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Topic subjectWhat estimated percentage of France’s economy depends on African nations?
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13493434, What estimated percentage of France’s economy depends on African nations?
Posted by 3CardMolly, Thu Oct-26-23 08:59 AM
If those nations all pulled a Niger, what would happen?

Tried asking the GPT Chats but they kept saying they couldn’t answer. I thought those things were designed with predictability in mind.
13493846, I don't think ChatGPT would be good to answer a question like this.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Nov-02-23 04:04 PM
Especially using a subject/ambiguous word like "depends".

I know nothing on the topic so I gooled "French and African trade" and found these top two articles informative.

One with a French POV:


and one with an African POV:


both I found informative.

The things I do to avoid actual work work. SMH.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13493927, RE: I don't think ChatGPT would be good to answer a question like this.
Posted by 3CardMolly, Sat Nov-04-23 09:35 AM
The French pov seems intent on mentioning how African nations need France financially yet show no proof. The African pov gives a feeling of not wanting to step on any toes while retelling facts. Neither tell of what France is facing or will face as African nations cut them off. Could it be that African nations haven’t really cut them off and this is just more of the same self serving political figures staging change?
13493850, this article on Kenyans making $2 an hour to input data for AI is ummm
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Nov-02-23 05:51 PM

is this like "the cloud" which is just another server?


13493928, RE: this article on Kenyans making $2 an hour to input data for AI is ummm
Posted by 3CardMolly, Sat Nov-04-23 09:38 AM
That was uncomfortable and brings to mind the rupees paid to the kids in Slumdog Millionaire. I have no idea what bitcoin looks like these days but is it possible for all overseas transactions to weigh their pay based on it?
13493875, I found this video interesting...:
Posted by ThaTruth, Fri Nov-03-23 09:21 AM
13493926, Indeed it is
Posted by 3CardMolly, Sat Nov-04-23 09:29 AM
Doesn’t quite answer the question of France’s dependence on African nations but makes wonder how France’s economy has changed since the coups in Niger, New Guinea etc.

Side note: Everytime I read/see of an African nation cutting off an European country I see/hear Dave Chappelle as Calvin telling his baby mama ‘You cut off!’ from the McRib sandwich 🤣
13493936, Not very dependent
Posted by fif, Sat Nov-04-23 12:19 PM
Is maybe the answer you're looking for?

France has a gdp of $3 trillion (7th largest in the world). All African countries combined have a gdp around $3 trillion. Niger's gdp is $15 billion, one of the smallest in Africa.
13493945, So what’s the estimate?
Posted by 3CardMolly, Sat Nov-04-23 05:33 PM
Is it .015%, .15%, 1.5% or 15%?

I mean it’s nice that France has such a high gdp but if you lose financial systems with countries you pay half a penny on a dollar for whatever production they provide and it provides some stability to your economy you will be effected, not to mention paying much more moderate rates for what you’ve received below dirt cheap previously. How much is what I’d like to know.
13493957, I don't think there is any appetite for this
Posted by fif, Sun Nov-05-23 07:27 PM
Among the bigger economies in Africa. France's biggest trade partners in Africa are Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Nigeria. I don't think they are about to stop trade with France because one of the smallest economies in the world is beefing with them. Niger and Guinea are countries that receive significant aid money from abroad. They are not in a position to lead something like this.

It's interesting that former French colonies have fared significantly worse than former British colonies (in Africa and elsewhere) since independence. One reason is the British established more functional institutions that have had more sticking power.
13493962, You make it sound like a fair deal
Posted by 3CardMolly, Sun Nov-05-23 09:00 PM
it definitely was and still is not.

I really don't care about the flushed in Arab nations of north Africa cause last I heard they do their best inhumane practices on Black Africans, while keeping the slave trade and muslim based terror raids going.

Also France does have it's hand in more than the countries you named mainly through financial institutions all over the continent.

On another note, France seems to be a bit butt hurt about a number of African nations as presented here ... https://www.theartnewspaper.com/2023/09/15/france-suspends-cultural-cooperation-with-west-african-countries. If it's all good, why whimper and throw a hissy-fit?
13493964, I don't really understand your position
Posted by fif, Mon Nov-06-23 02:36 AM
Do you support all the recent coups in the region? Because you saw the overthrown leaders as USA/France puppets who allowed USA/France to do whatever they wanted in the name of fighting islamic extremism?

There's truth in that. In exchange for aid $, those leaders let the USA military basically do whatever it wanted. But the question is who fills the vacuum? Russian mercenaries? Chinese investment? We're talking some of the least economically developed countries in the world. If I were a citizen of Niger, Id rather my country is being infused with money/aid and military support by the USA than Wagner group. The coup in Niger has been widely condemned by other African countries. It's not clear what the people in charge plan to do to improve conditions for the people. Seems likely that the coup has made life worse and more dangerous for most Nigerians.

Lmk what I'm missing. What is the light at the end of the tunnel?
13494124, I could’ve sworn I asked a simple question
Posted by 3CardMolly, Tue Nov-07-23 09:52 PM
But apparently it’s a spin-off

What % of France’s economy is dependent on or made up from African nations?

That’s what I’m asking. I don’t care about the Wagner group, US’s part in the snatching, hearsay about the coup, how low on the economical totem pole African nations, questions on my pov etc etc etc.
13494248, 8.
Posted by squeeg, Thu Nov-09-23 03:37 AM
13494404, 8% ?
Posted by 3CardMolly, Sun Nov-12-23 11:16 AM