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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectGetting anxiety
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13374905&mesg_id=13374924
13374924, Getting anxiety
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Mar-25-20 08:41 AM
Usually I’m level headed when it comes to plans changing but this shit got me worried.

Wife came in yesterday and told me she was furloughed... my heart dropped into my stomach. Then she told me it was her side hustle at Charlotte Ballot. Whew!!! That was expected but it’s still a punch to the gut. For some people this is their only gig.

This made me start thinking about MY job and the fear of losing it. We joked about not paying daycare and actually saving money during this shut down but if we lose actual jobs we are fucked and some people are in some seriously shitty situations.


..and of course a part of me is also wondering how this happened and why this happened? Shit just seems off. Like there is more to it. Every fucking time these GOP assholes have tax cuts for the rich it’s followed by some devastating shit which needs a stimulus to keep us afloat. Just feels like the money was real funny so they shut shit down so they could do a reset.

Anyway.. conspiracy rant over