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Posted by Geah, Tue May-19-20 11:04 PM
13384737, Knocks on wood
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed May-20-20 09:21 AM
This pandemic is still freakin is out a bit. We are tempted to go to the coast this weekend since our in-laws are currently living in Durham for the next year so the house is empty.

I think we can walk on the beach safely since we have a smaller beach that is usually pretty empty. Just a bit worried everyone is thinking this way and it will be more crowded than expected.

and now the good part.

Life is good for the fam right now. It’s a weird feeling.

“Be healthy y’all” - Dead Prez
13384743, Being that I work for nonprofits, I should give more of a damn about the
Posted by SuiteLady, Wed May-20-20 09:45 AM
mission, but the longer I stay in this field the less I find myself giving a damn about the missions of these orgs. Now days I am laser focused on getting shit done and collecting my paycheck. I am typing this during an all staff meeting. I was already tuned out prior to logging on to OKP.

Now, to be clear, I care about all this great stuff the are doing in the community - to an extent. I mean it isn't like I work for a cigarette company. I probably could work for Philip Morris and they would certainly pay me more, but I work here so that is saying something, right...?

I feel slightly guilty, ugh!

It is hard to work in this field when you are not a touchy-feely person.
13384755, I want him gone.
Posted by BlakStaar, Wed May-20-20 10:59 AM
I’m genuinely disappointed that orange puckered butthole face hasn’t been a__________. Like, why are you still here? How come some radical hasn’t sacrificed themselves and put us out our misery already?!

I so tired of this shit. I never thought he’d make it to year four.

And no, I am not a Christian.
13384757, brother got word that his company was laying off 1000 folks nationwide
Posted by mista k5, Wed May-20-20 11:02 AM
thankfully him and his wife were safe. still hit too close to home. really wish the government was doing something to help people through this.

i might need to get serious on securing a back up plan.
13384759, "I wouldnt have typos
Posted by infin8, Wed May-20-20 11:10 AM
or handwritten errors if I wasn’t doing everybody’s work."

^^ this is from my manager.


She pointed out a mistake I made; she said "In the future ensure that when you submit a request for cancellation you track the request to ensure approval at all levels."

and she's right. It's just that THIS particular incident happened 2 years ago.

ultimately my manager cleared the error; "because the system recognizes her as a manger" <----

I responded "manager?"

and I got that childish shit back.

she need some milk.
13384779, Wait.. this was internal?
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed May-20-20 01:11 PM
If so.. I would’ve prolly typed some petty shit back too.

You know wtf I meant.. lol.

13384854, lowkey sounds like you were the childish one.
Posted by lightworks, Thu May-21-20 09:46 AM
everyone is on edge now because folks are stressed the fuck out, if i got that correction i woulda said some slick shit back too.
13384857, She like “nigga, you knew wtf I meant”
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu May-21-20 09:51 AM
13384858, Ha! Exactly.
Posted by lightworks, Thu May-21-20 09:58 AM
13384871, I can see why she responded that way
Posted by micMajestic, Thu May-21-20 11:45 AM
>or handwritten errors if I wasn’t doing everybody’s
>^^ this is from my manager.
>She pointed out a mistake I made; she said "In the future
>ensure that when you submit a request for cancellation you
>track the request to ensure approval at all levels."
>and she's right. It's just that THIS particular incident
>happened 2 years ago.
>ultimately my manager cleared the error; "because the system
>recognizes her as a manger" <----
>I responded "manager?"
>and I got that childish shit back.
>she need some milk.
13384781, we doing better than ever during this
Posted by tomjohn29, Wed May-20-20 01:16 PM
which is kind of fucked up
my wife completed her PHD and has to choose between jobs
my clients are at home...which means they are interacting with me more....equals more billable hours
i feel bad
but my accounts dont
13384784, In the same boat.
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed May-20-20 01:39 PM
We are saving a ton of money right now which gives me a weird feeling.

Wife said we shouldn’t feel guilty because we worked hard to get here but it’s a weird feeling.

Hard to explain it but your last line summed it up perfectly.
13384842, that's a good thing
Posted by Damali, Thu May-21-20 09:01 AM
there isn't a reason to feel bad about being successful, unless that success is at the expense of others. if it isn't, you can both enjoy your own good fortune, and do what you can to show compassion for those that are suffering.

13384783, how do I download videos from IG live lol
Posted by CherNic, Wed May-20-20 01:31 PM
I finally figured out how to save stories from IG tv or whatever but how do I download them?
13384826, people crazy...
Posted by Trinity444, Wed May-20-20 11:25 PM
I’m trying to figure out a way to leave my house again.

13384851, trying to make work moves.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu May-21-20 09:27 AM
may have jumped the gun on telling my new manager that I want to do a different type of work.

I moved into a new role a couple of months ago. hate it. this is project management/process stuff. essentially its cat herding. not a fan.

anyway, a couple of weeks ago during my one on one call with my manager, he said these calls will delve into other things like what I want do with my future. I said, since you mentioned it, I want to go into cyber security. seems like I caught him off guard because he was silent for a few seconds. then just said ok and we both hung up. hopefully this doesn't put me in jeopardy.

feels like I'm being selfish complaining about a job that pays good money. everything is paid off or ahead on bills. no financial issues even after the wife quit her job unexpectedly (she started a new one this week, making more than before). but this aint it. I need something else.
13384856, In-house for your company?
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu May-21-20 09:49 AM
13384862, yes.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu May-21-20 10:42 AM
I don't want to leave the company, but not completely opposed either. working on a security cert that I hope to have by mid-summer.
13384869, Word.
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu May-21-20 11:39 AM
Manager was probably silent because he/she wants you to stay in their dept.
13384904, we'll see soon enough I guess.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu May-21-20 03:20 PM
I'm finding out that more of my teammates aren't so happy either. so at least I'm not alone.
13384867, Housing is a privilege that should be a right
Posted by MEAT, Thu May-21-20 11:22 AM
This morning I was going to write here that I feel extremely privileged to be in a house during these times, owning it is a whole other ball game, but just being in a house is a godsend.

Then I hopped on meetings

Drove around the neighborhood to check something out

Came back to the groupchat

"Evictions are kicking off in Houston"

And I'm just so tired of this country, just extremely extremely tired of this country.