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Topic subjectCanadian wildfires / Air Quality check post.
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13485720, Canadian wildfires / Air Quality check post.
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Jun-07-23 07:44 AM
Posting this out of curiosity to see how widespread the air damage is from the reported Canadian wildfires.

As of mid-afternoon yesterday 6/06/2023, the air quality was noticeable bad. I felt what I thought was pollen in my eyes riding my bike home early in the afternoon, but now I'm guessing that were the particulates from the Canadian smoke.

Even worse was actually smelling the wildfires last night despite the fact I was indoors.

Curious if folks in other locales in the US are feeling the effects from this madness.

This reminds me of all the wildfires that seemingly hit California every summer in recent years; now I wonder how bad it is for folks in states surrounding Cali every summer.
13485723, I’m in Northern VA and it’s bad up here
Posted by DaKidFromHaiti, Wed Jun-07-23 08:20 AM
13485725, terrible in NY
Posted by luminous, Wed Jun-07-23 08:28 AM
13485738, yep, yesterday evening smelled like after 9/11 smh
Posted by Cenario, Wed Jun-07-23 09:35 AM
13485732, east coast getting to experience what us west coast folk...
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-07-23 09:23 AM
live with seemingly every summer now.

thanks climate change.

i'm praying we get off easy this year. if it's not our own WA forest fires, it comes down from ones in Canada.
13485736, in east ohio and its pretty bad.
Posted by Brotha Sun, Wed Jun-07-23 09:32 AM
13485741, First air quality Code Red for Charlotte since 2016
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-07-23 09:52 AM
I can’t tell but I only went outside and live next to a forest/park.

Probably bad if you live downtown
13485747, SHit just hit read in the VDM
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Jun-07-23 10:21 AM
13485749, also, if the readings are bad in your area, keep your ass inside...
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-07-23 10:28 AM
if you can.

that shit will affect your respiratory system.
13485764, Have to feel sorry for delivery workers, construction workers
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Jun-07-23 11:45 AM
and anyone else that has to earn a living being outside for extended hours while doing some form of physical activity.
13485876, yuuup. even if you can't see it or smell it, if the ratings are bad
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jun-08-23 12:16 PM
listen to them

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13485878, And your mood.
Posted by spades, Thu Jun-08-23 12:34 PM
A few years back when in it was bad in norcal an reno, after a week of that shit I just started feeling drained and tired.

I'm pulling for y'all. This shit sucks.
13485758, I'm in Toronto and it's bad - smoke everywhere
Posted by wrecknoble, Wed Jun-07-23 11:04 AM
I live on the west end of the city, and normally have a very clear view of the entire skyline. Yesterday we couldn't even see the CN Tower from our windows due to all the smoke/haze.

AQI is around 140 now. I went out for a run early morning when it was closer to 100 because I knew it would progressively worsen throughout the day.
13485759, bruh i thought something melted outside
Posted by tomjohn29, Wed Jun-07-23 11:06 AM
in Northern Virginia and they aint letting the kids go to recess
13485767, Looks like there is a sepia filter over real life...
Posted by luminous, Wed Jun-07-23 12:27 PM
13485768, Just took a peak through a window at work
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Jun-07-23 12:38 PM
the sky looks much worse than it did this same time yesterday.

I should have mentioned that I work and reside in Brooklyn, NY.

Scary thing is that according to the news, the smoke is supposed to get worse at approximately 4PM - 7PM tonight.
13485769, yeah and until the winds shift and/or the fires get under control...
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-07-23 12:42 PM
it's gonna be like that for awhile, at least if it's anything like what we get on this side.
13485779, someone told me the fire is 70% under control right now
Posted by makaveli, Wed Jun-07-23 02:28 PM
13485774, i went out to lunch and feel like i need a shower.
Posted by Cenario, Wed Jun-07-23 01:41 PM
13485770, Yeah it's looking like 00's middle east or mexico outside
Posted by T Reynolds, Wed Jun-07-23 01:19 PM
13485776, this is the air we breathe
Posted by makaveli, Wed Jun-07-23 02:01 PM
greedy people are going to destroy earth.
13485783, there is a show on Apple+’called Extrapolation
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-07-23 02:53 PM
and its about this type of shit right here being the new normal
13485780, The internet has all the answers.
Posted by Numba_33, Wed Jun-07-23 02:37 PM

That website has information I was trying to gather with this post. According to that website, there are particulates on both coasts. The situation is a lot more dire here on the East Coast though.
13485784, In Syracuse; where the air quality has been the worst of anywhere
Posted by DJR, Wed Jun-07-23 02:55 PM
Around lunch time you couldn’t see the sun even though it wasn’t cloudy, and cars had their lights on. Smells like a campfire. I have a headache and red eyes. It’s bad.
13485791, June 7th is Clean Air Day in Canada btw
Posted by Cenario, Wed Jun-07-23 03:52 PM
13485839, the irony is thicc, like the smoke.
Posted by PROMO, Thu Jun-08-23 09:17 AM
13485803, Looks like cookout smoke, but everywhere.
Posted by flipnile, Wed Jun-07-23 06:25 PM
I think today way supposed to be mostly sunny, but the smoke clouds make it legit hazy and kinda dim outside.

Shit really blocking the sun.

Edit: In Philadelphia.
13485866, Take care of your mental health
Posted by fif, Thu Jun-08-23 11:33 AM
Avoid doing cardio out in it. Break out your best covid masks.

This has become a regular thing late summer where I live. Running/biking in it.... you're going to take a lot more particulate matter in--not good. Brings the whole mood everywhere down. Sun a red disc can look pretty cool. Weatherman's predictions of when it'll clear? I've learned not to trust them. Smoke/fires are far harder to forecast than weather from clouds
13485877, If you don't mind me asking
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Jun-08-23 12:18 PM
>This has become a regular thing late summer where I live.

Where is this?
13485940, Seattle
Posted by fif, Thu Jun-08-23 08:32 PM
never happened 90s-00s...I think 2016 the smoke hit bad...and it has been around late every summer since (some years worse than others).

Historically, it happened sometimes. A few instances post-wwii, 19th century, and in Native oral tradition. But it's been bad in recent years.

This year I think we are set-up for possibly worst yet. Seattle spring used to be 'don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes'--clouds moving through fast, some showers, a sun-break, some more drizzle, etc. This May: tons of blue sky, not a cloud days. The Californians love it, but does not bode well for forest fire season/snow-pack/glaciers. We've already had days of smoke (from Canada).

But yea AQI last few years...we've been in those Qatar ranges for stretches. Two summers ago, there was a record-breaking heatwave. Eastern Washington (ag-land) hasn't been able to grow shit for wheat.
13485879, ^^^^^
Posted by spades, Thu Jun-08-23 12:35 PM
13485911, just moved to a city that has had some bad summers recently
Posted by bearfield, Thu Jun-08-23 05:48 PM
last summer was ok but bracing for some bad air this year due to the abnormally high precipitation here and further west over the past few weeks
13485870, ole Blade Runner 2049 ass air.....
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Jun-08-23 12:01 PM


"To Each His Reach"


Fuck aliens.
13485875, from the other post
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jun-08-23 12:16 PM

people underestimate the effect of wildfire smoke and all the shit (read: plastic) that's caught up in it.

don't go outside and exercise if the air quality is bad

https://www.airnow.gov/ can show you stats (not quite real time) for your area

if you have n95s wear them outside, even if you can't smell or see the smoke check the data, it's still out there and affecting you

if you have air purifiers at home, use 'em

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13485890, like I said in the other post the "don't go outside" thing is bogus...
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Jun-08-23 01:45 PM
some people work outside, some people live outside, I feel like this should almost be a "national state of emergency" or something like that
13485910, covid should've made clear
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jun-08-23 05:35 PM
they don't care about you

as long as you're well enough to come to work (so here's a free vaccine, get yo ass in the office) you're good to go.

we are on our own

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13485915, ^^^^^^^^
Posted by bwood, Thu Jun-08-23 06:12 PM
13486071, Air quality is 30
Posted by Kira, Fri Jun-09-23 03:10 PM
Worst it got was outside smelling like charcoal embers.
13487762, shit's worse now than it was the first time
Posted by Rjcc, Fri Jun-30-23 08:02 AM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13487769, my people in Pittsburgh can’t even see across the river.
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jun-30-23 08:51 AM
shit is terrible up there

we got nothing in Charlotte right now thankfully
13487770, It’s terrible here in Michigan.
Posted by soulfunk, Fri Jun-30-23 08:58 AM
I wasn’t able to smell it a couple weeks ago when it was bad at first, but now the smell is undeniable. It’s also just crazy hazy everywhere.
13487773, shit looks like the shelter before the smoking ban
Posted by Rjcc, Fri Jun-30-23 09:20 AM
but outside tho

gotta keep that n95 on

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13487779, I heard on the news
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Jun-30-23 09:57 AM
as of yesterday a crop of midwestern cites near Canada has worst air in the world status as result of the fires.

How orange was the sky for you folks?

It wasn't nearly as bad here in NYC as it was for your locale and I swear I could feel particles hitting my eyes as I was riding my bike last night.

This is going to be a rough two months as temperatures get higher and higher I'm certain.
13487784, the sky wasn't orange like new york
Posted by Rjcc, Fri Jun-30-23 10:54 AM
it was just smoky like an N64 game hiding pop in

but the air quality can be just as bad even when it doesn't look like that

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at