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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectHas anyone here emigrated from U.S. to Canada?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13375483
13375483, Has anyone here emigrated from U.S. to Canada?
Posted by Damali, Fri Mar-27-20 01:58 PM
if you have any personal experience with this, I'd love to hear your insights

The fam and I have decided that it's a go when our lease is up in Feb.

Any tips you could give or websites to point me to would be helpful. I have time to do research!

Also, is there any major difference between emigrating to Quebec vs the rest of Canada? My friend who i'd be living with, is in Montreal


13375486, I’m interested in doing this too
Posted by DJR, Fri Mar-27-20 02:09 PM
If Trump gets re-elected, that may force my hand.
13375499, Easiest way is to secure a Canadian job first.
Posted by Cam, Fri Mar-27-20 04:12 PM
but there's this lotto:
13375556, hm, I can try to do that. I have an MPA
Posted by Damali, Sat Mar-28-20 01:49 PM
thanks I'll check this out!
