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Topic subjectSo.....what's goin' on in Sudan?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13483649
13483649, So.....what's goin' on in Sudan?
Posted by normal35762, Thu Apr-27-23 09:58 AM
Where is Al Bashir?


Gonna look up more info when I can but I wonder what sparked this conflict off.
13483654, I have a neighbor from Sudan with family in the government...
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Apr-27-23 10:22 AM
I'm trying to figure out how to ask him about what may be a sensitive subject
13483659, my sister-in-law is Sudanese.. been a stressful time
Posted by wrecknoble, Thu Apr-27-23 10:34 AM
her parents split their time between Sudan and Canada (they are Canadian citizens) and got stuck in Khartoum when the fighting started. they have finally made it to Egypt after a harrowing journey and should hopefully be back in Canada with us soon. prayers up for all the family that can't get out, and all the millions of people being affected by this mess.
13483661, RE: I have a neighbor from Sudan with family in the government...
Posted by normal35762, Thu Apr-27-23 10:38 AM
How are you doing? How is family?

I am seeing some headline news about what is going on in Sudan.

To the extent that you care to share or talk about it what's going on?
13483660, .
Posted by normal35762, Thu Apr-27-23 10:36 AM
13483707, Amin Elhassen speaks on it here...
Posted by Dstl1, Thu Apr-27-23 02:32 PM
it's a good watch, if you have time. He gets into it pretty early, regarding Sudan.