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Topic subjectYou’re seeing the pace of testing improvements because it’s WAY
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13461800&mesg_id=13462179
13462179, You’re seeing the pace of testing improvements because it’s WAY
Posted by soulfunk, Fri Jun-10-22 07:23 AM
easier to test for something than to cure it or create a vaccine. It is literally AMAZING that multiple effective vaccines were able to be developed as quickly as they did. But a test is much, much more simple. That doesn’t mean they are sitting in their hands re: more vaccines and treatments. Moderna just announced yesterday the effectiveness of a new Omicron vaccine. There are a tone of new treatments available now as well.

There’s money in ALL of this stuff.