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Topic subjectmy mama had a baby and had to give it up for adoption-
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13497214, my mama had a baby and had to give it up for adoption-
Posted by kinetic94761180, Tue Jan-16-24 03:17 PM
long story short, my mama got caught up in what was the DC 80s drug epidemic. It got bad for her quick.

sidenote: i got like ~14 younger bros and sis. all younger. abt 7 on each side (mom/dad). i know/knew all but one on each side (i got a sister by my dad that's not to much younger than me, but we have never met or spoke - i know her mama name, that's it).

but the brother on my mom's side: given up for adoption because he was born w/ drugs in his system. we all knew his name, always mentioned him at random moments, but never knew him or where he was.

got an aunt who is heavy on the ancestry shit. she found him.

very quickly my bros and sis on my mom's side got w/ him, threw him in the group chat, planned a meet-up, etc.

this nigga tho.

already asking for money. like each of us individually. nigga asked in the group chat for $13 so he can get food. my lil sis said i gotchu, but i had already asked for his cashapp info. do you know this nigga texted me directly and said " already spent the money i needed, so anything you send i'm gonna spend on weed".


like, i always appreciate honesty and upfrontness, but this nigga ain't abt to use us for money.

so that's where we at. supposed to meet-up collectively next month for my gma bday (she's boosted af, btw), but we worried this nigga only trying to use us.

what to do? how to handle?

(i didn't respond in a timely manner to the initial direct texts. then the nigga texted back and said he needed money for "diapers". i sent $20. fuck it, worse come to worst, i can charge $20 to the game. this nigga didn't even say thank you.)

my other bro talked to him one-on-one and said that dude has been through some shit, which is not hard to believe, but where does that leave us as the long-lost siblings? not our responsibility to make up for lost time, right? esp if it involves money, right?! my sis made a great point in saying that we empathize, but this nigga need to know that we all single parents and ain't tryn to add another bill.

just not sure how to handle him or the situation.

wanted to vent abit.

love y'all, hope all is well w/ you & yours-
13497215, Fuck.
Posted by Binlahab, Tue Jan-16-24 03:24 PM
Damn I am sorry to hear this

I have no advice but he's essentially a stranger. I'm not giving nobody money regardless of their honesty or transparency. Get a job, my brother
13497217, fr. like, we don't wanna be harsh, but FR.
Posted by kinetic94761180, Tue Jan-16-24 03:26 PM
13497223, Damn, tough stuff all around. Sorry to hear.
Posted by Brew, Tue Jan-16-24 03:44 PM
13497277, thx fam-
Posted by kinetic94761180, Wed Jan-17-24 11:50 AM
13497224, damn, he’s juicing yall and testing yall
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jan-16-24 03:55 PM
since he is adopted he sees yall as a bunch of strangers who owe him for all that time missed.

Good luck, he is going to act a fool at the meet up. Be ready.
13497278, RE: Good luck, he is going to act a fool at the meet up. Be ready.
Posted by kinetic94761180, Wed Jan-17-24 11:52 AM
antennas is up fs.
13497226, That's tough
Posted by Hitokiri, Tue Jan-16-24 03:58 PM
I probably wouldn't give any money before I'd actually met dude in person.

Can I ask how old is he? Because born in the 80s... to me, means you're too old to be asking people you don't even really know for money. So, I'd wanna know what his actual life circumstances are/were before I started with the hand outs.
13497279, RE: Can I ask how old is he?
Posted by kinetic94761180, Wed Jan-17-24 11:53 AM
thirty something.

>Because born in the 80s... to me, means you're too old to be asking people you don't even really know for money. So, I'd wanna know what his actual life circumstances are/were before I started with the hand outs.

i'ma get him drunk and talking lol.
13497229, Give him a lane to be part of the fam, but set your boundaries
Posted by GOMEZ, Tue Jan-16-24 04:30 PM
as much for yourself as anything. You can't force these type of things to go one way or the other.

I have friends/fam I'd never loan money to. They never ask anymore. It's not all gravy, but even then it's friendly when I see them.

It's all gonna be highly dependent on how much dude wants to be around if you're not coming out of your pocket though. I hope the best for you and the fam.

My daughter had a half brother she never met killed by police late last year. She never really got the chance to find out if he was trifling or not.
13497280, agreed agreed agreed
Posted by kinetic94761180, Wed Jan-17-24 11:54 AM
13497234, Every brother ain’t a brother cause of mother……..
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Jan-16-24 05:37 PM

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
"Bury me by my Grand-Grand and when you can come follow me"
13497281, very well said.
Posted by kinetic94761180, Wed Jan-17-24 11:54 AM
13497244, there's always the option of communicating directly and honestly
Posted by Damali, Tue Jan-16-24 07:42 PM
the way you do that would depend on if you have a desire to build a relationship with him.

if the answer is no, then just stop sending him money. say no every time he asks. Period, end of story.

if you have some desire to cultivate a genuine connection and maybe even help him in some way, then i suggest having an actual honest convo and LEAD with your own vulnerability...

like tell him exactly what you telling us...how while you want to help, the way he's been asking for money doens't sit well with you as you don't want to be used or taken advantage of...or maybe how you want to help and are happy to discuss other ways that don't require money..etc etc (obviously using words that represent your actual feelings)

he may or may not respond vulnerably in kind..which is fine. you can just let him know that you're offering a genuine/honest connection and he can reach out if that's something that he would value or want ...but that you won't be used etc etc and the boundaries that you require


"i do more for both our communities than you'll ever know." - Heinz
"But rest assured, in my luxurious house built on the backs of people darker than me, I am sipping fine scotch and scoffing at how stupid you are." - bshelly
13497283, thx for this ❤️
Posted by kinetic94761180, Wed Jan-17-24 11:55 AM
13497245, Quid pro quo
Posted by shockvalue, Tue Jan-16-24 08:15 PM
Start asking him for money.
13497284, lol
Posted by kinetic94761180, Wed Jan-17-24 11:55 AM
13497248, I’m internally bracing for this on my dad’s side.
Posted by JFrost1117, Tue Jan-16-24 11:21 PM
My grandpa has a “maybe”, too. Everyone gets so uneasy about setting up wills and all that, we get about 5 sentences into the convo before a joke changes the subject.
13497285, this ancestry shit is a gamechanger.
Posted by kinetic94761180, Wed Jan-17-24 11:56 AM
13497257, He made it this far in life without y'all giving him money, right?
Posted by flipnile, Wed Jan-17-24 08:46 AM
>just not sure how to handle him or the situation.

Might be cold, but it is what it is. Sounds like he's trying to leech. Giving him money is just gonna encourage him to ask for more.

Man in his 30s/40s+ is too old to be asking people for $20.
13497286, great point
Posted by kinetic94761180, Wed Jan-17-24 11:56 AM
13497258, before the pandemic
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-17-24 08:59 AM
we added a new aunt (thanks for that granddad) and cousin (actually a lot of cousins but I've only met / interacted with one)

...she's a trumper

but also, (again, thanks granddad), she's an adoptee, following her adoptive family. now here I am like "yo your politics and religion are dumb"

it's tough

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13497266, A family friend has a trumper cousin
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jan-17-24 10:09 AM
who pops on feeds sometimes ranting..

shit doesn’t seem real. Its weird.
13497336, she's more churchy/chill, not ranting but
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-17-24 04:34 PM
like "here's a post they don't want you to see about ivermectin!"

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13497287, she bitter towards y'all atall?
Posted by kinetic94761180, Wed Jan-17-24 11:58 AM
13497335, I don't know her well enough to be able to tell
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-17-24 04:33 PM
I don't think so in a specific way or anything? she seems to kind of have the life she wants to have, and we connected because she was trying to find her family (she also had to find her mom, but found us first I think)

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13497263, I have a cousin that I grew up with and almost though of as a lil bro...
Posted by ThaTruth, Wed Jan-17-24 09:49 AM
long story short as an adult he got caught up in substance abuse, mooched off family on various levels for years to the point where almost everyone cut off contact with him, we still communicate sporadically, sometimes I send him money, sometimes I don't
13497288, ugh.
Posted by kinetic94761180, Wed Jan-17-24 11:58 AM
13497354, shit.. my cousin came to visit my dad on life support
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jan-17-24 08:44 PM
and asked my wife for money on her way out.

didn’t even come to the funeral

I got another older female cousin who has no fucking shame. Will ask for anything from anyone on FB. Rest of the family can’t stand her begging ass

and here is the kicker. She gets 4k a month in disabilities.. damn near no rent.. and still begs for shit.

I just found out about the 4K at our aunts funeral.

No fucking shame.

13497368, My mom discovered a long lost sister (thanks Ancestry.com)
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Jan-18-24 08:24 AM
My uncle is the family historian and he loaded up his DNA she popped up.

My mom was at first taken aback because it meant her dad who she idealized was a cheater. And then they had to wrestle with whether he or my grandmother ever even knew if she existed (she was put up for adoption by the mother)

I talked to her first before my mom...and it's a miracle because she turned out to be almost perfect. Super accomplished and educated and sweet and really slid right into our family. It's especially bitter sweet because my mom just lost her only sister a couple of years prior.

It has been a true blessing.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13497375, family secrets are wild
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jan-18-24 09:02 AM
I’m from a small town with a tight knit Black community so the elders always know all these secrets that the younger generation has no idea about.

But as you get older, you find out more, and then you think back on some of the shit that was said to you that made no sense and now you care connecting shit like the detective looking at the board behind him.

I found out years back that my grandfather was someone else. My grandparents split up for a few and then got back together. When I finally confessed this secret to a close friend a few years ago, he tells me a whole lot more about this secret.

Because parents and elders talk and tell as you become an adult.

My dad was in the hospital and he says “I need to tell you something”

and I stopped him, told him I already knew.. he didn’t even remember that we all got together and met one time when I first found out as a kid. It fucked with my dad so much when HE found out he started drinking heavy. Whole time I thought my dad was just wildin but he was fighting demons with being the only child of 8 that had a different father.

and it fucks with me because I’m looking at alllllll this family I have that I know loves me, bjt also knew.. and never told me, because it wasn’t their story to tell…

and every family in our town has some story or family tree with a branch that ain’t what you think it is..
13497377, RE: family secrets are wild
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Jan-18-24 09:14 AM
>I’m from a small town with a tight knit Black community so
>the elders always know all these secrets that the younger
>generation has no idea about.
>But as you get older, you find out more, and then you think
>back on some of the shit that was said to you that made no
>sense and now you care connecting shit like the detective
>looking at the board behind him.
>I found out years back that my grandfather was someone else.
>My grandparents split up for a few and then got back together.
>When I finally confessed this secret to a close friend a few
>years ago, he tells me a whole lot more about this secret.
>Because parents and elders talk and tell as you become an
>My dad was in the hospital and he says “I need to tell you
>and I stopped him, told him I already knew.. he didn’t even
>remember that we all got together and met one time when I
>first found out as a kid. It fucked with my dad so much when
>HE found out he started drinking heavy. Whole time I thought
>my dad was just wildin but he was fighting demons with being
>the only child of 8 that had a different father.
>and it fucks with me because I’m looking at alllllll this
>family I have that I know loves me, bjt also knew.. and never
>told me, because it wasn’t their story to tell…
>and every family in our town has some story or family tree
>with a branch that ain’t what you think it is..

All true about family secrets and things you don't understand as a child and don't start to figure out until you're an adult.
13497404, yep. A lot of talk at the adult table on Thanksgiving.. lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jan-18-24 12:29 PM
on a lighter note, I remember my dad telling me a secret about a girl I knew.

She was fine af.. my dad said, Imma let you in on a secret, her momma used to look like that too when she was her age.

Hell nah..

yup.. look at their momma, that will let you know what you could be facing later in life

sure nuff..

13497420, We sat around the table on 1/1 and had a long incest revelation.
Posted by JFrost1117, Thu Jan-18-24 02:02 PM
No one at the table, fortunately, but family we had no idea got down like that. The family trees in that tiny town are fuckin tied together multiple times over, excluding the Mexican population that’s been growing there.
13497422, i have an older brother on my father's side
Posted by luminous, Thu Jan-18-24 02:22 PM
my dad died 3 years ago. my dad was 19 when he was born and he was raised by our aunt in Jamaica.

i asked my mom if she knows anything about his mom. she was like "I don't know anything about her. And I don't want to know anything about her. I heard a rumor that she is his (my father's) Uncle's wife."

I want to find out if this is true, but I'm too chicken to ask my brother.
13497424, I have a friend, I’ve never met or seen his biological mother.
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jan-18-24 02:42 PM
My dad tells me that his father was living with 2 women (married to one of them) and got both of them pregnant.

One day I said “why havent I ever seem his mom and my dad goes.. “oh, lemme tell you about that”

13497440, Y'ALL.
Posted by kinetic94761180, Thu Jan-18-24 04:24 PM
my bro (next youngest under me) just sent this text:


me: what's up?


(he proceeds to send me a screenshot of his direct texts w/ adopt-a-bro)

"hypothetically speaking, if i chose to stay, can i stay with you for a while until i get something going or end up back home"


mind you i bought this mofo a ROUND TRIP ticket from jax to va and back.

he using that gotdamn ticket.
13497465, yeah, he’s throwing anything at yall to see what sticks
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jan-19-24 08:55 AM
don’t let that man borrow a car, bike or anything you value

he aint coming back for a few days if he does
13497572, text this morning in the bros sis group chat:
Posted by kinetic94761180, Sun Jan-21-24 01:03 PM

a pipe just burst in my house. i gotta get a hotel for a few nights. i'm 20 short on a week....

can someone please help me"

my instinct is to block the number.

i'm not sending this mofo any more money.


13497614, Gonna need to see a pic of you next to that broken pipe, bruh.
Posted by flipnile, Mon Jan-22-24 10:09 AM
lol, I wouldn't send that, but that's what I thought in my head. Blocking might be a good idea for your emotional sanity.

He has a lot of bad luck, apparently.
13497442, damn, i would give it to him. not saying you should…
Posted by seasoned vet, Thu Jan-18-24 05:54 PM
im the oldest, and ive always given my siblings/ coudins what they want when they ask even when i know they’re full of shit.

im also HEAVY into ancestry research so im a sucker for when i actually get someone receptive to the research and willing to connect
13497446, yeah, but this shit is getting out of hand quick.
Posted by kinetic94761180, Thu Jan-18-24 06:52 PM
it's barely been a fucking week.
13497447, well, personal peace is the new black, i get it.
Posted by seasoned vet, Thu Jan-18-24 07:36 PM
13497526, I hope thats not how my nephew will be next time we meet
Posted by 3CardMolly, Sat Jan-20-24 01:18 AM
My brother was locked on a 3 strike rule when he was born. BM would request money for baby milk, diapers etc. First time I sent cash but she turned around too quick to ask for more so I decided to purchase at walmart for her to pick up whatever he needed. Worked out.

She could try to sale the diapers, baby bottles etc etc but she’s going to work like an 80’s Amway salesperson to make a small profit.
13497574, this dude has used all his 3 strikes in 2 wks.
Posted by kinetic94761180, Sun Jan-21-24 01:04 PM
13497529, I have/had a similar situation. I say cut him off NOW and don't look back
Posted by Cold Truth, Sat Jan-20-24 02:02 AM
Long/short for me:

I'm the oldest of 14 myself- my dad has three others and my mom had 11 total. My mom was a meth addict and alcoholic.

When my mom had her 6th, a brother, she was on meth and they kept him for a bit before letting him come home.

She had #7, a sister, a few years later, and she was taken immediately.

My aunt fostered her, and wound up adopting her. She was raised as our cousin, and my aunt was insistent that she never found out. My aunt also raised her to be a spoiled, entitled, narcissistic brat.

Anyhow, about 14 years ago, she got into the gazillionth fight my aunt's son, her adopted brother. Whatever she said made him go nuclear (I don't remember the details) and he decided to tell her she was adopted and ran down the whole story.

Not long after she showed up and attempted to connect with us. I saw her a few times from what I recall, and my wife- who I had started dating right around the time this happened- met her a few months later. My sister said she didn't like her, because she should have made an effort to meet her immediately.

She went to New York to visit one brother and told him he owed her 19 years of her life back. I asked if she was joking, and he said no. That story tracked through other siblings as well.

That's insane on it's face, here's the thing:

As kids all wound up in different situations, in foster homes, group homes, one brother lived with his dad, and two of my sisters got adopted, while my mom just went and had three more kids.

This particular brother was raised by his dad and had only had a relationship with me for a few years when he was around 6-7, and had seen a couple of us here and there until he was 18, when we got to spend more time with him.

We were ALL split up and in different situations with half of us being in fucked up circumstances while she enjoyed the sort of stability we would have killed for.

But NOPE, she was special, WE all owed HER. Money. Food. Clothes. Everyone was expected to cater to her every want and need, all the time.

I saw that shit a mile away and we had it out early. Our interactions were scarce from there, though years later we had a huge argument where she said she hoped my 6-7 year old daughter got raped.

She also went off on him for having his girlfriend over while she was visiting. he said that any time he spent not giving her his full, undivided attention, she'd flip out on him.

Everything, always, all the time, is about her, up to and including my aunt's death and funeral last year to the point where my aunt's oldest daughter smacked the shit out of her before the service.

Our uncle finally told her to shut the fuck up in the hospital waiting room after my aunt died. There are countless episodes like this with her and for some reason people still fuck with her, even as they rant about what an exhausting psycho she is.

But not me. The shit people bitch about today, I saw from jump. I'm the only one she actively says she despises and doesn't respect, which is fine by me. I'm also the only one who saw her for what she was early and called her out on it. I wish we had a relationship but not at the expense of enabling her narcissism and the headaches that come with it.

She's cool with everyone else but they *all* complain about every interaction they have with her.

My question to you is, which one do you want to be?

The one he despises, but you're free of his crystal clear penchant for using people with no real desire to build an actual relationship?

Or do you want to be the one who deals with him to some degree and feels like you need to scream in a box for an hour after every interaction?

If he shows any real signs that you can redirect things in a positive way, it's worth a try.

If not? My unsolicited, but somewhat relevant and absolutely experienced advise is: you should all do yourselves a favor and peace out on dude.

With any luck he'll fall in, and if he doesn't, oh well. You have one less vampire to suck your money/emotion/energy dry.
13497576, thx for this.
Posted by kinetic94761180, Sun Jan-21-24 01:06 PM
i'm quickly turning into one that will be despised.
13497593, if you do want to get to know him...
Posted by akon, Sun Jan-21-24 09:23 PM
you can do that without giving him money, and without feeling guilty about this
you don't owe him anything - that's your mom's responsibility, not yours.
i think you all should collectively agree to stop giving him money and be upfront with him
(love to get to know you etc etc etc., but it cannot be from our giving you money. that's not fair)
and see how it goes from there.
if he makes this relationship contingent on you sending him money - then he's not ready/interested to be in y'alls family.
13497621, agreed.
Posted by kinetic94761180, Mon Jan-22-24 10:53 AM