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Topic subjectRE: Mainstream people have no loyalty. They'll change-up what they "love" ...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13466981&mesg_id=13468307
13468307, RE: Mainstream people have no loyalty. They'll change-up what they "love" ...
Posted by DJR, Fri Sep-09-22 03:28 PM
>...in a heartbeat.
>Music (and other art) is probably just background music for
>them... a soundtrack to whatever else they are doing.
>What "killed" R&B is what kills every other trend that makes
>it to the mainstream... the fickleness of the everyday
>consumer. They don't care that much, as it's not that deep to
>On the bright side, as some other posters pointed out R&B
>isn't really dead, it's just the good stuff is back in the
>Kinda like rock... I'm a rock dude, and we're quietly in a
>golden era of indie rock bands, and I doubt most of them are
>on the radio or cable TV.

Can you give me a few names of who to check for? I wouldn’t even know where to start with rock right now.