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Topic subjectNon Black people joining Black professionals orgs
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13480792, Non Black people joining Black professionals orgs
Posted by MEAT, Tue Mar-14-23 12:24 PM
Theres a Black at (insert company) work group
And I get that its work and not a “safe space”
But Im specifically trying to recruit for our team “within” and I got a lot of people not “within” that ingroup reaching out
And there are diversity groups for these non ingroup folks with WAY more representation so it’s not as if there’s not a space for them.
13480818, double agents.. dont trust them
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Mar-14-23 02:57 PM
13480827, It feels at best opportunistic and at worst manipulative
Posted by MEAT, Tue Mar-14-23 03:59 PM
Like there’s no reason for a non Black person to need to be in a designated Black space at work
Like the individual gain that one person gets comes at the expense of everyone else
I had posted in there trying to ramp up the Black network because our team has grown to over 140 people, the pipeline appears to be interns, and out of those 140 I’m the ONLY Black person on the team.
So why did a young asian woman reach out to me to say she saw my message on the chat and wants to find out more about the role.
13480854, #thetakeover
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Mar-15-23 07:24 AM
13493952, There was a whole lot of afrobeats and drake this weekend
Posted by MEAT, Sun Nov-05-23 12:36 PM
And not a lot of Chuck Brown.
13480828, errbody wanna be a ninja, but dont nobody wanna be a ninja
Posted by mikediggz, Tue Mar-14-23 04:32 PM
13480829, with my company, they encourage folks to
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Mar-14-23 04:40 PM
cross contaminate. they want men joining women's groups (and the opposite), youngsters joining old head groups, and definitely any cultural groups can be joined by anyone.
13480833, It's better to co opt diversity than provide safe spaces to be oneself
Posted by MEAT, Tue Mar-14-23 05:43 PM
13480857, ^^^
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Wed Mar-15-23 08:46 AM
13494081, ^^^
Posted by spades, Tue Nov-07-23 12:23 PM
13480856, You talking about non-black people of color or white people?
Posted by Hitokiri, Wed Mar-15-23 07:51 AM
13480860, A distinction without a difference in this case
Posted by MEAT, Wed Mar-15-23 09:15 AM
It’s specifically a Black space
The DEI group is literally named “Black at ___”
13480858, wife did it and regretted it
Posted by tomjohn29, Wed Mar-15-23 09:06 AM
shes mexican/japanese/german/korean
grew up in charleston around geechie folk
most of the people who she gravitates towards are black
joined a black partner network at work
everything was all good until new leadership was being asked for
well everyone wanted her to lead
she said no
she recommended to have another women (black) lead and my wife would be under her
ended up my wife doing all the work and this other women collecting the glory
things boiled over and my wife left
network fell apart
13480861, …. that’s kind of my point and the problem
Posted by MEAT, Wed Mar-15-23 09:18 AM
These communities serve a purpose. If their purpose is to be inclusive they don't need to exist. Inclusivity should be the organizational default.
So in your example, your wife should have 1. Never been in the group and 2. The group should’ve focused in on their mission instead of trying to champion diversity

When you co-opt diversity and “but Black” it feels more like a branding opportunity rather than a purpose drive decision. Like these groups cant stand out enough on their own and so they need 1. External validation and 2. A passive lowering of expectations. Like don’t judge me too hard because I’m Black. That’s what bothers me the most about “branding Black”. It takes no work to meet your target audience. People are just expected to give.
13480879, valuable lesson for her
Posted by tomjohn29, Wed Mar-15-23 11:42 AM
i tried to prevent her from doing it for these very reasons
but got to learn the lesson on your own
especially when you want to give to the community at large
now she creates her own space and brings people in
13480902, that happens all the time.. lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Mar-15-23 01:45 PM
one person does the heavy lifting while other people shake hands and get the glory.
13480904, yea...and a year later everyone hates that women
Posted by tomjohn29, Wed Mar-15-23 01:51 PM
which is bittersweet
13480901, The mission is to improve the experience of Black employees
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Mar-15-23 01:41 PM
The purpose doesn't have anything to do with diversity of inclusiveness, it's to improve the experience of black employees.

If I am at a company that doesn't have a lot of black employees, then I want to know who the allies are. I don't need an internal organization for a black safe space. If there are 4 of us who work there, I am going to find you and we can go to lunch and talk all the shit we want about our white co-workers.

But once it's company sponsored, it's not a safe space. If the younger folks think its the space to talk about their cracker co-workers, they are in for a rude awakening.

I think industry orgs are a little different, but not much.

>These communities serve a purpose. If their purpose is to be
>inclusive they don't need to exist. Inclusivity should be the
>organizational default.
>So in your example, your wife should have 1. Never been in the
>group and 2. The group should’ve focused in on their mission
>instead of trying to champion diversity
>When you co-opt diversity and “but Black” it feels more
>like a branding opportunity rather than a purpose drive
>decision. Like these groups cant stand out enough on their
>own and so they need 1. External validation and 2. A passive
>lowering of expectations. Like don’t judge me too hard
>because I’m Black. That’s what bothers me the most about
>“branding Black”. It takes no work to meet your target
>audience. People are just expected to give.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13480908, RE: The mission is to improve the experience of Black employees
Posted by MEAT, Wed Mar-15-23 02:04 PM
So how is the experience of Black employees enhanced by branding a space for everyone as a space tailored for Black employees.
13493953, I had a really good working weekend.
Posted by MEAT, Sun Nov-05-23 12:38 PM
13480933, sounds like a Rachel Dolezal origin story
Posted by Ray_Snill, Wed Mar-15-23 04:51 PM

13480891, My biggest gripe with work DEI programs, is folks thinking its like college.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Mar-15-23 12:55 PM
and forgetting its part of their job.

There is no safe space at work. If there is something you wouldn't say in front of a white colleague, don't say it in a Black ERG group. To put another way, figure out how to say what you need to say as if there are white people in the room.

With that in mind, I say yeah, I have no issue with non-black people being in Black company related groups.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13480897, RE: My biggest gripe with work DEI programs, is folks thinking its like college.
Posted by MEAT, Wed Mar-15-23 01:36 PM

>With that in mind, I say yeah, I have no issue with non-black
>people being in Black company related groups.

So what is their value to Black people then?
13480909, Today I dropped a living single gif in the chat
Posted by MEAT, Wed Mar-15-23 02:09 PM
Other people have dropped ankh shit in their
All appropriate for work stuff
What happens when someone from the outgroup feels excluded from the dialogue but only because they lack the ingroup lived experience
13480911, what sane people do when they see stuff they dont know
Posted by tomjohn29, Wed Mar-15-23 02:28 PM
mind they business lol
13480912, right. either ask or move on.
Posted by tariqhu, Wed Mar-15-23 02:30 PM
13480914, That is not how Blackness is responded to.
Posted by MEAT, Wed Mar-15-23 02:32 PM
Yall know that
13480916, nobody said that doesn't happen.
Posted by tariqhu, Wed Mar-15-23 03:03 PM
if that happens, I'd respond accordingly.

I also don't think it's possible to exclude folks at work, even if the group isn't for everyone.
13480919, Ok. So what is that response accordingly
Posted by MEAT, Wed Mar-15-23 03:09 PM
13480920, there's no way to answer that without specifics.
Posted by tariqhu, Wed Mar-15-23 03:14 PM
13480924, Seems like a cop out
Posted by MEAT, Wed Mar-15-23 03:25 PM
Anti Blackness is a weapon
Always had been
Always will be
To act like there’s on one hand a dismissal that the likely thing that happens a lot wont happen here AND that there’s no way to prepare for it seems more like yall want to just not have a Black space.
Which yall have stated both it should be inclusive and that it cant be exclusive
Which is fine. But those arent Black spaces
This space exists, it has been carved out to be Black.
Which means those things need to be considered and to not do so is irresponsible.
13480926, call it whatever you'd like but you're putting things in that
Posted by tariqhu, Wed Mar-15-23 03:38 PM
weren't said. I didn't say you shouldn't prepare for anti-blackness. if you're creating a space for blackness, that should include prep for those that are against it.

my contention is that I don't see how you can be exclusive at work. what mechanisms can be put into place to stop others from joining? having Black in group name isn't going to do that. So when others do show up, the prep for anti-blackness can be exercised when they display their tendencies.
13480928, This branch off is from me saying what happens when misunderstanding pops
Posted by MEAT, Wed Mar-15-23 03:46 PM
Up and the other poster saying that rationality takes over (or what sane people do)
And there should be enough understanding about how Blackness is policed to know thats not true
So my point is still
This isn't a designated diverse space
This is a designated Black space and it seems like every reply wants to talk around that
13480941, I'm saying that an at work group is automatically a diverse
Posted by tariqhu, Wed Mar-15-23 06:56 PM
space, regardless of intent. others will be interested for various reasons.

13480932, And to circle back, if I could speak specifically to my frustration
Posted by MEAT, Wed Mar-15-23 04:27 PM
Other groups create exclusive spaces at work and outside of work ALL the time
But when Black people talk even amongst ourselves it's as if the idea of Black exclusive space can't even be imagined unless it was enforced externally
Like the idea that we have to be segregated is the only time that we get to have our own shit is whack to me
The idea that someone would ask an in-group person, inside of a non invited space, while being an outsider is whack to me
Sometimes shit just isn't for others and that's ok
I don't participate in dwali, it's not for me
I don't participate in Hanukah, it's not for me
What I learn I pick up here and there, but when someone NEEDS to be a tourist on someone else's culture that's a deficiency within them
Nobody should have to be obligated to explain, if you know you know and if not it's not for you
13480942, I don't participate in work groups set up for others either.
Posted by tariqhu, Wed Mar-15-23 07:06 PM
so I agree with you in sentiment. However, if I wanted to join the asian, latin, or women's groups, there's no way for them to stop me. those spaces aren't designed with me in mind and I don't interfere or put myself in their way.

they may be tourists for sure. part of me believes culture should be shared, but that's more utopian. real world, folks will intrude, make it about them, and will need to be checked for it.

13480957, What other groups have exclusive spaces at work?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Mar-16-23 07:23 AM
Why would anyone have the expectation of having an exclusive space at work?

That's my big thing about work is not like college. Folks need to have totally different expectations about what they can get out of work. If a black programmer wants an space exclusive for black programmers, don't look for Microsoft to provide it.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13480965, Here: API, Black, Latino, LGBTQ+, Veterans, Women
Posted by MEAT, Thu Mar-16-23 09:54 AM
These are the employee resource groups
Stated mission is to create an open community for employees who share common interests and goals to work with and support one another

The groups not need be exclusive, but inclusivity for the outside is not the stated goal

Additionally there are many ways to be involved with a group (events, outings, etc) without joining the chat. Which you seem to keep missing.

There’s no reason for her to be in that chat.
13480913, Assume the worst and enact a malicious passive aggressive response?
Posted by MEAT, Wed Mar-15-23 02:31 PM
I’m not going to sit here and pretend yall here dont know that others feel entitled to Black access and respond destructively when denied it.
13493973, RE: Assume the worst and enact a malicious passive aggressive response?
Posted by jimaveli, Mon Nov-06-23 12:07 PM
>I’m not going to sit here and pretend yall here dont know
>that others feel entitled to Black access and respond
>destructively when denied it.

>mind they business lol

I wish it was just a race thing.


So many people are broken even beyond that. Earth has become so internetty that if someone sees/hears something they don't know, there's a higher than reasonable chance that they'll 'feel excluded' because someone referenced something they didn't know. And you know its a wrap for some of these folks when they 'feel excluded'. Especially in a DEI-specific meeting or environment? Shiiiiiiiid!

Or they'll try to break up the party like 'I don't know the reference. And I'm me! So its crazy that someone else WOULD KNOW IT! And anyway, saying 'Damn, damn, damn James!' isn't even funny!'.

And don't you dare try to fill them in on whatever reference they don't get cuz you might get the business like 'I ain't trying to do all that research and sh!t..I'm busy!'. Some of these folks is tew much!
13493985, Before I read this, please understand Im talking about a race thing, specifically
Posted by MEAT, Mon Nov-06-23 01:39 PM
If you want to dismiss or flatten the race conversation that Im talking about feel free to explain that to someone else, Im only choosing to view this race thing through a racial lens
13494053, RE: Before I read this, please understand Im talking about a race thing, specifically
Posted by 3CardMolly, Tue Nov-07-23 10:41 AM
Thanks for keeping the focus. Every time the issue of race concerning Black folks is addressed, there's always someone to interject a 'but what about...' or claiming we must see the bigger picture.
13480939, What? Let them fuckers complain. LOL.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Mar-15-23 06:16 PM
Dude you may be working at the wrong company if you feel like you could get in trouble because a person went to the HR department and said they felt excluded because you dropped a living single .gif or an anhk in the Black ERG group chat. That's a bad working environment (which a lot of admittedly work at).

No where did I say be less black or be afraid to be black in a black ERG setting.

In my work ERG group we had a played a pull your black card online game which had the couple of white people in the group looking complexed a few times.

I'm just saying if you are at work related event, whether it's an ERG group, holiday party, after work drinks, you are always on work time and not in safe space to say whatever is on your mind. I don't think that comes at the price of not being your black natural self.

>Other people have dropped ankh shit in their
>All appropriate for work stuff
>What happens when someone from the outgroup feels excluded
>from the dialogue but only because they lack the ingroup lived

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13480943, colonizers, resume padders, and ladder pullers.
Posted by Nopayne, Wed Mar-15-23 07:37 PM
I don't trust them.
13481048, I just attended a Women in Cyber conference in Denver
Posted by legsdiamond, Sat Mar-18-23 08:47 AM
13481057, colonizer, resume padder, and ladder puller.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Sat Mar-18-23 11:11 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13493978, fuck that job
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Nov-06-23 12:34 PM
hired a racist POS who let me go in August

we had a meeting early on and when asked what bothers him in todays world he said "no comment, I don't want to get in trouble" which was code for "woke shit bothers me"

13493998, Was there something that alerted him to your "wokeness"?
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Mon Nov-06-23 03:47 PM
>hired a racist POS who let me go in August
>we had a meeting early on and when asked what bothers him in
>todays world he said "no comment, I don't want to get in
>trouble" which was code for "woke shit bothers me"
13494017, my skin color?
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Nov-06-23 07:42 PM
13494038, bruh, my old gig just asked me to do some work for them
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Nov-07-23 08:34 AM
without having to report to the VP who I don't fuck with... for obvious reasons.

13493960, Gotta stop letting them join
Posted by 3CardMolly, Sun Nov-05-23 08:46 PM
learn to kindly** turn that ass away.

**If you care to be kind