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Topic subjectAngela Bassett got robbed at the Oscars…
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13480630, Angela Bassett got robbed at the Oscars…
Posted by ThaTruth, Sun Mar-12-23 10:35 PM
13480631, EEAAO mania ran wild over hollywood brother
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Mar-12-23 10:58 PM
13480632, JLC not even the best supporting actress performance in that movie
Posted by Ryan M, Sun Mar-12-23 11:45 PM
13480664, I strongly agree.
Posted by Numba_33, Mon Mar-13-23 09:43 AM
Stephanie Hsu is still fairly young, so hopefully she'll get another strong script where she can get another crack at an Oscar.

Hopefully the spotlight this film put on her and the entire cast will result in her getting as good a role as this flick.

Not to say Jamie Lee Curtis didn't do a good job, but Stephanie was such a great foil to Michelle Yeoh's protagonist role and she played the villain role with enough heart so that her portrayal wasn't too esoteric, which wasn't an easy feat given how bonkers the movie's premise was.
13480693, This I agree with
Posted by makaveli, Mon Mar-13-23 11:37 AM
Honestly everyone in this category did a great job, Kerry too.
13480633, She wasn’t robbed. Jamie is a beast.
Posted by allStah, Sun Mar-12-23 11:51 PM
Angela Bassett gave a good performance in BP, but it wasn’t some out of this
world performance that marveled over all others.

Jamie was going to get rewarded for all of her years being labeled a scream queen,
and being a hardworking female actor, who should have won an Oscar years ago.
She should have easily won for the first two Halloween movies, but due to Genre
bias she wasn’t acknowledged.

13480639, Most of Jamie’s movies weren’t good.
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Mar-13-23 07:24 AM
13480665, This is totally incorrect.
Posted by allStah, Mon Mar-13-23 09:43 AM

Halloween 1 and 2
Trading Places
A Fish called Wanda ( should have been nominated)
True Lies ( should have been nominated…won a golden globe)
Blue Steel

Her movies have generated over 2.5 billion.

The woman is no slouch.
13480643, lol Halloween ?
Posted by Lurkmode, Mon Mar-13-23 08:01 AM
So you saying her Halloween performance was better then whoever won in 78 and 81 no matter who it was or what performance.

13480660, Yes. She put on one hell of a performance, and looking back
Posted by allStah, Mon Mar-13-23 09:33 AM
movie critics have stated as such. She should have at least been nominated.

“Halloween is considered one of the greatest and most influential horror films ever made, and Curtis' performance should have received an Academy Award nomination.”


Halloween came out in 1978…Jane Fonda won for Coming Home. Jamie Lee Curtis
performance was on the same level, but there was bias against horror movies being
considered for AA. Go watch Coming Home.

No one remembers coming home….

But everyone remembers Halloween and Jamie’s performance..which created a billion
dollar franchise and genre
13480673, The Halloween performance was meh
Posted by Lurkmode, Mon Mar-13-23 10:23 AM
You said she should have won easily don't change it up. Everyone who is nominated cannot win easily.

How hard is a scream queen performance ?

True nobody remembers Coming Home but the flip side to your coin is everybody remembers Friday 13th and Nightmare on Elm street are you saying the lead actress in those movies would have won easily or they deserve a nomination.

What about Halloween 2 was that the best performance for that year. Did anyone remember that ?
13480682, There is a huge difference between Halloween and Friday 13th/ Elm Street
Posted by allStah, Mon Mar-13-23 11:03 AM

John Carpenter’s Halloween is way more creative and significant. It changed the way
movies were made, where it is still being copied to this day. The POV camera shots,
the atmospheric mood of the movie, and the simplicity in which how it was shot made
it more than just a horror movie.

Friday 13th and Elm Street are shit movies and shit acting in comparison
to the first 2 Halloweens.

Also, Linda Blair was nominated for an AA for the Exorcist, which is
another outstanding horror film. Some felt she should have won, but again
AA has always been bias against the Horror genre.

My point of posting that link was to showcase that there are people who felt
that Jamie deserved to at least be nominated…I felt she should have won an
Oscar for that performance

13480719, Still meh
Posted by Lurkmode, Mon Mar-13-23 01:57 PM

What Carpenter did or how he shot a scene is more of an argument for director , producer or cinematographer winning an Oscar, than lead actress. That means your first paragraph is moot.

People remember those shit movies(Friday the 13th,Nightmare). Do you recall what you just said about Coming Home ?

Agreed Linda Blair gave a good performance and AMPAS is bias against horror movies but that does not mean that Jamie would've easily won if nominated.

That link really worked against you because it used more than horror movies which means she was not stuck in the horror genre, so you't keep saying horror bias. Plus the link includes Freaky Friday and True Lies as movies that deserves a Oscar nom.
13480648, gotdamn you stay wrong.
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-13-23 08:20 AM
An Oscar for Halloween movies?

nigga log off
13480670, ^^ and that is the genre bias, because it was a horror movie.
Posted by allStah, Mon Mar-13-23 09:53 AM
Jane Fonda won for Coming Home, and Jamie Lee’s acting was just as worthy…

Halloween is a billion dollar franchise that created a genre, and a memorable performance
by Jamie Lee, which some critics agree that she should have been nominated.

Halloween is one of the greatest movies ever created….it goes way beyond just being
a horror movie.
13480713, nigga there are 13 Halloween movies..
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-13-23 01:12 PM
no one should ever win an Oscar for a slasher film.

Misery or Silence of the Lambs? Sure..

but Scream, Freddy, Jason type horror?

13480734, ^^and there is the bias, which makes zero sense
Posted by allStah, Mon Mar-13-23 05:06 PM
And Halloween 1 and 2 aren’t just slasher movies, the art of those movies
separate them from all others.

You do realize that Sissy Spacek and Linda Blair were both nominated
for Horror movies. Carrie and The Exorcist….and JLC gave a similar
performance for her horror movie.

We agree to disagree.
13480659, Your reasoning is off but she was a beast in EEAAO.
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Mon Mar-13-23 09:25 AM
Jamie is not one of those actors who missed out on an Oscar for an obviously worthy performance earlier in her career (like Denzel for X).

She was just really damn good in EEAAO.

If anything, Angela might have been harmed by the fact that her character's screen time wasn't as long (less performance time) in comparison to Jamie's.

Although people have won awards for short performances before.

"To Each His Reach"


Fuck aliens.
13480668, That too
Posted by allStah, Mon Mar-13-23 09:49 AM
I’m saying all the above.

13480634, Top Gun: Maverick got robbed of Best Picture
Posted by PROMO, Mon Mar-13-23 12:21 AM
13480645, Nah
Posted by Lurkmode, Mon Mar-13-23 08:03 AM

It was just another Star Wars.
13480657, lol. i mean, Star Wars is a GOAT film.
Posted by PROMO, Mon Mar-13-23 09:24 AM
so, "just another Star Wars" isn't the knock you think it was.

not even interested in arguing btw, just pointing out the terrible comparison.
13480669, lmao
Posted by Lurkmode, Mon Mar-13-23 09:51 AM

13480654, I'm a TG/TC fan and I though the first one was much better.
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Mar-13-23 08:56 AM
13480635, Oh poppy cock
Posted by 81 DUN, Mon Mar-13-23 02:05 AM
Stop it. Here's your race card
13480640, It is what it is, Will messed it up for black folk…
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Mar-13-23 07:26 AM
>Stop it. Here's your race card

they had switch to some other “people of color”
13480695, Come on, bro!
Posted by allStah, Mon Mar-13-23 11:40 AM
Are you kidding me?

Michelle Yeoh is a legend and deserved her Oscar as well as everyone else.

13480696, RE: Come on, bro!
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Mar-13-23 11:47 AM
>Are you kidding me?
>Michelle Yeoh is a legend and deserved her Oscar as well as
>everyone else.

when you said JLC deserved an Oscar for Halloween you lost all credibility lol
13480711, JLC performance of Laurie Strode verbally and physically
Posted by allStah, Mon Mar-13-23 12:52 PM
was like no other horror film, and not only created a genre but was the epitome of
such a role, that has yet to be matched by anyone in the genre…that’s how know you’re

That wasn’t the typical “scream the boogie man is chasing me” performance

If Linda Blair can get nominated for being possessed by a demon through special
effects, JLC could have won for her ALL NATURAL, no special effects, emotional
portrayal of Strode

It was just a different time and different era then, and the perception of movie genres
was limited. If Halloween came out in this era, she would have been considered

We agree to disagree.

Anyone, none of that has anything to do with the greatness of Michelle Yeoh.
Her Oscar was well deserved.
13480717, just say you like them titties and be done with it
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-13-23 01:47 PM
aint no one buying her acting being Oscar worthy for a fucking Halloween movie
13480736, Again, we agree to disagree. And leave it at that.
Posted by allStah, Mon Mar-13-23 05:17 PM
13480636, …in ‘94 for sure, not yesterday tho
Posted by grey, Mon Mar-13-23 04:19 AM
dunno if it shoulda been ol girl but bp2 just wasnt very good. I aint a voter but i imagine that dont help.

(LAWID halle still got it. i ready forgive you for that billy
bob shit boo)
13480637, BP2 was mid...& Angela Bassett has played better roles.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Mon Mar-13-23 05:41 AM
Has anyone ever won an acting oscar for a Marvel Movie???
13480638, BP2 was actually better than the first IMO
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Mar-13-23 07:02 AM
13480641, thats not saying much
Posted by tomjohn29, Mon Mar-13-23 07:36 AM
13480642, Maybe not to you.
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Mar-13-23 07:47 AM
13480644, Damn
Posted by Lurkmode, Mon Mar-13-23 08:02 AM

Both ?
13480658, BP1 was super mid.
Posted by PROMO, Mon Mar-13-23 09:25 AM
and i heard BP2 was better, so if it's only regular mid, that seems to makes sense.
13480661, RE: BP1 was super mid.
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Mar-13-23 09:40 AM


13480667, thanks for the links, Rolling Stone
Posted by PROMO, Mon Mar-13-23 09:48 AM
i'm familiar with all that bullshit you just posted.

ask the actual fans. actually you don't even have to go that far. look in the comments for those articles.

AND, FWIW, it's not even the BP @ #1 that makes those rankings so bad. i mean, that's PART of it, but there's a bunch of other egregious shit in those.
13480672, If u don't like Marvel movies just say so + you're white so there's that
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Mar-13-23 10:22 AM
13480678, i'm suprised you didn't do the "you're white" in your first reply.
Posted by PROMO, Mon Mar-13-23 10:34 AM
but, at least i knew it was coming since you're that obvious.

i grant BP1 all of it's appropriate accolades, as far as being a milestone film as far as representation and all of that goes. but if you REALLY think BP1 is the #1 Mavel film of all time, you need to watch more Marvel films.

13480683, Both films resonated differently for different people for multiple reasons...
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Mar-13-23 11:04 AM
>but, at least i knew it was coming since you're that
>i grant BP1 all of it's appropriate accolades, as far as being
>a milestone film as far as representation and all of that
>goes. but if you REALLY think BP1 is the #1 Mavel film of all
>time, you need to watch more Marvel films.

that's why I didn't give you MY opinion, I gave you links to others.
13480686, if you're Black...
Posted by PROMO, Mon Mar-13-23 11:12 AM
i can understand why you could rate BP #1 because seeing a Black directed, Black casted super hero movie could be super personal to you.

but, it's FAR from the widely accepted "Best Marvel Movie," despite what those lists want you to believe.

and, while opinions vary (c) Dalton (RIP Swayze), i've seen MAD Black people mock those rankings on some "look, BP is a very important movie for many reasons, but the #1 Marvel movie? no fucking way".
13480694, so now we're back to YOUR opinion lol...
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Mar-13-23 11:39 AM

>and, while opinions vary (c) Dalton (RIP Swayze), i've seen
>MAD Black people mock those rankings on some "look, BP is a
>very important movie for many reasons, but the #1 Marvel
>movie? no fucking way".
13480697, nah, not just MY opinion.
Posted by PROMO, Mon Mar-13-23 11:53 AM
as i've said, ask the fans. check the comments on those rankings articles, etc.

BP1 is not the widely accepted #1 Marvel movie. sorry if that makes you sad or something. if you think it is though? cool.

i made a critique of the movie. you posted those ranking articles like that's some sort of definitive "shooting down" of the critique.

you act like you've never looked at one of those ranking articles and went "this is bullshit."
13480700, my bad, the opinions of "black" people YOU know lol
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Mar-13-23 12:00 PM
13480703, i actually don't know 99 percent of them...
Posted by PROMO, Mon Mar-13-23 12:11 PM
but i could link you to their own takes so you don't have to take my white word for it, if you'd like.

the reason i'm even aware of this is because those lists went viral on social media when they came out and people were like "uh...love BP, but nah".

13480676, Facts
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Mon Mar-13-23 10:27 AM
13480646, yeah that was a lifetime achievement award for JLC
Posted by KnowOne, Mon Mar-13-23 08:05 AM
I hate when they do that.
13480653, should've been for Angela Bassett but it was JLC's "turn"
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Mar-13-23 08:43 AM
13480649, no one should be surprised by this bullshit
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-13-23 08:27 AM
13480652, RE: Angela Bassett got robbed at the Oscars…
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Mar-13-23 08:41 AM
13480671, I don't remember Angela Bassett being great in BPII. Just very sad
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Mar-13-23 10:07 AM
and weepy.

She deserves a lifetime achievement oscar like they gave JLC in this one.

Funny thing I have no recollection of JLC in EEAO but I saw it a while ago and it wasn't my jam. I've been meaning to watch it again.

Edit: OK I watched the trailer again and realized who JLC was in the movie. Didn't realize that was her. She was great.

Defintiely more interesting than Angela Bassett in BPII.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13480675, well you need to watch it again like you did with EEAO lol
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Mar-13-23 10:23 AM
13480679, your taste in cinema is officially sus....
Posted by FLUIDJ, Mon Mar-13-23 10:39 AM
not saying EEAAO is great or anything...i haven't seen it....
but...the way you riding so hard for BP2 is concerning....
13480680, BP2 was a cultural event.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Mar-13-23 10:48 AM
Highly anticipated follow-up. The death of Chadwick Boseman. I think its very easy to get caught up in for reasons that have nothing to do with the filmmaking and storytelling.

I think with a little time and folks go back to watch it, they going to see it's a bit...overwrought and messy storytelling.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13480685, you could've stopped here...
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Mar-13-23 11:06 AM
>not saying EEAAO is great or anything...i haven't seen

13480699, I can't help all those old fogey Oscar voters chose EEAO to seem cool
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Mar-13-23 11:56 AM
to their tik tok loving grandkids.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13480701, Didn't the Oscar voters revamp
Posted by Numba_33, Mon Mar-13-23 12:08 PM
the movies are that normally deemed 'Oscar worthy' 3 or 4 years ago?
13480704, feels like they change it every year at this point.
Posted by PROMO, Mon Mar-13-23 12:27 PM
but then, the same kind of movies still typically win.

they just change it so more films can get nominated so that at least people don't get mad about glaring omissions.

they not gonna let a comedy or action movie win though. not yet anyway.
13480714, I didn't think the movie or role was THAT great
Posted by Lach, Mon Mar-13-23 01:15 PM
Not sure how she was robbed.
13480715, technically every nominee is deserving of the oscar?
Posted by javi222, Mon Mar-13-23 01:27 PM
I never understood the notion of a nominee robbing another one

We all love Angela and would like to see her win … but no need to diss JLC
13480716, Nah not every nomination
Posted by Lurkmode, Mon Mar-13-23 01:38 PM

Denzel's performance in Malcolm X was better when he got robbed, and some say Al Pacino's Godfather performance was better,when he got robbed.
13480718, ok Harry Styles
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-13-23 01:49 PM

13480720, isn't that why they're nominated?
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Mar-13-23 01:57 PM
>I never understood the notion of a nominee robbing another
>We all love Angela and would like to see her win … but no
>need to diss JLC

I'll admit I'm biased because I love Angela Bassett and her role in BP2 plus other roles and she should get it on some lifetime achievement ish the way they did with JLC and Denzel in Training Day
13480723, there's still time. she can still get one.
Posted by PROMO, Mon Mar-13-23 02:25 PM
i hope she does - she's definitely one of the GOATs.

shit you could probably look at her filmography and pick other roles that were overlooked that she deserved something for.

at least she got a couple golden globes already. some people don't even get that.
13480728, What’s Love Got to Do with It, Malcolm X, Waiting to Exhale
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-13-23 02:55 PM

13480731, She was robbed for What's Love Got To Do With It.
Posted by PROMO, Mon Mar-13-23 03:09 PM
Holly Hunter in The Piano? FOH.
13480735, You don’t have to shit on one person to big
Posted by allStah, Mon Mar-13-23 05:10 PM
up someone else.

Hunter in the Piano was unbelievable. The scene where she gets her
fingers cut off still resonates.

Angela was definitely worthy of winning, but so was Hunter….which is
why she won.
13480742, i wasn't shitting on her. for fucks sake.
Posted by PROMO, Mon Mar-13-23 06:32 PM
13480747, lol
Posted by allStah, Mon Mar-13-23 09:25 PM
You said Holly Hunter in the Piano? FOH

Then what do you call it?

Explain it to me…You’re either shitting on her or her performance
13480748, i'm saying she shouldn't have won the award.
Posted by PROMO, Mon Mar-13-23 09:51 PM
the movie and her acting are fine.

that's all.
13480755, These mfer has the longest cape
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Mar-14-23 08:42 AM
dude be saving all these white women

13480762, *This
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Mar-14-23 09:29 AM
13480764, i wanted to point it out.
Posted by PROMO, Tue Mar-14-23 09:31 AM

13480732, Denzel was robbed for his Malcolm X performance.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Mar-13-23 04:32 PM
There are a few times where you look back after a few years and realized they picked the wrong movie.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13480737, Tough
Posted by allStah, Mon Mar-13-23 05:36 PM
Robert Downey Jr was overlooked as well in the same year for Charlie Chaplin,
a portrayal that probably only Johnny Depp could match.

Pacino won it that year for Scent of a Woman, which was good, but honestly
he should have won best supporting actor that year for Glenn Gary Glenn Ross.
He was nominated for both categories that year.

I love Denzel in Malcolm X , but if I had to chose I would have given it to RDjr for
Chaplin….the physical acting of Chaplin was spot on.

Denzel would have gotten my vote for the movie Hurricane…because of the physical
performance of portraying a boxer. Kevin Spacey won for American Beauty that year.
He was outshone to me in that movie by the actor who played the strict, unwavering
military father.
13480756, ^^^ The Real White People’s Champion ^^^
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Mar-14-23 08:46 AM
Move over Rock and Rocky..

13480763, Literally no one has watched that movie Charlie Chaplin since it was released
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Mar-14-23 09:31 AM
And you may think I am using Literally wrong. But it's true. Weirdest thing. They did tracking on it and not a single person has ever bothered to watch that movie.

Only movie to have close to that little interest since its release is Scent of a Woman. But at least 5 people have seen that movie out of curiosity to see the performance that somehow beat out Denzel. All five people were underwhelmed. \

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13480765, and since he's talking about embodying a role?
Posted by PROMO, Tue Mar-14-23 09:37 AM
people literally think of Denzel's portrayal when they think of Malcolm X, the real person.

ain't not one person except allstah going "wow, RDJ really nailed Charlie Chaplin"
13480766, dude is contrarian for the fuck of it
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Mar-14-23 09:46 AM
13480777, he's the Skip Bayless of this message board
Posted by Numba_33, Tue Mar-14-23 10:55 AM
I've said it before, but whenever I see dude post up something on this website, I just imagine it's Skip typing away on a keyboard so I laugh in my head instead of getting worked up like he wants people to do.
13480769, This is not about the movie. It’s about the acting
Posted by allStah, Tue Mar-14-23 09:54 AM
That’s why there is a category for best movie and a category for best actor.
You’re bringing up a whole different subject, so with that being said Malcolm
X is definitely the better movie.

As far as the ACTING, Denzel was great as Malcolm X and was Oscar worthy. However,
the physical performance of Chaplin by RDJr was like watching the real Chaplin.

I throw culture and ethnicity out the window when it comes to art and I focus
on the performance and presentation….the way it should be.

13480776, lmao
Posted by Lurkmode, Tue Mar-14-23 10:47 AM
>the physical performance of Chaplin by RDJr was like watching
>the real Chaplin.
>I throw culture and ethnicity out the window when it comes to
>art and I focus
>on the performance and presentation….the way it should be.

13480779, i have a hilarious visual in my head...
Posted by PROMO, Tue Mar-14-23 10:59 AM
13480816, “the dexterity, the conviction.. white.hand.gestures!!!” *chefs kiss*
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Mar-14-23 02:43 PM
this dude can’t be real
13480834, I'm here with it
Posted by Stadiq, Tue Mar-14-23 05:47 PM
>this dude can’t be real

He can't be like this in real life. This has to be a character he is playing. Has to be.

I refuse to believe he is this programmed to consistently defend whoever in the situation has the privilege/power.... the rich/famous/white/music arist/athelete/actor whatever in every single situation.

Dude came in here bigging up a Charlie fucking Chaplin movie- this can't be real.
13480837, I grew up watching Charlie Chaplin reruns, as well
Posted by allStah, Tue Mar-14-23 06:17 PM
as the little rascals and three stooges.

It’s not a white thing or black thing when I watch any form of art. I can’t speak for anyone else, or their perception, but RDjr portrayal of Chaplin was a great performance, which is
why he was nominated….. white or black.

Had Denzel won…he would have been worthy
Had RDjr won he would have been worthy.

13480843, lmao
Posted by Lurkmode, Tue Mar-14-23 08:01 PM

>I grew up watching Charlie Chaplin reruns, as well

nothing is too far or too much for you when it comes to trolling
13480844, I’m not sure why you think that is trolling
Posted by allStah, Tue Mar-14-23 08:35 PM
His silent movies were shown a lot on PBS channel 11…and I grew up watching
them as a kid

I wasn’t born in the 20s.

But silent movies and shows like Charlie Chaplin( short movies) and the little rascals
started in the 20s. How did we learn about them and watch them. They were re-presented and shown again during the 60s,70s,80s

Honeymooners, I luv Lucy, Abbot and Costello ….James Cagney movies ( the first gangster/
Mafia actor)

I’m not sure why you think that is trolling…or maybe you’re just limited in your thinking.
13480865, Your take is limited. A few bad takes is one thing but all bad that's trolling
Posted by Lurkmode, Wed Mar-15-23 10:17 AM
Yes I'm sure it was kids all over the country watching cartoons, Little Rascals, Three Stooges and then turned the TV to Chaplin on PBS.

It was a biopic not a silent movie. Everything going on in the movie and you lean on the physical to explain why RDJ would get the Oscar before Denzel, if it was up to you. What ?

You reduce Hurricane to boxing. smh

I guess Will Sasso was robbed when he didn't get anything for his role in the Three Stooges movie.

13480778, Chaplin & RDJ as Chaplin are hacks..... NO LINES yet they "good actors"..FOH
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Mar-14-23 10:57 AM
Say some shit...
Spit some lines...
Then we can talk about "good acting"

How you even open your hands to type Denzel "The Gawd" Washington as Malcom X in the same sentence as a fuckin.

Charlie Chaplin and RDJ????
13480787, For the record, RDJ isn't better than Denzel
Posted by Numba_33, Tue Mar-14-23 11:48 AM
but I will say I think calling RDJ an all out hack is a bit overboard. One movie of his that I like and think think he did a top notch job in was Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Top notch whodunit movie that was a good blend of suspense and comedy; RDJ did his thing in that flick as it's possible that movie could have floundered in the wrong hands.

If you haven't seen it, I highly suggest giving it a watch.

I'll have to track that movie down myself now that I'm typing this response out as I haven't seen that movie in quite a long time.
13480835, He was nominated, and rightfully so, because he gave a great
Posted by allStah, Tue Mar-14-23 05:51 PM
performance, and so did Denzel in Malcolm X.

The AA disagrees with you.
13480793, This is one of the worst trains of thought I've ever seen on OKP.
Posted by Triptych, Tue Mar-14-23 12:24 PM
And you're acting like Best Actor is an Oscar for physical performance.

Jim Carrey should have like nine oscars in that case smh.
13480794, Jim Carrey should have a couple Oscars, for sure.
Posted by PROMO, Tue Mar-14-23 12:29 PM
but i digress.
13480840, Physical acting is just as important as verbal acting,
Posted by allStah, Tue Mar-14-23 06:43 PM
especially when it comes to a bio-pic. The brilliance of Jamie as Ray Charles was
that not only did he impersonate his voice, but he captured his physical movements
and mannerisms as well.

RDJjr did that as well with Chaplin, and Denzel did a good job of expressing
Malcolm’s mannerisms.
13481136, Bill Hader for president.
Posted by Triptych, Mon Mar-20-23 06:37 PM
13480822, I get that. But when the acting is great, people are going to want to see
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Mar-14-23 03:04 PM
the movie. Because that's the only way to see the acting. Watch the movie.

No one is still watching Chaplin or Scent of a Woman. Or Crash. Or Driving Miss Daisy (which had great acting performances BTW) Or Greenbok.

I've already said Angela Bassett wasn't better than Jamie Lee Curtis this year so I am not saying these things out of racial loyalty. I am saying this because the Oscars get it wrong a lot when it comes to choosing "the Best" anything for any given year.

And the true test of what's the best in any given year is to see the movies people are still watching. I watched Cool Hand Luke this weekend why, because its still one of the best...

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13480825, How do you know what people are still watching? lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Mar-14-23 03:41 PM
13480836, I disagree with that
Posted by allStah, Tue Mar-14-23 06:09 PM
There are tons of terrible movies with great acting in them.

Lincoln was an underwhelming movie, but the acting by DDL was

Alien Covenant was horrible, but Michael Fassbender as an AI was a brilliant

Mystic River is another one…a lot of people thought it was a horrible movie, But Sean
Penn and Tim Robbins both won AA for the movie.

There can be great acting in a bad movie, and a great movie with bad acting. Those
elements aren’t mutually exclusive.
13480791, It’s so weird how hard some ride for Marvel
Posted by Tiger Woods, Tue Mar-14-23 12:23 PM
They weren’t THAT great BEFORE Downey left and Boseman died

Now those movies are consistently basura, but the defenders are more more aggressive than they’ve ever been

13480820, a lot of people loved BP that weren't even Marvel fans lol
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Mar-14-23 02:59 PM
13480823, That's a whole nother discussion. I am glad they opened up the catergories
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Mar-14-23 03:08 PM
with more pictures. But it seems something is wrong that a 100M+ movie competes against a 5M+ or less movie. There really should be different categories based on budgets.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13480817, Coworker told me Jamie Lee had 10 minutes of screen time
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Mar-14-23 02:56 PM
I thought screen time may have hurt Bassett but Wakanda was long af.. lol.

13480849, more than Alan Arkin's 7 minutes when he beat Eddie Murphy
Posted by Ray_Snill, Tue Mar-14-23 11:14 PM
Eddie is the one who was robbed.

13480832, Angela Bassett played an Afrikan
Posted by infin8, Tue Mar-14-23 05:00 PM
in a comic book/superhero movie.

She gave a stronger performance as Betty Shabazz.

LMAO...y'all wild.
13480839, How?
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Mar-14-23 06:25 PM

>LMAO...y'all wild.
13480838, T.I.’s take on the Oscars…
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Mar-14-23 06:24 PM
13480846, Black Panter. White writer. White movie.
Posted by 81 DUN, Tue Mar-14-23 09:45 PM
There was zero black input besides read this line.
13480848, Ryan Coogler?
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Mar-14-23 11:14 PM
>There was zero black input besides read this line.
13480850, It’s hilarious when people THIS wrong are SO convinced they’re right.
Posted by Ryan M, Wed Mar-15-23 02:12 AM
13480851, “Only on OKP.”
Posted by ThaTruth, Wed Mar-15-23 06:50 AM
13480852, wtf?
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Mar-15-23 07:18 AM
13480863, sir, are you ok?
Posted by PROMO, Wed Mar-15-23 09:43 AM
13480940, Who created Black Panther? Who owns Black Panther?
Posted by 81 DUN, Wed Mar-15-23 06:50 PM
13480970, So you're asking because you failed on the facts the first time around?
Posted by Airbreed, Thu Mar-16-23 11:25 AM
13480972, these are not the droids you're looking for.
Posted by PROMO, Thu Mar-16-23 11:45 AM
13481205, God damn biter
Posted by allStah, Tue Mar-21-23 07:00 PM
13481168, ^^Who going to tell him about who wrote Malcolm X and Judas & the Black
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Mar-21-23 10:55 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13481207, Malcolm X and Judas & the Black Messiah aren't comic book characters
Posted by 81 DUN, Tue Mar-21-23 08:51 PM
But they are all grouped under the black voices categorie on everything streaming. Tenet is under black voices segregated much.
13480973, Dun proud too.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Mar-16-23 11:49 AM
13481236, lol
Posted by Brotha Sun, Wed Mar-22-23 11:13 AM
13480975, there are 2 ignorant bammas in this thread...I'll leave it to yall
Posted by rdhull, Thu Mar-16-23 12:26 PM
to figure them out
13481157, Kerry Condon actually had the best performance
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Tue Mar-21-23 08:41 AM
But she never had a chance of winning because the award is about recognition or politics. As mentioned above, Curtis didnt even have the best supporting female performance in her own film.
13481167, The Banshees of Inisherin was really my favorite movie of the year.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Mar-21-23 10:46 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13481202, Kerry Condon was phenomenal
Posted by makaveli, Tue Mar-21-23 05:27 PM