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Topic subjectDerrick Jaxn
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13428359, Derrick Jaxn
Posted by blueeclipse, Wed Mar-24-21 05:21 PM
Bitch ass nigga....that is all.
13428362, He’s a sick dude lol
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Mar-24-21 05:40 PM
I saw a vid he posted of himself responding in the 3rd person to the video where he’s on there with his wife (in her hairnet smh) explaining and apologizing for his cheating

It was obvious before he was on this. He gave off scumbag vibes. But this 3rd person response to self shit is fascinating
13428364, He's a textbook narcissist
Posted by blueeclipse, Wed Mar-24-21 05:46 PM
Dude is a fucking scumbag. Just like you said......if you know.....you know. People fall for this shit too. There's a reason people like him end up running the country.
13428365, I don’t know if the right term is sociopathy or psychopathy.
Posted by JFrost1117, Wed Mar-24-21 05:49 PM
But, he got it.

I only come across his general corniness via following Isaac Hayes III. From some posts he put up, it basically looks like DJx scours social media to twist people’s posts into his own sick shit that I’m sure a good amount of people ate right up.
13428369, Dude ain't a sociopath or psychopath or none of that.
Posted by CIPHA, Wed Mar-24-21 05:58 PM
He's a run of the mill clout chaser who's target audience of simple lonely ass broads was #1: ample & #2: more than willing to blame black men for all of their problems, and he was happy to oblige them, and he used that clout and attention for the only reasons niggas chase it - money and pussy.
13428370, basically.. the third person recap had me rolling
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Mar-24-21 06:06 PM
dude really gave a play by play of another dude..

and he was the other dude

with a straight face too.

13428385, I don’t like how folks are attacking his wife...
Posted by Trinity444, Wed Mar-24-21 07:11 PM
a takes a different kind of woman to stand by such a man.

calling her every thing but a child of God...
13428388, She seems fine to me......lol
Posted by blueeclipse, Wed Mar-24-21 09:14 PM
13428401, lmao.. who are these people
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Mar-25-21 06:33 AM
never heard of them
13428540, I mean...99 views...
Posted by Nodima, Fri Mar-26-21 02:13 AM
I guess I was #100 lol.

Been a LONG time since I clicked a video that niche.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
13428565, I saw part of that video before on facbook
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Mar-26-21 12:56 PM
someone shhh’d her and closed the video when she talked about her hat and her shirt.

I cant get past the saxophone tho, makes her look like a failed jazz musician ranting after another empty gig.

13428397, she's a brainwashed lunatic
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Mar-25-21 05:08 AM
and he's a scammer

these aren't attacks

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13428398, People's so called love for Black women conditional than a mfer
Posted by Binlahab, Thu Mar-25-21 05:32 AM
She has done nothing wrong or deserving of anyone's animus yet I've seen people dissect her appearance, her speech, her religion, her behavior and everything else.

Group think is wild.
13428405, This.
Posted by soulpsychodelicyde, Thu Mar-25-21 08:08 AM
13428426, man
Posted by Brotha Sun, Thu Mar-25-21 11:06 AM
13428457, I’ve missed you...
Posted by Trinity444, Thu Mar-25-21 02:20 PM
... :-)
13428472, Hey you
Posted by Binlahab, Thu Mar-25-21 03:14 PM
Black by popular demand for a short time

on sabbatical.

does it really matter?

wonder what bin's doing?
13428458, And the cycle continues...
Posted by CIPHA, Thu Mar-25-21 02:30 PM
This nigga came in here with the same pandering bullshit as the exact mufucka that we talking about, and yall STILL showed up with the "Amens"?

13428468, lmao
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Mar-25-21 03:07 PM
not sure of his intentions but this exactly how they work these people over

tell em what they want to hear..

then wrote a book or sell a slogan on a shirt

then cheat or get caught scamming and the crowd goes wild.

13428471, what specifically about Bin’s reply are y’all critiquing?
Posted by Trinity444, Thu Mar-25-21 03:13 PM
because the wife is innocent
13428489, who said what he said is wrong?
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Mar-25-21 04:07 PM
dude just pointed out how easy it is to get women to follow along

they hit you with a hard fact, shit on “Black men” and then once your guard is down.. they dick you down

and a few months later its “he’a just like all the other guys”

13428516, that’s insulting, nigga...
Posted by Trinity444, Thu Mar-25-21 08:18 PM
don’t you put that evil on us. especially when some of you have no idea how to care for a woman.

13428522, you're more insulted by the truth
Posted by CIPHA, Thu Mar-25-21 08:33 PM
than you are by the nigga that preached to you for years while he was doing the same shit he preached against.
13428543, yes, some people don’t know how to care for other people
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Mar-26-21 07:45 AM
but they know how to spit game.

13428578, like you ain’t never been stuck...
Posted by Trinity444, Fri Mar-26-21 09:23 PM
imagine finding out your wife was cheating...you staying or leaving?

I don’t know much about the guy just what I saw in the IG streets. how the wife is ridiculed for staying stood out. that’s what my original reply was about.

fight or flight...

13428583, huh?
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Mar-26-21 11:30 PM
13428470, Trick who is pandering to y'all?
Posted by Binlahab, Thu Mar-25-21 03:13 PM
Get off that narcotic

This woman didn't do anything "wrong"

Masses are group think clones.

These people's business is none of your affair.

Who better to tell women abt fuckboy behavior than a fuckboy himself? His advice by and large is on point. His personal hypocrisy is normal. If you want to be mad at him cool. Not really but do you

Mad at the wife? What she do? Nothing. Y'all lame

on sabbatical.

does it really matter?

wonder what bin's doing?
13428477, imagine being old and stupid
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Mar-25-21 03:22 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13428542, No need to imagine I've got your example irl
Posted by Binlahab, Fri Mar-26-21 06:13 AM
How sad to be so small, old, corny and useless
13428411, He is emotionally abusive
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Thu Mar-25-21 08:37 AM
I feel badly for her. She doesn't deserve this.
13428420, So she gets a pass? Did she spend the money?
Posted by CIPHA, Thu Mar-25-21 10:05 AM
She ain't no better than a preacher's wife who knows her husband is full of shit but stays with him as he preaches to an unknowing congregation and smiles as she pulls away in her new Cadillac. She ain't no victim.
13428505, then be mad at him for putting her out there
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Mar-25-21 06:26 PM
this coward ass nigga cared more about what the internet thought than his wife's well being and mindstate. as soon as she came out w/ that bonnet on he should've called cut.

no man should ever embarrass his woman like he has
13428399, anybody taking marriage advice from a young dude married less than
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Mar-25-21 05:33 AM
needs to examine their choices
13428400, Dude is and was a raging hypocrite. So is everyone else.
Posted by Binlahab, Thu Mar-25-21 05:37 AM
He made a name for himself by telling women what they want to hear.

His schtick was clearly false and coming from a weird place...but nobody wanted to hear criticism of him because again...he told women what they wanted to hear

Now that it's been revealed he's a hypocrite...those same people are blown

His advice or hot takes still valid. They should be even more valid now because who better to dissect the moves of a fuckboy then a fuckboy?

People constantly telling others to do shit they themselves don't actually do. We all perfect little angels of moral behavior online meanwhile IRL....not so much.

I blame every one of his fans and listeners for his platform. I blame his fans for the attacks on his wife who has done nothing. And finally I blame his fans for their own hypocrisy. Shits disgusting.

That said! Will be talking allllll about dude on my podcast tonight. Holla at me baby

(Not you tho. You stay away)

on sabbatical.

does it really matter?

wonder what bin's doing?
13428402, does he make most if his videos in his car?
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Mar-25-21 06:41 AM
Always said anyone filming self help in their car aint shit.
13428403, I never heard of this fool before this episode
Posted by Adwhizz, Thu Mar-25-21 06:42 AM
the way people are going at him now, he must have pissed a lot of people off
13428406, but it also means a lot of these same people followed him
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Mar-25-21 08:25 AM
13428410, naw he just wasn’t living his raps
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Mar-25-21 08:37 AM
Breh built his name on not being like the rest of these niggas out here. He goes to church. He’s about his purpose. He’s faithful. He leads the household. All that checklist, pandering, dream nigga shit. Only to find out he’s the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

When you do that the folks who shoulders you stand on are going to let you fall hard and laugh at you on the way down
13428404, He's very clearly a sociopath, fuck narcissist.
Posted by kwez, Thu Mar-25-21 06:47 AM
13428407, smdh...Another grifter
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Thu Mar-25-21 08:29 AM
taking advantage of vulnerable folks. Shit is disgusting. A new one pops up every second. Get a real job weirdo.
13428419, What do yall think this word means?
Posted by CIPHA, Thu Mar-25-21 10:02 AM
13428408, the funny part to me is how women make these dudes "famous" then...
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Mar-25-21 08:35 AM
complain about them lol
13428422, the funny part to me is looking for a stranger to give you validation
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Mar-25-21 10:43 AM
and confidence.

I mean.. I know self help is a big industry but gotdamn.
13428423, RE: the funny part to me is looking for a stranger to give you validation
Posted by double 0, Thu Mar-25-21 10:53 AM
Much easier to lay blame and reinforce your current identity than it is to do the work and actually change your habits to figure out why you are consistently in the situations you are in.
13428443, ^^^This^^^^
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu Mar-25-21 01:09 PM


"To Each His Reach"


Fuck aliens.
13428560, RE: the funny part to me is looking for a stranger to give you validation
Posted by jimaveli, Fri Mar-26-21 11:59 AM
>and confidence.
>I mean.. I know self help is a big industry but gotdamn.

The self help industry reminds me a lot of church, especially some southern Baptist churches. The mistake, to me, revolves around falling in love/giving too much energy to the messenger until it gets to the point that the messenger is more important than the messages.

Also, YouTube and a lot of social media is a cesspool filled with sharks and shenanigans. Most folks would do better to focus on improving themselves instead of being the followers who help secure bags for these random folks. And then, maybe less folks would be obsessed with the falls from grace moments that continue to come up.
13428445, my sisters husband did the exact same thing to her
Posted by seasoned vet, Thu Mar-25-21 01:09 PM
they went viral a few years back, but his name aint as big as the Derrick dude

but yeah, turned his cheating into books, podcasts, websites, and dude is now a full fledged marriage counselor now

....and he still dont want her

13428446, Black Women's Romantic Desperation is Big Business
Posted by Mori, Thu Mar-25-21 01:22 PM
So many black men are tapping into an emotionally driven industry- Black Women's hunger to be wanted, chosen, loved, respected and sexed.

The fact that sooooo many of these relationship influencers exist is evidence that the market is still not yet over saturated.

I blame women for our perpetual neediness and our inability to just accept that romance is not a puzzle that we can figure out. Some people get lucky in romance others don't.

Best to just go to a therapist, work out your issues and hope that you meet someone who has done the same. Being single, divorced, poly, unmarried or not attached to a black man does not make a black woman a failure.

SOOOOO many women think hat they are missing out on some magical romantic experience. This is the foundation for this man's success. He just happened to be attractive, with muscles and well articulates his point.

He knew his market and played into it until the game ran out.
13428450, hmm, you think its all luck?
Posted by seasoned vet, Thu Mar-25-21 01:50 PM
do you think women are poor judges of character?
13428601, Yes, just dumb luck
Posted by Mori, Sat Mar-27-21 03:56 PM
Some people, (men and women), choose great partners in terms of character and it still doesn't work out. Having a good character doesn't guarantee love, happily ever after, a family or even happiness.

No one knows why some people fall for other people. We can try to mechanically plug in all these techniques, skills, behaviors, love languages, etc. But most people just like who they like. Most relationships either work or they don't.

I see some of the oddest couples go the long haul, happily. I see some of the most beautiful couples barely last 2 years. No one knows the secret to romantic happiness.

We need to just have fun with life and just let the chips fall where they may. Some things are just out of our control.
13428602, There is no such thing as an odd or beautiful couple
Posted by legsdiamond, Sat Mar-27-21 05:45 PM
this is part of the problem with people when you think its luck.

its not luck.

some people see a pretty woman and an ugly dude and think.. nah, won’t work

some people see a rich wife and blue collar husband... nah, wont work.

then they see a magazine cover looking couple and say.. they are perfect for each other!!!

no such thing as an odd couple. Its just a couple. Whatever other see as odd is what they see as perfect for each other.

13428469, sv aint Black
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Mar-25-21 03:08 PM
13428520, lol
Posted by Brotha Sun, Thu Mar-25-21 08:26 PM
13428473, it aint luck.. its work
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Mar-25-21 03:16 PM
and most people dont want to put the work in, they just want the romance

anyone can wine and dine you.. but that ends and the day to day is what separates the adults from the kids.

Most people can’t deal and look for that same energy and its often found in a new person.

Folks need to stop looking online and just look at the person they are with. Are they happy? If not, how can you make them happier. How can they make YOU happier. Get off your ass and make some memories.

and I don’t mean you personally; this is for the people in relationships looking for a spark who think a dude in a car talking into a phone is spittin hot fire.
13428518, well said, legs.
Posted by kfine, Thu Mar-25-21 08:21 PM

13428603, "Get off your ass and make some memories" needs to be a t-shirt or meme
Posted by obsidianchrysalis, Sat Mar-27-21 07:51 PM
13428649, that's a bar right there
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Mon Mar-29-21 10:07 AM
13428652, thanks.. my mom used to always say “making memories”
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-29-21 10:33 AM
back when we were dirt poor and would do some of the most brokest, funnest shit as kids.

its something we still say when we do things as a family.

A lot of people think buying an expensive gift shows love. Dont get me wrong, we still buy each other gifts but we prefer memories and events over gifts.

13428524, I blame patriarchy, sexism, and anti-blackness...this whole system
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Thu Mar-25-21 08:37 PM
There is so much community pressure and systemic oppression that Black women have to battle. It's kinda messed up to not acknowledge that and talk only about what we need to do. Why do some of our men feel so comfortable with exploiting our pain? Why doesn't the community hold them accountable?

I agree that luck has a lot to do with it. I was lucky. I'm happy in my marriage, but it's not a bed of roses. Maybe if we were more honest about the realities of long term partnership and parenting, more Black women would be open to other ways of living rather than looking at themselves as failures.
13428539, It's pretty wild how ingrained the belief is that women deserve
Posted by kfine, Thu Mar-25-21 11:32 PM
hella blame for men's behavior.

*rape/sexual assault/sexual harassment = woman must have been wearing or doing something and/or why did she put herself in that situation

*IPV = woman must have said or done something to provoke

*infidelity = she must be lacking somewhere

*partner is lying narcissistic scumbag = woman must be poor judge of character or desperate or whatever (lol, why can't the focus remain on *his* poor character?)

etc etc

I feel like this asymmetry contributes a lot to the woe-is-the-single-black-woman sentiment as well. Because even if a woman *doesn't* view herself as a failure, society's narrative is there must be something "wrong" with her (or Black women in general) to be unpartnered, especially past a certain age.

It's actually a super disturbing premise, and totally undermines any stats somebody wants to reference back it up (we all know the tropes so I won't repeat them here). Bc at that point, it's already devolved into just looking for ways to put said woman (or Black women in general) down.

Even the most chill, fulfilled, healthy, and happy Black woman gets forensic scrutiny just for being single and breathing. Don't even have to raise the issue of desperation or whatever else.
13428561, thats the type of family i grew up in
Posted by seasoned vet, Fri Mar-26-21 12:30 PM
whatever undesirable situation you find yourself in, my family would point the finger at YOU.

i never looked at it as blame or fault, but what can i do to not end up in that situation.

13428548, hell. motherfucking. yes. to the last part.
Posted by double negative, Fri Mar-26-21 09:17 AM
> Maybe if we were more honest about the realities of long term
> partnership and parenting, more Black women would be open to other
> ways of living rather than looking at themselves as failures.

I also think, just in general (all humans), getting married and having kids and rocking with that comes from a lack of an ability to imagine other possibilities + social pressure. No one wants to do something new because it's risky and weird and no one wants to pick a losing option AND be an outsider.

Some of the happiest people I've seen are people who were true to their desires. "I like travel, drugs, new sexual partners and higher learning...I'm going to do that." - True story, a good friend I havent seen in 5 years just keeps living abroad, keeps racking up degrees, keeps doing drugs, and stay having a broad abroad.
13428559, people need to be honest about what they want and who they
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri Mar-26-21 11:42 AM
want it from. i think if people really sat back and thought about it they'd realize their desires and actions are in opposition. i know i damn sure do. and i think thats what contributes to a lot of unhappiness and embarrassing situations like these.

i got a homegirl that basically wants a fictional character. tall, swole, faithful, religious, successful (over $150k specifically). i told her flat out any dude w/ all that honestly has no reason to settle down. and most of our adulthood she's been a kept woman for various dudes that fit the description other than the faithful part.

in one way i look at it like, if you can be a kept woman surely you can compromise on one of these other aspects right? then on the other hand its like, maybe a fraction of what you want is good enough?
13428538, there was no emotion in that video.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Mar-25-21 11:08 PM
they've apparently already gone through that or making it up to sell more of his material.
13474819, He's just being even more messy now
Posted by Lach, Tue Dec-13-22 04:07 PM
13474912, that divorce post pic with the ex wife tho...
Posted by kingjerm78, Wed Dec-14-22 08:39 PM
she look like she toting sum'n

13474941, Reference
Posted by kingjerm78, Thu Dec-15-22 11:00 AM
13474936, She’s biblically cursing everyone but him.
Posted by JFrost1117, Thu Dec-15-22 10:40 AM