwyneth Paltrow's mom Blythe Danner who did an interview where she said she wants to give the IRS as much as possible without trying to take any tax breaks. I aim to get them to take out as much as possible and extra so I know I'm getting something back (again because I want the H&R Block fee COVERED NO QUESTION)

I got to use H&R Block because they claim they'll go to court to defend their work if necessary in an audit or whatever.

Thankfully, my job doesn't mess with the withholdings (I check regularly). They say only the employees can alter the withholdings. My brother said the place he works for tries to change the withholdings for the employees sometimes.
13498677, Owed over $7k :(
Posted by handle, Tue Feb-06-24 10:02 AM
My W-2 was fine - it's that interest rates have risen.

So it was a good year that somehow feel less good after taxes.
13498960, IRS site shows my refund approved and will be deposited on the 14th..
Posted by Dstl1, Sat Feb-10-24 06:47 AM
I know Navy Federal will slide it to me earlier. Overall, not too shabby…return accepted on 1/29, approved on 2/10, deposit scheduled for 2/14.
13498978, Might not owe much this year...
Posted by jetblack, Sat Feb-10-24 09:19 PM
Not filing until like late March.

I always owe.