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Topic subjectKeKe’s was ass out.. literally, lol
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13488093, KeKe’s was ass out.. literally, lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jul-10-23 01:09 PM
baby daddy said she shouldn’t have them thangs out now that she is a mother.. lol.

I saw the dress from the front and wondered what the hooplah was about

then yesterday I saw the back and yes, she did have them cheeks on display.

She caking off the cakes with $45 tshirts

I feel for dude because I wouldn’t want my lady out there in a dress like that… BUTT, unless he got stacks on stacks he gotta sit back and take it.

13488097, Whatever his feelings were, they should've been private.
Posted by JFrost1117, Mon Jul-10-23 01:40 PM
People say "communication is key" and then do the complete opposite. If you want to be super controlling on some Jonah Hill shit, do it privately. Now you look lame and your girl and the whole internet is clowning you.
13488111, she put them privates on public display
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jul-10-23 02:32 PM
13494398, RE: Whatever his feelings were, they should've been private.
Posted by 3CardMolly, Sun Nov-12-23 10:21 AM
13488100, I've watched this on Twitter and I've got a lonely take.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Jul-10-23 01:53 PM
Namely, that's between them. And yeah I get the "well, if it's between them, why did that house husband go public talking smack on Twitter?"

I get that. And that might be the case and true but....

Ever been with a girl who gets mad at you because you DON'T get jealous?

I don't know if this is the case, but I also don't know their relationship dynamic. Meaning, Black Twitter could lose their mind over all of this and Keke could be ok with him publically acting out.

I don't know. None of us do but Keke and her dude.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13488113, whatever it was they unfollowed eachother I just read
Posted by T Reynolds, Mon Jul-10-23 02:38 PM
guess social media won
13488117, damn.. this was a bad look by both parties IMO
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jul-10-23 02:48 PM
its like a 2023 lesson in how to fuck up a relationship
13488127, chances are there was already some trouble there.
Posted by .Monkeynuts., Mon Jul-10-23 03:07 PM
this was just a public straw.

honestly...i think the only reason she even claimed him publicly was because he was the father of her child. nobody knew who he was before the pregnancy announcement...or even knew keke had a man.
13488133, doesn’t it say more about her…
Posted by Trinity444, Mon Jul-10-23 06:00 PM
if she’s the “bread winner”, is it ok to disregard his feelings?

i have mixed feelings about it. It bothers me that dude is being crucified for possibly believing they had something deeper, especially after bringing a child in the world together.

13488136, That was definitely a “fuck your feelings” dress
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jul-10-23 06:52 PM
13488139, Huh?
Posted by soulpsychodelicyde, Mon Jul-10-23 07:31 PM
Because she wore a dress she didn't think they had something deeper? Make it make sense...
13488143, sure…
Posted by Trinity444, Mon Jul-10-23 08:32 PM
he probably thought she would have consulted him. ultimately the decision is her’s; however, his reaction is clearly a sign that the relationship lacks a foundation. They don’t know each other. How could you not know it could be offensive….there’s been no discussion or you don’t care.
13488148, That's a whole lot of speculation. But go off.
Posted by soulpsychodelicyde, Tue Jul-11-23 06:46 AM
13488155, how else would you explain his reaction?
Posted by Trinity444, Tue Jul-11-23 08:22 AM
13488197, He's an insecure manchild.
Posted by soulpsychodelicyde, Tue Jul-11-23 12:54 PM
Because that's what that behavior indicates. It says nothing about their relationship. Zero. It says everything about him.
13488159, She don't know that man
Posted by Lurkmode, Tue Jul-11-23 08:47 AM

He don't that woman.

You right
13488187, people be fucking
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jul-11-23 11:51 AM
they dont give a shit about all their SO’s political and social beliefs before deciding the smash

which is why a ton of folks be like “my partner changed, I don’t even know them anymore”

niggas never made the effort or put it to the side because the ass was phat
13488190, Well that would explain it
Posted by Lurkmode, Tue Jul-11-23 12:00 PM

That must be the reason, given what he posted in the past.
13488156, Yeah but what does unfollowing each other even mean.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Jul-11-23 08:23 AM
Like everything people do online is ulimately and by definition performative.

They can unfollow each other because her PR person tells her to do it and go home and laugh about the whole thing.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13488212, that could be true for a more established couple
Posted by T Reynolds, Tue Jul-11-23 03:41 PM
but I just read this:

"ICYMI, the couple have been together since 2021, after the True Jackson VP alum and fitness instructor reportedly met at a Memorial Day party hosted by Issa Rae and Diddy."

This couple has no street cred, it's more likely they're a standard hollywood ass online couple, that breaks up over e-scandals lol

13488161, It's also interesting that this same internet dragged Ciara for wearing
Posted by kfine, Tue Jul-11-23 09:22 AM
a similarly sheer gown to an Oscar's party a few months ago, and she was accompanied by her def-not-emasculated-one-of-highest-paid-per-year-in-nfl husband:





So Idk. I kinda frame all the backlash (on both Keke's partner's part and social media's part) as plain old Madonna-Whore and anti-Black conditioning. I actually don't see the men in this equation, or whatever gaps in earnings and power exist within these couples, as the core issue (even as one man resorted to immature tactics to promulgate said core issues).

Like, I don't support what Keke's partner did. But rather than engage with what it is folks found problematic about his words/actions, a lot of clapbacks focused instead on ridiculing him for earning less and/or caregiving, which we shouldn't actually shame at all. Furthermore, high profile Black men who DON'T feel the need to overcompensate for a weaker economic standing within their relationships by publicly-shaming their partner, like A$AP Rocky, get ridiculed online the same way.

So where I'm at on this is I actually find it most sad that Keke delivering their child only 5 months ago was more of an afterthought to everybody lol, including her partner. Whenever I see new or recently-recovered moms step out like that, especially when it's clear they feel confidence in their post-baby body (whether due to losing weight or simply embracing their thicker frame), the first thing I think/feel is their triumph.

Sometimes people, no matter the gender, just wanna reinforce/ reintroduce vigor and vitality in themselves that took a back seat for a while. Or that they've been struggling to connect with after a life change. And it's unfortunate that Keke doing so for one night caused such a problem in their relationship, but even worse that it's still not normalized in our society to have that bare minimum level of empathy for someone who just delivered.

I mean, some some people need to lose like 50+, 70+, even 100+ lbs of pregnancy weight to look like Keke, Ciara, etc did in those dresses lol. As men, can you imagine losing that much weight and then being shamed (whether by your partner or by society) into hiding it because you're a Dad, public figure, etc? Edit: The Ciara backlash was especially crazy bc there were multiple (not Black) women/mothers there dressed in equally sheer dresses who weren't policed at all.

>don't know their
>relationship dynamic. Meaning, Black Twitter could lose their
>mind over all of this and Keke could be ok with him publically
>acting out.
>I don't know. None of us do but Keke and her dude.

13488228, Just saw Dua whats her face in a mesh chain gown
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jul-11-23 04:18 PM
for a red carpet for a Barbie movie premiere and most of the comments were negative or on some “where is the decency, its a kids movie”


I’m old school with it.

I don’t see wearing next to nothing as empowering but that’s just me.
13488242, Tbf, I can't see myself electing to wear a sheer head-to-toe gown
Posted by kfine, Tue Jul-11-23 07:01 PM
at this age... even if I had a baby and lost the weight super fast lol

Ciara, Keke, Dua Lipa etc are hollywood tho, so it's just different stakes.

I don't have a problem with reserved people, I just think the challenge comes when people who feel very differently about such things try to make a partnership work. OR expect a 180 after marriage and/or kids from what they were obviously attracted to or encouraged in the first place (e.g. Ye and Kim).

Like, Ciara and Russell are clearly on the same page... but Keke's dude's stress seems a bit self-selected bc she was hollywood when they met, and there's no shortage of reserved women who he might be more compatible with. He knows why he chose Keke over them tho.

That said, in my past bartending life I did have to dress on the sexier side for work (e.g. booty shorts and heels, bikini tops, lingerie, etc), but not even my most jealous ex ever had a problem with it. I appreciated the poise I learned from having to confidently present oneself in public dressed like that, but never really saw it as empowering... more like means to an end. I never dressed like that in any other public context and my personal taste has always leaned more understated.

>I’m old school with it.
>I don’t see wearing next to nothing as empowering but
>that’s just me.
13488115, Bruh do you have no imagination? You couldn't figure out what the
Posted by Cenario, Mon Jul-10-23 02:44 PM
back looked like, from the front? lol
13488116, lulz
Posted by luminous, Mon Jul-10-23 02:47 PM
13488120, I thought he was being muslim with his description
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jul-10-23 02:52 PM
like the dress was tight

didn’t know it was sheer with the booty meat out.

13488118, they pulled up his past tweets and shit was pretty wild in 2016 lol.
Posted by .Monkeynuts., Mon Jul-10-23 02:49 PM


if you just check his timeline, likes etc...dude has clearly been on some maga/incel/anti-simp/red pill/alpha male/high value man/etc shit.

which is funny because hes basically a stay at home dad whose baby mom is the breadwinner in the relationship.

but i wonder how keke even got with him like that. im sure this part of him came up in their relationship.

shit like this had to be a major red flag:
13488119, Goddamn.
Posted by Brew, Mon Jul-10-23 02:50 PM
13488121, Yowzers.
Posted by JFrost1117, Mon Jul-10-23 02:52 PM
"Bitches are stupid" but he got a period and an exclamation point. Aight den, m'boi.
13488123, breh does have that look
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jul-10-23 02:54 PM
never seen a photo of dude..

he got that “why you smiling at the bagger in the grocery store” vibe
13488124, Pardon my ignorance
Posted by Numba_33, Mon Jul-10-23 02:56 PM
but outside of scrolling on someone's timeline, how is it possible to dig up old posts on people's social media accounts?
13488128, you can search for words using the username, dates, etc.
Posted by .Monkeynuts., Mon Jul-10-23 03:10 PM
but i think the stuff people pulled up from him just came from scrolling his timeline.

it wasnt something really specific like searching a politicians tweets to see if they mentioned a policy or culture war buzzword in the past at any time.
13488126, Dude got the vibe of the New London Complimenter
Posted by T Reynolds, Mon Jul-10-23 03:01 PM

13488222, F'ing Loser. What's wrong with dudes.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Jul-11-23 03:59 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13488129, Damn
Posted by Lurkmode, Mon Jul-10-23 04:42 PM

>but i wonder how keke even got with him like that. im sure
>this part of him came up in their relationship.

Yep I'm asking the same thing.
13488257, funny, because his response to her makes more sense now…
Posted by Trinity444, Tue Jul-11-23 09:39 PM
on some, “of course he would expect his baby mama to conduct herself better”. look at his beliefs.

like you said above, chances are there’s already some trouble there…

13488122, he knew who his BM was before he got with her
Posted by seasoned vet, Mon Jul-10-23 02:52 PM
we gotta stop expecting class from classless people
13488134, I don’t think either of them did…
Posted by Trinity444, Mon Jul-10-23 06:03 PM
it’s unfortunate too because now a child is involved.

13488140, sounds like bro enrolled in andrew tate university
Posted by mikediggz, Mon Jul-10-23 08:09 PM
honor student
13488141, she's at a concert with a new body... in vegas...to see..Ursher.
Posted by tariqhu, Mon Jul-10-23 08:14 PM
ass gonna be on display. let her do what she do. she's been claiming dude all on the webs. now he's prolly lost out on his good thang.

seems like he got insecure and conservative at the same time in public. he gotta take this L.

13488149, I think its much easier to say that when its not our SO
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jul-11-23 07:26 AM
cause I have to keep it real.

my wife walks in with that outfit we having discussions.. lol.

I imagine the same if I stepped out in some nut huggers or sweats that showed the D swanging
13488244, it's easy to speculate on both sides.
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Jul-11-23 07:24 PM
having a discussion is much different than saying publicly that she shouldn't wear that because she's a mom. plus he probably didn't even see that outfit til it was on the web.

he should prolly ask asap rocky for advice lol

my guess is this was more about the dancing with Ursher than the outfit.
13488323, I bet he DID see the outfit
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jul-12-23 01:49 PM
and was mad af she wouldn’t change

and while watching at home changing exploding diapers dude lost his cool.

13488325, i think he really lost his cool because of the internet's reaction.
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jul-12-23 01:54 PM
cuz, she SAID "he saw me leave the house like this."

he has also shown her on his OWN IG dressed in less than this, and twerking, etc.

so, i don't think it's the "showing her body" thing.

i think it's the internet emasculating him cuz Usher was showing her attention cuz they were saying shit like "Usher stole your girl" etc.

also, please keep in mind Usher's GIRL was there, and he does that at EVERY show. it's simply part of the performance.
13488157, wasn't this last week's news? kinda girly-mouthed for dudes to still be...
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Jul-11-23 08:33 AM
obsessed with these folks business even if it is on social media
13488165, lol. never change bro
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jul-11-23 09:39 AM
13488178, you either
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Jul-11-23 11:03 AM
13488167, Whatever happened, the woman can’t be wrong. Those are the rules of twitter
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Jul-11-23 09:49 AM
13488211, lol.. true
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jul-11-23 03:22 PM
13488176, im 2 for 2 on my weirdo spidey sense
Posted by grey, Tue Jul-11-23 10:59 AM
dude struck me as a weirdo. Stalled him cuz keke the homie. But them historical tweets and the most recent shit just confirmed it.

All he had to do was play his position and he woulda been gold. Them dumbass old tweets prolly woulda came out at some point though so maybe not. Still, he had the black female base, had the baby, had a baddy on his arm. I’m sure there’s more in the background and he was emotional but cmon fam. sometimes the weird nigga just takes over.
13488202, She's an actress, her dress should be the least of dudes' worries
Posted by flipnile, Tue Jul-11-23 01:41 PM
She going to work shooting love scenes with handsome jacked dudes while he at home changing diapers and taking the baby on walks with one of those fancy three-wheel strollers.

Edit: He probably feels that energy, and that's why he's lashing out. She coming home from an industry party tipsy smelling like weed (and she don't smoke) at 5am and go straight into the shower. And take her phone with her, lol.
13488207, she gets paid for love scenes
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jul-11-23 02:38 PM
this was after work.. lol
13488226, I'm old and out of touch...
Posted by Marbles, Tue Jul-11-23 04:11 PM
>this was after work.. lol

...but wouldn't that clip of her & Usher been good publicity? You got 2 well-liked celebrities interacting and being all sexy. Folks will give her props for looking great and enjoying life after her pregnancy. And Usher singing to her got tongues wagging.

I can understand why she was on stage with him and why he was singing to her and why it would get a lot of clicks from their fans.

Sure, this was off-the-clock. But this kind of stuff can be free publicity in the social media age, right? Keke and Usher played it up because they knew it was gonna be on Snapchat, twitter, TikTok, etc.
13488230, they say any publicity is good publicity
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jul-11-23 04:46 PM
and yes, I totally get how this could be work related

13488215, Shaming a (Black) man for being a hands-on/involved father is as
Posted by kfine, Tue Jul-11-23 03:47 PM

toxic as what he did to Keke tho

we should let this man care for his son lol (if he's even doing any of these things; it's not like we know)

there's plenty else to come for him about

>while he at home changing diapers and taking the baby on
>walks with one of those fancy three-wheel strollers.

13488245, This part.
Posted by soulpsychodelicyde, Tue Jul-11-23 07:25 PM
13488302, You're right. Doing all of those things is a positive.
Posted by flipnile, Wed Jul-12-23 10:47 AM
Didn't mean to come off that it wasn't. I used some poor phrasing trying to be clever, lol.

What I was really trying to say (using an old metaphor this time) is that he's the comfortable old shoe that she comes home to, while she goes to work around racy heels and boots.

13488250, damn you painting a picture ain’t you lol
Posted by grey, Tue Jul-11-23 07:51 PM
I think it’s interesting that this was labeled shaming when all you did was list some basic baby caretaking tasks lol. Think that (presumably public) assumption speaks to the insecurity that may have given rise to his public response (outside the context of him just bein a weirdo).
13488205, he and his brother are CLEARLY different people, lol.
Posted by PROMO, Tue Jul-11-23 02:16 PM
his brother, by all accounts, is super well liked, on top of being, per reports, one of the biggest players in hollywood when it comes to women.

on the other had, this dude is acting the least player-y you can behave. zero swagger.

AND, with the exposure of them old tweets? if he was liked, he probably a little less liked now by people who probably did like him and are looking at him a little different, on top of not being liked for his behavoir re: Keke.
13488225, Not a single Boondocks reference? Sheesh
Posted by MEAT, Tue Jul-11-23 04:10 PM
13488231, Tom Dubios knew what time it was..
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jul-11-23 04:47 PM
“let it burn”
13490136, CAR!!!
Posted by spenzalii, Wed Aug-16-23 10:19 PM
13490052, yo theyre fucked up for this lol
Posted by .Monkeynuts., Tue Aug-15-23 11:05 AM
13490057, Could have been the plan all along for all we know.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Aug-15-23 11:17 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13490072, savage!
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Aug-15-23 05:38 PM
13490077, this some bird ass shit smh
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Aug-15-23 08:41 PM
13490078, shit like this is why everyone thinks everything is a roll out.
Posted by PROMO, Tue Aug-15-23 08:55 PM
13490128, I don't think it's a roll out, but I do think they are capitalizing on ol' boy
Posted by tariqhu, Wed Aug-16-23 05:32 PM
ill conceived tweets. maybe I'm being naive, but he words seemed genuine.

she savage fr though. she said 'I am a mother' at the end. lmao.

13490086, full video:
Posted by .Monkeynuts., Wed Aug-16-23 10:10 AM

is usher ever gonna release an album?

hes had a bunch of individual singles drop for the past few years with no album.
13490139, video is kew. song is ass - the worst of his most recent four.
Posted by PROMO, Wed Aug-16-23 11:26 PM
13490129, What does “Stevie to the BS mean”?
Posted by SuiteLady, Wed Aug-16-23 05:53 PM
13490137, RE: What does “Stevie to the BS mean”?
Posted by ProgressiveSound, Wed Aug-16-23 11:12 PM
think Stevie Wonder
13490150, Oh! okay, thanks
Posted by SuiteLady, Thu Aug-17-23 11:52 AM
13494353, fuckin weirdo
Posted by grey, Fri Nov-10-23 01:41 PM
13494357, got a golden path ahead if he was just..........regular.
Posted by tariqhu, Fri Nov-10-23 01:48 PM
she definitely needs to get away from his ass.


13494358, big stedman rollin in his grave (c)
Posted by grey, Fri Nov-10-23 01:54 PM
13494359, right!
Posted by tariqhu, Fri Nov-10-23 01:58 PM
play your position and chill tf out.
13494361, Jeezus.
Posted by Brew, Fri Nov-10-23 02:14 PM
Obviously this is the least awful of his actions, but dude got fired up about her (allegedly) flirting with a *woman* ?!

Insecure as fuck.
13494391, they must have a book coming out
Posted by seasoned vet, Sat Nov-11-23 10:52 PM
13494393, I Dont Belong To You - by KeKe Palmer
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Nov-12-23 08:08 AM

its being updated as we speak
13494414, correlation does not always imply causation
Posted by seasoned vet, Sun Nov-12-23 08:06 PM
13494437, lmao at replying seriously..
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Nov-14-23 07:35 AM
you need to lighten up francois

13494415, her book from 2017?
Posted by tariqhu, Sun Nov-12-23 08:48 PM
13494417, hahahaha!!
Posted by seasoned vet, Mon Nov-13-23 12:39 AM
13494407, Restraining Order Filed w/Video Evidence From February
Posted by Thee Phantom, Sun Nov-12-23 01:39 PM
Of course the public isn't privy to what's on video, but it appears as though he may have been putting hands on her long before she went to the Usher concert.

There's zero excuse for Domestic Violence, but this takes away any BS defense that he was only acting out because she publicly embarrassed him by being serenaded.