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Posted by Geah, Wed Jan-18-23 09:10 AM
13476857, Your Good Thing - Lou Rawls
Posted by spades, Wed Jan-18-23 10:59 AM
13476862, Lou Rawls - Secret Agent
Posted by handle, Wed Jan-18-23 11:04 AM
13476873, I don't know why, but that shit tickled me.
Posted by spades, Wed Jan-18-23 12:43 PM
Thank you.
13476976, details bug me
Posted by mista k5, Thu Jan-19-23 02:14 PM
Nothing new but ran into one again that still doesn't sit right with me.

I keep spreadsheets for each year to keep track of albums that I listen to. I also keep a "random" one for older albums that I revisit. One of the columns is release date, most have a Month day and year. When I go back to old albums (70s and before) they just list a year. Argh, come on someone has to know which month it came out in right? So now my column looks funny.
13477056, I HATE "AGILE"
Posted by handle, Fri Jan-20-23 10:32 AM
Or at least how we are doing it.

It's supposed to make small chunks of useful ideas quicker to complete.

But for me it just means I know very little about the overall picture and I constantly feel like I'm behind.

The concept of "sprinting" from now until the end of time seems exhausting to me.
13477170, I feel like I'ma have to learn this shit at some point.
Posted by spades, Mon Jan-23-23 10:37 AM
I'm not looking forward to it.
13477184, It's an okay idea made by some real TYPE A software assholes
Posted by handle, Mon Jan-23-23 12:03 PM
I mean getting rid of monolithic requirement documents and long "phases" and doing work in smaller units is a fine idea - it's just like anything else- management can fuck it up, project managers treat it like a legal document, and co-workers lie about their statuses.

I just need to know more about what we're doing than some people seem to need.

I also *HATE* doing rework - I like understanding in, making a solution and implementing it once. Agile's like "just redo it over and over and over" and they consider that a success.

The Republicans better not get rid of Social Security because I need to retire at 62 for my mental health.

13477064, What’s up with Subaru’s?
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jan-20-23 11:01 AM
Dude always insults me saying I drive a Subaru.

I don’t…

but what is the stereotype on them?

Are they too reliable? Too boring? Is this why Black people shouldn’t drive them?

I mean, they are unattractive cars IMO.
13477066, they are the stereotypical lesbian car
Posted by Oak27, Fri Jan-20-23 11:10 AM
My girlfriend calls mine the Lesbaru.

13477313, damn this shit wild. Was debating Rav4 or Subaru,
Posted by T Reynolds, Wed Jan-25-23 10:50 AM
aka Scissoru
13477069, Which do you drive?
Posted by MEAT, Fri Jan-20-23 12:18 PM
13477072, 2011 Volkswagon CC
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jan-20-23 12:38 PM
13477079, Got it .. I thought you really drove a Subaru
Posted by MEAT, Fri Jan-20-23 02:02 PM
Dude trippin and joke is lame
13477084, What's the perception of Mazdas?
Posted by mista k5, Fri Jan-20-23 02:29 PM
I think I always saw them kind of like Saturn. Quirky brand that most people don't drive. When I was looking into cars in the fall I saw Mazda recommended as an entry level luxury brand which confused me. I never really thought of it as luxury. To me it seemed on equal footing with Nissan, Chevy, Ford etc. Looking at their new models I can see they are pretty nice but the badge/name doesn't say luxury to me. I definitely wouldn't think of it as comparable to Cadillac, I can see it maybe a bit under Acura.

Am I just out of the loop again?
13477091, that latest SUV looks nice af
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jan-20-23 03:15 PM
my cousin has one with all the newest latest. I thought it was an Acura from the side.

13477099, The Miata is/was an entry-level sports car
Posted by flipnile, Fri Jan-20-23 04:22 PM
Kinda low-powered, but still an actual sports car and not a souped-up sedan. A dude told me it was a really fun car to whip around curves.

Another guy I worked with had a little ~20-year-old Mazda 4x4 truck that was still running just fine.
13477175, right, but do you see Mazda as a luxury brand?
Posted by mista k5, Mon Jan-23-23 10:56 AM
What are comparable brands to them?

13477177, they aren't a lux brand at all.
Posted by tariqhu, Mon Jan-23-23 11:26 AM
they're chevy, honda, nissan level.
13477193, Mazda's a little quirky, but I definitely don't think of them as a luxury brand
Posted by flipnile, Mon Jan-23-23 01:15 PM
13477174, Mazda is basic af pretending to be a little luxury
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Mon Jan-23-23 10:55 AM
Their whips look nice but I look at them like Honda. I’ve enjoyed my CX5 and gotten way more than my moneys worth out of it (not a lot of issues with it either) but I’m about to cop a Jeep
13477356, I loved my CX-5
Posted by makaveli, Wed Jan-25-23 04:04 PM
those things drive nice. and look nice.
13477187, the reason people look at Cadillac like that is because they are...
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Jan-23-23 12:19 PM
the luxury arm of GM. They ONLY make "luxury" joints. Cadillac doesn't have a Cruze or a 626, etc. Mazda, like Nissan and the rest, do have some high end models...but, they also make a base level joint to appeal to the buyer who wants a basic whip that's (hopefully) reliable. Its like Hyundai tried to get the Equus to pop off. They wanted people to look at an Equus as a luxury car, not a luxurious car from the makers of the Elantra.
13477190, It was, for a while, the most dominate car on my park slope block.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Jan-23-23 12:38 PM
Makes me think granola, environmentalist, professors, and lesbians.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13477201, breh.. that has been Park Slopes steez since the early 90’s.
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jan-23-23 03:01 PM
My sister lived in Park Slope around the corner from the coop. Park Slope was the place for interracial marriages and granola libs.. I’m talking 90, 91.. lol
13477747, from reddit
Posted by mista k5, Tue Jan-31-23 05:35 PM

Tesla - douchebags

Toyota - sensible people with no imagination

Dodge - people who just got their first paycheck from the Army

Ford - people who totally need a truck because three years ago they wanted to move a chair and couldn't do it

Mazda - people who say things like "driving experience" but have shitty jobs

Subaru - nut cases, lesbians, and people who live in vermont. or all three.

BMW - middle managers

Audi - I hope you're ready to hear me talk about my watch collection. Hey! Where are you going? Hey!

Jeep - I live 20 minutes from downtown, better get the one with a snorkel and extra gas cans
13477200, What's the perception of a murdered out Altima?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Jan-23-23 02:56 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13477232, A dude's driving his girlfriend's car, but didn't want it to look...
Posted by flipnile, Tue Jan-24-23 10:40 AM
...like he's driving his girlfriend's car, so he got the windows tinted "for her."

Bonus points for upgraded rims and a loud-yet-poor-sounding stereo system.
13477207, Settle a debate, do you think this account is real?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Jan-23-23 03:20 PM


It was this tweet that got folks arguing.


"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13477231, Account has "PARODY/SATIRE" in the description...
Posted by flipnile, Tue Jan-24-23 10:38 AM
...seems "real" based on that caveat.
13477357, well that settles it.. wtf, lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jan-25-23 04:44 PM
13477235, The very first tweet beneath it says it's satire
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Jan-24-23 10:45 AM
13477239, To be fair, none of that was there originally.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Jan-24-23 11:46 AM
In fact, its had a tweet explicitly saying that it was not a parody account.

But yeah, it took off extremely quickly in the outrage machine.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13477285, this part is interesting:
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Jan-24-23 05:10 PM
>In fact, its had a tweet explicitly saying that it was not a
>parody account.

Not sure what to make of that.

Some of their tweets are dumb as hell, even as satire.
13477292, What I think was interesting, was it was instantly picked up by right
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Jan-24-23 07:09 PM

Like its less than 30 days old and the twitter handle had less than 30 tweets but it was picked up by right wing media immediately.

Almost as if someone provided the right wing exactly what they wanted to complain about....

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13477358, that isn’t interesting, its expected
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jan-25-23 04:46 PM
the wilder the tweets.. the easier it is to cut through the noise and reach those who need this type of info.

My question to you is how long did you engage in the debates while thinking it might be real?
13477293, What I think was interesting, was it was instantly picked up by right
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Jan-24-23 07:09 PM

Like its less than 30 days old and the twitter handle had less than 30 tweets but it was picked up by right wing media immediately.

Almost as if someone provided the right wing exactly what they wanted to complain about....

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13477214, When I see this headline, I keep hearing it in Scarface's voice. (link)
Posted by Marbles, Mon Jan-23-23 04:33 PM

13477749, LOL
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Tue Jan-31-23 05:41 PM