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Topic subjectWould you trust your parents to raise your children?
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13396972, Would you trust your parents to raise your children?
Posted by AFRICAN, Sun Aug-02-20 08:32 AM
God forbid you were taken out of the picture , how would you feel about your parents continuing your job?
13396975, no,
Posted by Oakley, Sun Aug-02-20 10:08 AM
my 14yo son has behavioral problems caused by unsettled disagreements in parenting between me and my ex, and my parents who are still married have a lot of the same personality and relationship ticks that me and my ex have/had. it wouldn't go well.
i think if i had to pick, i think my younger sister would be able to do the best job.
13396978, My Mom is 68 and my Dad passed
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Sun Aug-02-20 01:00 PM
We have five kids so it would be way too much. They’ll go to my sisters.
13396985, My dad is 79 with dementia and my mom is 75.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Sun Aug-02-20 03:51 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13396987, not really.
Posted by tariqhu, Sun Aug-02-20 03:56 PM
she's not very adaptable at 70. she'd be very willing to step in.
13397006, My mom is already a big part of raising my kids, but
Posted by KiloMcG, Sun Aug-02-20 11:29 PM
If something like that were to happen that's not who they would go to. She's 76 years old now. She would continue to be a part of it as long as she would be here, but full time raising my kids, I wouldn't ask that from her. One of my two best friends, brothers really, would be who I would choose. I actually had this discussion with one of them recently and it was pretty much decided that it would be that way. And vice versa if it were to happen to him.
13397011, I would’ve trusted my mom
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Aug-03-20 07:00 AM
not my dad.

While I have no problem leaving my kids with my in-laws they are at an age where it isn’t fair to have them chasing after kids full time.

My sister tho.. definitely.
13397022, Grandparents are a thing of the past
Posted by Mori, Mon Aug-03-20 09:01 AM
I was practically raised by my grandparents. But our parents had us in their 20s. Now most of my friends are starting to have kids in their late 30s early 40s. Most parents are well into their 70s or deceased.

My kid's paternal grandparents really step in but only because my child's father is much younger than I am, therefore his parents are in their 60's. LOL! But even still, I couldn't leave my kid with them until she was talking, independent and self sufficient.

Now, I look to peers to tag-team babysit. Most old people don't want the stress of little children. Shit, I don't want to watch my friends' kids unless they can go to the bathroom and eat on their own.

Child care is stressful!
13397023, Grandparents are a thing of the past
Posted by Mori, Mon Aug-03-20 09:01 AM
I was practically raised by my grandparents. But our parents had us in their 20s. Now most of my friends are starting to have kids in their late 30s early 40s. Most parents are well into their 70s or deceased.

My kid's paternal grandparents really step in but only because my child's father is much younger than I am, therefore his parents are in their 60's. LOL! But even still, I couldn't leave my kid with them until she was talking, independent and self sufficient.

Now, I look to peers to tag-team babysit. Most old people don't want the stress of little children. Shit, I don't want to watch my friends' kids unless they can go to the bathroom and eat on their own.

Child care is stressful!
13397028, Grandparents are still around.
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Aug-03-20 09:28 AM
Maybe it’s a small sample size but my grandparents were old as hell.. lol. I’m the youngest of 4 tho.

One thing we have to remember is a lot of Black families were much larger. My moms side had 8 kids.. my dads side had 7 kids. So grandparents were still old as hell for most of us growing up. They “watched us” but they didn’t helicopter over us like we do with our kids.

Leaving you kid at home alone or letting them go to the park by themselves wasn’t seen as abandoning your kid. You get cops called on you now.

13397026, i wouldnt want to put that on her
Posted by mista k5, Mon Aug-03-20 09:25 AM
would i trust her to? yeah. my biggest concern is her health. do i think she would do a good job? yeah. are there things i would do differently than her, yeah.
13397035, Before Covid my Dad watched our son during the day twice a week.
Posted by Cam, Mon Aug-03-20 10:34 AM
After we changed day care centers.
We'd come home and this little guy would be relaxed, clean, any slight diaper rashes gone, toys organized, familiar with books we hadn't yet read to him and worn out for the night.
I had no idea my Dad was so good with toddlers.
He'd leave the day care center stressed out, relieved we came to get him, filthy...and our pockets $600 a week lighter for p/t care.
13397043, (Post Covid) With the decline of retail
Posted by Cam, Mon Aug-03-20 10:53 AM
and the exorbitant rise in costs for childcare and eldercare, along with increased unemployment, a plan to partially solve each of those issues could be to re-purpose failing/abandoned malls. Changing them into care facilities, or different versions of community centers.
Both child and elder care, in a kind of a cooperative space where elders work to care for babies and kids, helping to keep them active filled with purpose and providing therapeutic interaction keeping or resharpening their minds. While older kids work with elders being pseudo chaperones and helping them bridge the digital divide, as they also gain from the elders extensive knowledge base.
Actual staff would work there to manage and ensure safety and health, and to man the repurposed shops that would each offer some form of creative interactive space.
13397036, hell no. they did a terrible job w/me.
Posted by Damali, Mon Aug-03-20 10:36 AM
13397063, Eh... My mother in law is cool for weekend visits
Posted by Cold Truth, Mon Aug-03-20 11:51 AM
I'd trust her to care for my children for an extended period, if necessary.

But raising them, doing the actual work of instilling values, discipline, actually educating them on how to deal with the world around them, etc? I can't see I feel at ease over the proposition.

It's not for lack of love. She just doesn't have the mindset for it, for me.

She actively steered my wife away from college, in favor of entering the workforce right away. And yes, she instilled certain self-image stigmas that my wife struggles with to this day.

I have no way of knowing how much of that she's learned from, and what she would differently though.

I'm not he is in many- not all- ways, stereotypical of her generation, philosophically and sociologically.

There's other examples of poor decision making that I won't get into here. But in a lot of ways, my wife turned out as well as she did in spite of her upbringing.

Of equal importance, her health isn't where it needs to be in order for her to keep up with them. Weekend visits had to decrease significantly for this reason.

By and large she's a great grandmother. I trust her overall, from a love, care, and her concern for their well-being, but I do have some concerns over the idea of her actually raising them to adulthood.

Far as my own mother, not a chance, under any scenario. The idea of her raising my kids is an absolute joke. She lost every last one of her kids to foster care, at some point or another. She doesn't know how to raise kids, nor should she ever be entrusted to the care of any human being.
13397199, yes. my mother did...
Posted by Trinity444, Tue Aug-04-20 08:50 AM
I was a child myself.
I’m raising my grand daughter now...

13397219, Yes.
Posted by flipnile, Tue Aug-04-20 09:55 AM
They already play a significant role. He's also 13, so about 8 more years and he'll be a young adult.
13397224, yeah
Posted by infin8, Tue Aug-04-20 10:13 AM
but they're getting up there.

I know my daughter's emotional well-being will be in good hands.
13397235, nope!
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Tue Aug-04-20 10:57 AM

13397378, Def wouldn't be my first choice, honestly
Posted by snacks, Tue Aug-04-20 06:16 PM
They'd do what they'd have to do, but yeah not ideal
13397379, my mom and my stepdad are people who can be trusted
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Aug-04-20 06:19 PM
I don't agree with them on everything but yeah, that'd be fine

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at