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Topic subjecti've never been a fan of the African American term but......
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13372213&mesg_id=13372281
13372281, i've never been a fan of the African American term but......
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Mar-10-20 11:36 AM

>Similarly, African American is strange to me when it's used as
>an umbrella term for B/black (I have no stakes in that debate)
>people/Africans or people descended from Africans. It seems
>like it's used interchangeably as a race and an ethnicity
>which doesn't make sense personally, like the Latin American
>example above. Seeing it as the only option of a
>race/ethnicity form is baffling to me. If I have to use it I
>tend to only use African American as a synonym of ADOS. So, my
>friend who has two Nigerian parents and was born in the US?
>Zero percent African American. Some of my wife's coworkers
>were apparently offended when she used the term black instead
>of African American which confused me to no end.

Your friend is pretty much THE legit owner of the term African American lol... literally AND figuratively..

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