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Posted by Geah, Tue Aug-09-22 11:01 PM
13466231, I absolutely did not grow up loving my dad. I FEARED that man
Posted by MEAT, Wed Aug-10-22 09:56 AM
He was young, mean, made lots of threats, and all the adults in my life told me he was a bit off
I dont think I loved that man until I was closer to 30

I say that because my kids LOVE me and I lack the full capacity to understand why, or even that it’s a thing that happens
Like I honestly don’t recognize when or if my kids miss me or want me to play
Because I never wanted my dad around

And I know and have always known that it’s almost always better to have your parents around than not
But for the first ten years of my life he was just an angry man navigating his 20s and he just spit life lessons at me with zero context or explanations.
13466237, man.. this hits. My daughters love some me
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Aug-10-22 10:09 AM
to the point where they are diving on me and smothering me. Its
awesome.. and annoying, lol. Even when I’m like “aiight get OFF me!!!” they hit me with a “its because we love you, you’re the Big Daddy Man!”

my pops wasn’t mean, he was all about the bottle so spending time with him was annoying af. It wasn’t until he sobered up after I was in the 20’s that we really connected.

and of course, once I was an adult I found out why he hit the bottle it all made sense.

at his funeral everyone was retelling stories and it always went “he would make you so mad and 2 seconds later he had you laughing.. you just couldn’t stay mad at him”

13466232, Remember when Shells went full heel during the election
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Aug-10-22 09:59 AM
That was crazy lol. Randomly popped into my brain today.
13466238, B shells? Dude prolly stormed the capital on Jan 6th
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Aug-10-22 10:12 AM
imagine how many times that dude typed and deleted shitty responses that he really wanted to send?

13466286, Ikr? I wonder what that dude is up to these days
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Aug-10-22 05:28 PM
13466305, Sipping fine scotch while brown people build his new home
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Aug-11-22 09:49 AM
13466295, i felt dumb for thinking people were going to hard at him
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Aug-11-22 04:42 AM
at first.
his initial post felt patronizing but i thought it was sincere and just kinda tone def

then homie went full Joffrey
13466233, 2. I hit a man with “that’s excellent feedback” this morning
Posted by MEAT, Wed Aug-10-22 09:59 AM
Corporate America is for the birds
13466262, My Cobb Salad today was fucking delicious!
Posted by spades, Wed Aug-10-22 01:11 PM

that's all I got.
13466281, Who theeee phuck wears cloth daisy dukes to work?
Posted by Kira, Wed Aug-10-22 04:32 PM
She's white, I'm black now back to story....

I glance at her and see cloth daisy dukes or really short draws. I said to a manager privately can we get a rule that everyone has to wear pants then weeks later left a note. Never said a word to her AT ALL. It's 2022 wear pants, wear shorts, wear something other daisy duke possibly spandex draws.

Fast forward months later and they stopped us from working together without telling me why. Management getting a Geechi Gotti tier talking to at the next meeting.
13466282, So they didn't want to let you ruin their fun?
Posted by spades, Wed Aug-10-22 04:37 PM
>She's white, I'm black now back to story....
>I glance at her and see cloth daisy dukes or really short
>draws. I said to a manager privately can we get a rule that
>everyone has to wear pants then weeks later left a note. Never
>said a word to her AT ALL. It's 2022 wear pants, wear shorts,
>wear something other daisy duke possibly spandex draws.
>Fast forward months later and they stopped us from working
>together without telling me why. Management getting a Geechi
>Gotti tier talking to at the next meeting.

Is that it?
13466284, I don’t know what geechi gotti is, but your reply reminded me
Posted by SuiteLady, Wed Aug-10-22 04:51 PM
of this https://youtu.be/daJZU5plRhs
13466285, People at work with enough time to bitch about the dress code
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed Aug-10-22 04:59 PM
have too much time, and not enough to do.
13466288, How old is she
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Aug-10-22 05:30 PM
If she younger than like 28 they take pride in dressing like thots at work and dare ppl to look at them funny or raise an issue
13466294, you sound like the karen in this story
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Aug-11-22 04:28 AM
13466302, lmao
Posted by Cenario, Thu Aug-11-22 09:24 AM
13466337, No, I don't and y'all putting smut on my name
Posted by Kira, Thu Aug-11-22 02:51 PM
Let's chop these fables:

I glanced at her once, didn't a word, and found a manager later on, left a note asking for clarification on the dress code a week later.

If anything she's the Karen for trying this dumb shit with her attention seeking self. Nobody wants to see that bs, PUT ON SOME CLOTHES in the workplace. Any smile at her is sending me to HR cause I'm black that's why I have a blank stare on my face.

It's not religious at all.
13466343, 'I'm not a Karen. I went and found a manager"
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Aug-11-22 04:09 PM
lol dude
13466519, lmao
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Aug-15-22 11:37 AM
and he doesn’t see it

just like a Karen
13466536, i don't like how this person is dressed. i demand a new rule
Posted by Mynoriti, Mon Aug-15-22 01:59 PM
wtf, man lol
13466296, you hustling all the way backwards.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Aug-11-22 07:16 AM
13466303, clearly those cakes are tempting him
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-22 09:35 AM
or maybe it goes against his Mormon beliefs

is Kira still a Mormon?
13466318, Gotta handle it like this brother:
Posted by flipnile, Thu Aug-11-22 11:33 AM




13466319, these are hilarious and frustrating
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-22 11:41 AM
and I love how half of them have white women commenting on how you could replace the Black guy with a woman today and still be accurate.

13466538, pretty crazy how they don't seem very dated
Posted by Mynoriti, Mon Aug-15-22 02:01 PM
13466289, I just discovered that grape Outshine bars are thee best!
Posted by SuiteLady, Wed Aug-10-22 07:53 PM
I have been getting the strawberry and mango ones for a couple summers, but I got a multi pack from Sams club that included grape (tangerine, strawberry, mango and pineapple also). Grape is my new favorite.
13466306, pineapple, strawberry and coconut are my favorites
Posted by mista k5, Thu Aug-11-22 09:57 AM
i have bought outshine but i prefer the mexican brands where you can actually feel the pieces of fruit lol


or really these, but i think they are local/regional:
13466292, i be missing my friends
Posted by grey, Thu Aug-11-22 03:41 AM
all of em.

for some reason or another whether it be distance or time we dont really speak anymore. i be thinking about them though.

yea yea social media but it doesnt feel the same to me. like sometimes it gives me a picture that doesnt line up with my experiences with them and its kinda jarring.

im sure theres something deeper here but its late and i wouldnt care to read further either ha.
13466307, My lawn guy being Black AF right now
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-22 10:09 AM
I understand shit happens but dude really tried to get paid for a job he hasn’t finished yet.

Its been raining a lot so its slowed things down but I’m not paying for labor that hasn’t happened yet.

New worker is working out well but again, anytime her computer locks up or a site stutters she swears its because people are out to get her. Who the fuck are you and why are you so important. Kist restart the damn computer. Its not that serious. Unfortunately I think this may hurt her chances of sticking around. She is starting to sound crazy.. lol. I like her tho.. but damn, stop talking like you are in Enemy of the State.

We got 2 new kittens, one walked on my head this morning at 4 AM. He wont leave me alone.

13466345, at the airport and I forgot my usual travel water bottle
Posted by shygurl, Thu Aug-11-22 04:45 PM
I refuse to pay these highway robbery prices, bout to drink this free toilet water.
13466351, Do you fill your water bottle after you pass security? Do you use a
Posted by SuiteLady, Thu Aug-11-22 05:59 PM
water fountain or do you get it filled at at restaurant? I want to know so I can follow suit.
13466353, I do fill it after the security check
Posted by shygurl, Thu Aug-11-22 06:20 PM
When I've tried to get through with water, TSA has made me pour out the water.

Now as far as filling it, I usually will try to go to a fast food place and just get ice. Then I'll fill it up with water at the bottle refill stations by the water fountains.
13466355, Charlotte, y'all had a storm or something?
Posted by shygurl, Thu Aug-11-22 06:53 PM
Had to cancel my portion of the trip going home to see my mother due to flights being delayed in Charlotte, and me missing the connecting flight home. Still going on the rest of my trip.
13466368, Every day.. getting hit with these fast moving storms. Usually last an hour
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-22 08:31 PM
one that came thru 2 days ago was crazy.
13466346, my cousin is using paper plates when eating at home.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Aug-11-22 05:17 PM
this wouldn't bother my normally, but I bought her dinnerware set for housewarming.

asked her why she's using paper plates. she said the other plates are for special occasions.
13466349, She right tho.
Posted by spades, Thu Aug-11-22 05:41 PM
You gotta get her some less fancy shit now.
13466354, they're not fancy lol
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Aug-11-22 06:25 PM
of course, that's too me, it really is for everyday use. I think the color probably made her think special occasion.

she's wasting money on paper plates though.
13466807, White People Needing To Have The Air Condition On No Matter The Weather
Posted by Dj Joey Joe, Fri Aug-19-22 02:37 AM
I've basically always worked been the only black co-worker at all the jobs I've had over the years but for some reason, the last two I've worked, the owner/manager seems to love having the damn air condition on no matter what the temperature was outside & inside.

I get it, when it's hot, it's hot, or if it's kind of stuffy inside but need air circulation, having the air on is is what they do, but does it always got to be fucking 60 to 65 degrees; I ask some co-workers are they cold like I am and sometimes they agree but just put up with it, but me I'm walking around on hot days & summertime (in a long sleeve jacket or hoodie with the hoodie on), there have even been days when the customers come in the store and notice how cold it is and be crossing their arms to stay warm.

Currently there is two co-workers that ALWAYS come to work wearing shorts no matter the weather, I've never been a person who liked wearing shorts (I hate the look of my legs) but even in the past when I've had a black co-worker they even admit being cold at work, so I'm wondering is it a white thing or I just work with weirdos?