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Topic subjectTalkin' Shop on a Monday
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13481103, Talkin' Shop on a Monday
Posted by spades, Mon Mar-20-23 10:17 AM
office politics is the biggest waste of time.

I seriously don't get what people get out of perpetuating this BS while at work. Don't we have enough stress?

What's working y'all nerve?
13481117, I'm on call this week.
Posted by tariqhu, Mon Mar-20-23 01:13 PM
I'll be glad when this is no longer part of my role.
13481338, Ain't you in IT?
Posted by spades, Thu Mar-23-23 01:21 PM
I never thought of IT as on of those "On Call" jobs, but it makes sense. I feel like I'm kina always on call these days. This shit is for the birds.
13481347, I'm in cybersecurity.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Mar-23-23 06:18 PM
this is the first job I've had in my life that has on-call rotations. I purposely stayed away from those jobs.

I only do it once every 10-12 weeks. which is 4-5 times per year.

this was my inlet into security so I decided to take this role. eventually, I want to move to another role without on-call bs. I got something in process now. just hoping eventually means soon.
13481118, Went to a conference last week in Denver.. there is always one
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-20-23 01:25 PM
Women in Cyber conference in Denver. The resort was lovely. 1900 women on tech. Which means 1500 indian women, 300 white women and 100 Black women.

but my goodness, there was one woman I wanted to hire ON SITE. Another vendor who gave me a compliment but I had to stay professional.

anyway.. that wasn’t the mission.

After it was over we went and got liquored up.

I can’t stand lightweights.

One of my coworkers is originally from Ohio and now lives in South Carolina.. and she acts like it as soon as she has 3 light beers!!! She was trying to get me to go to a brewery with her. She had already been at the bar and was embarrassing our coworkers and being obnoxious to the staff. Fuuuuck no I’m not going out into the Colorado night with a white woman who is already intoxicated.

Next week its Nashville. Its me and the homie so we will have fun.