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Topic subject"Donald Trump suggests delay to 2020 US presidential election"
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13396499, "Donald Trump suggests delay to 2020 US presidential election"
Posted by lightworks, Thu Jul-30-20 08:40 AM
13396503, I called this on Friday, March 13th.
Posted by Brew, Thu Jul-30-20 08:53 AM
When the 'rona was popping off I texted and e-mailed multiple people to put this in writing. Sending it back to all the doubters now.
13396504, not gonna happen.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Jul-30-20 08:54 AM
he's trying everything he can, but this will not be delayed. he can't make that call.

plus he can't stay in office after whatever date in January 2021. his term will end.

he's an asshole.
13396506, you mean as a distraction to divert attention from...
Posted by Cam, Thu Jul-30-20 09:00 AM
Anyway, he hasn't the power as POTUS to change his election date, no matter what his boyfriend Colludy Giuliani told him--because of what he was able to do in NYC during the 9/11 aftermath.
13396510, Anyone else taking a day off to vote?
Posted by walihorse, Thu Jul-30-20 09:07 AM
In FL early voting should be 10 days prior to the election. My wife and I discussed making plans to vote.

So we are going to take Tues Oct 27th off. Get there early and vote. I am not missing out on this election!
13396512, Open the schools and colleges, and he just may get this wish...
Posted by My_SP1200_Broken_Again, Thu Jul-30-20 09:08 AM
...if it isn't obvious yet, he's fucking with you and seems like a lot of people, even those who hate him, are falling for it

We are starting step one now.

Step 1: Open Schools/Go back to work

Step 2: Overwhelm the country with massive amounts of infections

Step 3: National Shutdown (Lockdown) by mid/late October

Step 4: Postpone/Cancel Elections

The question is what do we do on Nov 3rd when there is no election??

13396513, If no one has been certified as president by 1/21, Roberts
Posted by Teknontheou, Thu Jul-30-20 09:11 AM
swears in Nancy Pelosi.
13396558, "well actually" it goes to the President pro tempore of the Senate
Posted by mista k5, Thu Jul-30-20 09:59 AM
since the house of reps terms expire if there is no election. so do a lot of the senate which leaves a dem majority in the senate. either way its a dem so your point stands.
13396564, Right, I knew it was the speaker or somebody else.
Posted by Teknontheou, Thu Jul-30-20 10:03 AM
13396575, yup. it'd be this guy
Posted by Jay Doz, Thu Jul-30-20 10:15 AM
13396622, is that really him? lol
Posted by mista k5, Thu Jul-30-20 11:32 AM
i was wondering why batman would come up when i searched him. i think the senate can actually select someone else so it wouldnt necessarily be him but as of right now it would be.

we would be naive to assume trump would just let this succession happen either though. at least the DHS seems to be fully behind him. im sure there are some segments of other departments/forces that would stand behind him if he claimed he was still president.

really hope it doesnt come to this.
13396624, yes! he's been in 5 different Batman movies
Posted by Jay Doz, Thu Jul-30-20 11:44 AM
and he did voice work on Batman: The Animated Series

such a weird factiod

13396537, Impeach and remove him now
Posted by handle, Thu Jul-30-20 09:43 AM
Dude needs to be gone
13396539, 'hope he wears a vest' - Cube and dem
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Jul-30-20 09:44 AM
13396553, I’m now more confident that he is about to lose badly
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jul-30-20 09:57 AM
13396555, now? lol
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Jul-30-20 09:58 AM
13396578, Yes now... I’m still nervous tho
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jul-30-20 10:18 AM
It’s going to come down to a few swing states and the fuckery from this administration is serious.

Plus white America can’t be trusted.

13396611, I think we're in for another 4 years. Biden was a weird fucking pick.
Posted by double negative, Thu Jul-30-20 11:10 AM
13396614, He’s actually the safe pick IMO
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jul-30-20 11:15 AM
Obama’s guy... so Black voters are familiar with him

Old white guy.. decent amount of racist quotes in his past to make old white peoples comfortable

His gaffes and rangers are the only thing that worry me. Dude will start out talking policy and next thing you know he is talking about the hair on his legs.
13396621, Clutch those pearls
Posted by handle, Thu Jul-30-20 11:31 AM
>His gaffes and rangers are the only thing that worry me. Dude
>will start out talking policy and next thing you know he is
>talking about the hair on his legs.

13396823, Huh?
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jul-31-20 03:15 PM
13396623, we didnt have great options but he was the best pick available.
Posted by Reeq, Thu Jul-30-20 11:33 AM
nobody else had any real black support and bernie would have been non competitive in swing/red states that are in play with biden like nc, fl, tx, ga, etc (while killing a lot of downballot/senate hopes).
13396653, Can you lend me some of that confidence? I need some hope....
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Jul-30-20 01:20 PM

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
"Bury me by my Grand-Grand and when you can come follow me"
13397020, I barely have enough for myself
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Aug-03-20 08:44 AM
13396625, Ive never looked forward to someones death with such vigor
Posted by sectachrome86, Thu Jul-30-20 11:46 AM
Ill probably be put on a list now but I said what I said
13396822, bruh that's the only reason i check Twitter first thing every morning
Posted by Damali, Fri Jul-31-20 03:09 PM
so i'm right on that list with you.

13396641, As much as I like vote by mail, I hope it's not used much this round
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Thu Jul-30-20 12:26 PM
Instead, I hope early voting gets used more. Open more polling places, open them up a couple of weeks before the election, and extend the hours. Basically make it possible to socially distance.

Most states and a lot of people aren't ready for it. Ballots are getting rejected due to missing signatures, being sent late, lacking postmarks, etc.

In New Jersey, 7% of absentee ballots were rejected

Same thing in New York:


"In New York, more than 1.7 million mail ballots were requested for the June primary, compared with about 115,000 that were submitted during the 2016 presidential primary.

The deluge overwhelmed election officials, who are still tabulating the results of some races. In the process, large numbers of mail ballots have been rejected because they arrived late, were missing a postmark or lacked a voter signature — as much as 19 percent in parts of Manhattan and Queens and 28 percent in parts of Brooklyn, according to preliminary tabulation figures obtained by The Washington Post."
13396649, because of the pandemic...there wont be a lot of in-person locations.
Posted by Reeq, Thu Jul-30-20 01:15 PM
mail in ballot...with all of the flaws involved with its sudden implementation...is gonna be the only way a lot of people can safely vote in november.

a lot of usual voting precincts will close because they dont have enough poll workers (overwhelmingly seniors who will back out due to the threat to their health).

we have already seen this play out in several places during the primaries. and republicans refuse to pass the funding to help the states transition of mail in voting...while also tightening the requirements for casting an absentee/mail in ballot in some states.

some republican legislatures even passed laws just to prohibit election officials from sending out absentee ballot requests to all registered voters (after doing that during the primary dramatically increased turnout).

then you have trumps newly installed ally sabotaging the post office and intentionally delaying mail to fuck up ballot send/receive time.

repubs saw how there was a plausible excuse to suppress the vote during the primaries and have decided to use that as part of their usual strategy instead of working to remedy it.

13396657, whats the process to volunteer at a polling location
Posted by mista k5, Thu Jul-30-20 01:29 PM
maybe i can do that for election day. maybe some hours on early voting.

being in texas i am not counting on voting by mail. theres been a back and forth. i plan to just do early voting. hopefully that doesnt get hindered.
13396842, Also in Texas and considering it.
Posted by dagu, Fri Jul-31-20 05:40 PM
The people at my polling location are always pretty old which might affect their availability.
13396848, i have no idea but im gonna look into it.
Posted by Reeq, Fri Jul-31-20 06:09 PM
13396950, https://www.powerthepolls.org/tds/
Posted by vik, Sat Aug-01-20 03:18 PM

per The Daily Show.