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Topic subjectthe whole notion of ‘establishment dems” is so counter to the big tent
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13382461&mesg_id=13382555
13382555, the whole notion of ‘establishment dems” is so counter to the big tent
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Wed May-06-20 08:50 PM
Coalition that is the real nature of the Democratic Party. Where the core values are over all shared by all.

I understand and appreciate that people further to the left feel that dems more to the center aren’t bold enough and moving fast enough but demonizing left of center dems are puppets of big business and corrupt is really progressives shooting themselves in the foot.

“Establishment” Democrats got u RBG, Sotomayor, Kagen, and Breyer. When Democrats and those on the left (who actually vote) fight amongst each other, the person with the R wins and we get kavannaughs and gorsiches.

I also understand the value of strictly people driven, grass roots funding but It’s really irresponsible to say that just becuz candidates do high dollar fundraisers or get money from big business that it negates their support for a woman’s right to choose, raising the minimum wage, supporting safety net programs, gun control etc.

I wasn’t bothered at all when AOC said in another country her and Biden wouldn’t be in the same party, but just like in democracies with multi parties, there is a give and take to come up with a governing coalition, that’s what the Democratic Party in the US is.

In a country of 330 million ppl, no one is going to get exactly what they want but if u can get as much of the country to reflect as much of what you value as possible, why thru the Baby out with the bath water.