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Topic subjectwhy do Iowa or New Hampshire results matter?
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13497301, why do Iowa or New Hampshire results matter?
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jan-17-24 01:41 PM
its early in the game and folks are like “if they don’t win NH, its over!!!”

if I was a candidate I wouldn’t give a shit about Iowa or NH. Especially if I’m a Black candidate.

It always amazed me how Corey and Kamala didn’t make it to South Carolina. I get the political play of dipping in order to get a cabinet position but if I’m serious about becoming President I’m not dipping out until a state I think I can win tells me to sit my ass down.

13497305, Momentum. It's like why you don't want to fall 12 points behind in the
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Jan-17-24 01:47 PM
opening minutes of a basketball game. Hard to make up. Especially in a crowded field.

Remember Obama won Iowa which up until that point I don't know if the establishment took him serious.

Glad Biden and the Dems agreed how dumb it was for our party to start with Iowa and do away with it. I think it should always rotate because the toss up states or the states most representative of the electorate.

And the only reason Kam dipped before SC is because her organization fell apart and ran out of money.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13497317, Would it be hard for Haley to make up ground? Prolly
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jan-17-24 02:40 PM
but at the same time, I would be like “Fuck Iowa and fuck NH and go hard at a larger state where I could even things out

Just seems like those states have low counts so hearing “its over if you don’t win” seems foolish

and Kamala. How do you burn through cash before getting to a Black ass state like South Carolina? Fuck Iowa, fuck NH, I save all my cash for South Carolina. That was the first state Joe won in 2020

13497320, I think she wanted to Obama and not Jesse.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Jan-17-24 03:06 PM
I think she thought, like Obama, if I can win in Iowa, I can win white people over everywhere.

I think a black person winning Black Ass South Carolina doesn't really impress the whites. Remember Jesse Jackson won South Carolina. I think they idea then was, of course he would win.

I think Biden pulled a reverse Obama by being the white President who won on the strength of black people gave him the appearance of being the great uniter.

>but at the same time, I would be like “Fuck Iowa and fuck
>NH and go hard at a larger state where I could even things out
>Just seems like those states have low counts so hearing “its
>over if you don’t win” seems foolish
>and Kamala. How do you burn through cash before getting to a
>Black ass state like South Carolina? Fuck Iowa, fuck NH, I
>save all my cash for South Carolina. That was the first state
>Joe won in 2020

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13497402, Jesse won 5 primaries tho
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jan-18-24 12:22 PM
I don’t think Kamala or Corey had a realistic chance to win but you can at least stack a few wins instead of burning it all on Iowa.

But I also think Joe struggles if Kamala and Corey waited until after SC.

also, regarding Haley, I totally forgot SC is her home state and word is Trump has that locked up. So I kinda see why NH matters for her momentum.

13497307, It allows the White & Rural to put a thumb on the scale
Posted by spades, Wed Jan-17-24 01:59 PM
that way they have outsized influence over the dark and urban that represent the true majority of the nation.
13497315, This is what I believe.
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jan-17-24 02:37 PM
its weird af. I do know the Dems split delegates and GOP is winner takes all but its also not that steep of a hill is it?

I think its just media talk
13497318, RE: why do Iowa or New Hampshire results matter?
Posted by JayEmm, Wed Jan-17-24 02:48 PM
>It always amazed me how Corey and Kamala didn’t make it to
>South Carolina. I get the political play of dipping in order
>to get a cabinet position but if I’m serious about becoming
>President I’m not dipping out until a state I think I can
>win tells me to sit my ass down.

Campaigns operate on fundraising and Kamala's financial predicament was in a dire situation limping into Iowa. She increased the number of paid staffers in the state from 65 to 131 and launched an "all in on Iowa" strategy. She essentially needed a top-three finish to continue the campaign forward.

A team that was already struggling to raise funds was completely doomed after the poor result.
13497369, that’s what trips me out. Why go all in on Iowa?
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jan-18-24 08:26 AM
fuck them children of the corn ass niggas. I’m sending flyers and a dub to those first 2 states.

75% my resources would be on the South and states with large black populations in urban areas if I was Kamala or Corey.

13497382, Iowa and NH are states where traditional retail politics still shine.
Posted by JayEmm, Thu Jan-18-24 10:03 AM
That's the belief.

They allow lesser known candidates to prove themselves with grassroots organizing ability. The caucus method itself is especially arcane and outmoded, but a poor Iowa performance still means fewer campaign donations, fewer endorsements, and fewer media outlets paying attention. That makes it awfully difficult for a candidate to stay in the race.

While true that Iowa's prominence is nothing more than irrelevant tradition at this point, so much of politics still remain based in the formula of "x happened y times, therefore z".

13497363, yeah, for Dems you gotta be able to survive until SC
Posted by nonaime, Thu Jan-18-24 06:06 AM
>It always amazed me how Corey and Kamala didn’t make it to
>South Carolina. I get the political play of dipping in order
>to get a cabinet position but if I’m serious about becoming
>President I’m not dipping out until a state I think I can
>win tells me to sit my ass down.

Didn't Joe make a plea to bump up SC in the primary races?
13497373, I think he did. And they moved it up, it's the first week of Feb
Posted by Teknontheou, Thu Jan-18-24 08:49 AM
13497388, Where voters there helped save our asses
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Jan-18-24 10:39 AM
We owe a debt of gratitude to clyburn and every black dem voter in that state.
13497429, saved from what? Bernie? He wasn’t winning any southern states
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jan-18-24 03:06 PM
Joe got the Black vote because of Obama.

13497492, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Posted by soulfunk, Fri Jan-19-24 03:27 PM
Money. Simple as that. If you don't win the early primaries, donations dry up and it becomes unsustainable to win other primaries, and at a certain point the leading candidates just crush you.

The early primaries SHOULDN'T matter as much. But deserve ain't got nothin to do with it. And because they do matter, those states get to set the table for the election platforms for candidates. Not that that really matters for the GOP, because they don't care if someone completely shifts perspective on issues as the election progresses.