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Topic subjectI don't trust _____ who _____ .
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13425887, I don't trust _____ who _____ .
Posted by Marbles, Thu Mar-04-21 12:08 PM

This is a fun post.

I have a running joke with some of my younger co-workers. When I found out how young they really are (born in the late 90s), I made the comment that I don't trust anybody who wasn't alive during the reign of "Thriller."

Last week, me & the little lady were watching the US women's national soccer team. Some of the players look mad young, so she looked them up. Same thing...born in the late 90s or maybe even 2000. So I told her that I don't trust any women's soccer player who wasn't alive when Brandi Chastain took off her shirt after hitting the winning PK.

So is there anyone or any group out there that you don't trust for whatever reason?
13425929, I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t like Fried Chicken
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Mar-04-21 02:29 PM
even if you dont eat meat or eat fried food for health reasons..

you still gotta like that shit or you are dead to me

yes, its that good.

13425939, I'm tryna come to terms with cutting my 12 yo daughter off
Posted by Mafamaticks, Thu Mar-04-21 02:41 PM
both sides of her family were raised on chicken boxes. I have no idea how it skipped her
13425933, I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t like music
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Mar-04-21 02:32 PM
my wife had a woman in her dance company

she said she doesn’t like music.. and all her dance pieces were silent with her talking about nothing. Fake white woke shit too

My wife cut her from her dance company after she said that shit. How in theee fuck???

She was a talker.. but never listened.

13425940, bruh...like i can't understand it. i met one woman who said that
Posted by Damali, Thu Mar-04-21 02:43 PM
an older white woman...dunno it just feels inhuman to not like ANY form of music


"But rest assured, in my luxurious house built on the backs of people darker than me, I am sipping fine scotch and scoffing at how stupid you are." - bshelly
13426012, For real...
Posted by Marbles, Thu Mar-04-21 03:34 PM

I get that not everyone likes or listens to music the way that I do. I get that there are people who, "listen to everything." I get that some people just enjoy the noise.

But to just not like music at all? That's bizarre. I can't trust those folks one bit.
13426066, Man thankfully I've never been in the presence of someone who said that bullshit.
Posted by Brew, Thu Mar-04-21 05:20 PM
wtf is wrong with people.
13426784, Yeah That's Not Human To Not Want To Listen To Any Form Of Music
Posted by Dj Joey Joe, Wed Mar-10-21 01:29 AM
Never trust a person who says they don't listen to music, fuck them, say it to their face, & keep it movin', they be an extraterrestrial or something.

13425957, people who use 'always' and 'never'
Posted by infin8, Thu Mar-04-21 02:57 PM
in an argument. I immediately stop listening.

rarely are those extremes ever the rule of thumb.

articulate your argument
13426296, THIS!
Posted by Adwhizz, Fri Mar-05-21 05:59 PM
and then will say you're trolling/being an asshole when you bring up obvious counterpoints to what they're saying
13426065, I don't trust anyone who doesn't like doggs.*
Posted by Brew, Thu Mar-04-21 05:19 PM
*The absolute lone exception being if you (or someone close to you, like a child) had like a really traumatizing incident with a dogg at a young age, or something to that effect.

Otherwise, if you don't like doggs, there's something seriously wrong with your soul assuming you even have one.

Sorry if that offends anyone but - not sorry all the same lol.
13426300, is this a nate dogg pun?
Posted by mista k5, Fri Mar-05-21 06:04 PM

i like dogs and cats but i dont think i would get a pet. im too lazy, dont want to deal with cleaning up after them i also dont want to go through the pain of them getting old/ill.

maybe at some point ill get one.
13426336, LOL
Posted by Brew, Fri Mar-05-21 09:49 PM
I refuse to spell the word any other way out of respect for Nate, Snoop, Pound, et al. Haha.

>i like dogs and cats but i dont think i would get a pet. im
>too lazy, dont want to deal with cleaning up after them i also
>dont want to go through the pain of them getting old/ill.
>maybe at some point ill get one.

Oh yea - to be clear I'm not saying everyone needs to *own* a pet/dogg. Just saying that if you walk in my house and don't pet my dogg, or worse yet like run away from him and/or tell me you don't like them, and you don't have an explanation like the ones I described above ... I'm hiding my valuables til you leave.
13426450, LMAO
Posted by Shaun Tha Don, Mon Mar-08-21 12:25 AM
13426476, lmao
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-08-21 10:00 AM
I was confused for a minute.

thought his g was stuck
13426490, HAHA
Posted by Brew, Mon Mar-08-21 11:04 AM
>thought his g was stuck
13426068, I don't trust guys who don't like sports
Posted by After_Words, Thu Mar-04-21 05:38 PM
For a good part of my early life, sports dominated most of my conversations and helped break the ice. That's since been replaced by politics, stocks, and other things... but still. I don't know, I kind of look at men funny who don't like sports to some extent, either playing or watching. I think the only exception is my brother-in-law and that's only because he can kick my ass (which is a sport, so he gets a pass).
13426111, I used to think this way in like 2004 lol.
Posted by Brew, Thu Mar-04-21 08:49 PM
13426299, People who drive around in total silence
Posted by Adwhizz, Fri Mar-05-21 06:01 PM
I don't care if it's music, sports, news, a podcast, a book on tape, but I gotta have SOME kind of background noise when I'm driving in the car
13426333, Black men with no facial hair. It just don't sit right with me nm
Posted by exactopposite, Fri Mar-05-21 09:29 PM
13426338, still on parole
Posted by squeeg, Fri Mar-05-21 11:18 PM
13426339, on house arrest
Posted by squeeg, Fri Mar-05-21 11:19 PM
13426345, with time to the door, pleading no contest
Posted by squeeg, Sat Mar-06-21 12:35 AM
13426594, never change... lol
Posted by CyrenYoung, Mon Mar-08-21 05:34 PM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13426346, I don't trust Canadian NBA players
Posted by Rjcc, Sat Mar-06-21 04:31 AM
I don't and I won't.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13426789, Men that have dreads (who) don't have facial hair
Posted by flipnile, Wed Mar-10-21 08:40 AM
Any ethnicity.