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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectlockdown got folks spoiling for the double barrows eh?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13378753
13378753, lockdown got folks spoiling for the double barrows eh?
Posted by PG, Wed Apr-15-20 03:38 PM
I have been mad on edge myself the last 5 days especially...

here's hoping we can all chill... I know I want to.
13378811, I've thought about purging all the barking-ass dogs on my block recently
Posted by flipnile, Wed Apr-15-20 07:39 PM
If I could get a LOS on them from my roof...

Yeah, I gotta chill.
13378965, I'm feeling chiller today.. finally
Posted by PG, Thu Apr-16-20 12:33 PM
first day in a week I've felt at all relaxed... funny thing is my work is blowing up in my email right now so I ought to be stressing some... but I feel like zero fucks are to be given this day.
13378963, so we slept on it and decided we still cared huh? lol smdh...
Posted by PG, Thu Apr-16-20 12:31 PM
13378972, sometimes i wish i could undo some of my replies
Posted by mista k5, Thu Apr-16-20 12:39 PM
just not needed lol