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Posted by Geah, Wed Jan-29-20 08:12 AM
13364175, got some bad good news
Posted by mista k5, Wed Jan-29-20 10:29 AM
looks like my private student loans were "forgiven". fantastic right? eh, now i might be hit with a huge tax bill.

i got letters that after reviewing their accounts the lender has decided not to pursue the debt. showing as 0 balance as of december. says i might receive a 1099. obviously its debt i was not making payments towards so its not exactly a weight off my shoulders. in the long term its good, i think. i was starting to get hit in my credit score so i imagine that will soften up going forward.

im doing some research, i might be able to get an exemption. if i do have to pay the estimates im coming up with range from my whole upcoming bonus to having to make a sizable monthly payment for 6 years.


13364236, Taxes. NC just hit us with a tax bill from 2015
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jan-29-20 01:16 PM
Coulda sworn we already consolidated and are paying on them.

Gotta pull out some paper work.

Somehow regardless of how we calculate our taxes we always end up owing NC.

This some bull
13364238, NC the state?
Posted by mista k5, Wed Jan-29-20 01:19 PM
im glad i live and work in a state with no sate taxes. one good thing about texas lol
13364255, Yup. I can’t wrap my head around not owing anyone else
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jan-29-20 02:01 PM
but somehow still owing this state money every damn year.

Hopefully this is the year we settle all our tax debts.

Weight also be in a different tax bracket tho which scares me.

13364253, Sick people at work really make me angry sometimes
Posted by flipnile, Wed Jan-29-20 01:59 PM
Keep your sick ass home. Don't care if you have to use vacation time.

Aggravating being stuck in an office this time of year with people that don't take care of themselves properly. Eat junk food and drink sodas all winter until you get sick? Live your life yo, but it ain't gonna be my problem.

If the coronavirus pops up I'm forcing a work-from-home situation. These folks eating chips, donuts and pepsis all day gonna be dropping like flies.
13364258, that used to be me
Posted by mista k5, Wed Jan-29-20 02:07 PM
didnt have a lot of sick time available, couldnt afford to stay home and have a short check.

i totally agree with you though. if youre sick, stay home. i should at least get the option to work from home if someone in the office comes in sick.
13364260, Is your sick time separate from your vacation time?
Posted by flipnile, Wed Jan-29-20 02:18 PM
I can use sick time *if* I have a doctor's note for me or my son. I have mad sick time too, like 80 days. Haven't been sick since I found this out years ago, ironically. I hate using my days off for being sick too, but folks here don't have to.

Sniffles are whatever, but those loud hacking sneezes where you know the person is spraying the air with germs bug the hell out of me.

Man, about to up my water intake and get some multi-vitamins.
13364280, it is
Posted by mista k5, Wed Jan-29-20 03:26 PM
my old job was a mess and mix. thats where i would come in sick. we need a dr note but uhm who goes to the dr for a cold? should i? most of the time i already had medicine so going out to buy medicine just for the receipt was kind of weird. in the last year or two of working there they introduced PTO instead of sick days. that made things better.

currently i have a week of PTO, pretty lenient on how i can use it and two weeks of vacation. what sucks is they dont carry over so if i dont use either i lose them, dont even get paid the balance.
13364393, I *never* went to the doctor for a cold or flu before, but I'm gonna start
Posted by flipnile, Thu Jan-30-20 09:36 AM
>we need a dr note but uhm who goes to the dr for a cold?

Every other job I had sick & vacation were rolled into one. HR lady put me on when my son was sick a few years back. She told me to go see a doctor if I want to burn those sick days, even if it's just to grab that note.
13364415, being a helpmate...
Posted by Trinity444, Thu Jan-30-20 10:29 AM
men can be so pathetic at time. my ex reached out again. I’m just glad I’m in a much better position to deal with him. he’s fucked up again and who does he run too...

I’ll help him because I’m not one to kick someone when their down
but I got the juice now....

13364419, I’d keep running to my ex if she was always going to help.
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jan-30-20 10:49 AM
As long as you don’t feel like he’s taking advantage you good.

I must ask. If you were in a serious relationship would you tell him to chill?
13364427, lol. I won’t give away the game...
Posted by Trinity444, Thu Jan-30-20 11:19 AM
he knows I know him best and values my opinion. when he's burden with things he calls. It’s been a gift and curse for me.

>I must ask. If you were in a serious relationship would you
>tell him to chill?

13364449, Sometimes I'll make up a song in my head, complete with solos...
Posted by flipnile, Thu Jan-30-20 12:13 PM
...and it sounds so dope to me (in my head) that it brings me to tears.

Real shit.
13364527, My coworker is a “well actually” ass nigga.
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jan-30-20 03:18 PM
It’s hilarious. Half the time he isn’t listening, just waiting for a reason to give some dumb as data on the origin of cauliflower.

Type of dude who had a cobachelor party because he “loves his wife”

and he’s a Bernie fan.

Can’t believe he’s voting for him with all the Bro stuff happening.

13364578, I forgot to finish my Equifax settlement claim...
Posted by BlakStaar, Thu Jan-30-20 09:43 PM
and now it's too late.

*punches the wall*

13364613, didnt they fight the pay outs?
Posted by mista k5, Fri Jan-31-20 10:05 AM
i think they were trying to get away without having to make pay outs due to the cost to them and i dont remember what else.
13365652, I tried but they kept asking questions
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Feb-06-20 03:28 PM
and wanted more info.

Wtf would I give all that after being breached?

13365669, Yup. They wanted you to send scanned personal docs.
Posted by MEAT, Thu Feb-06-20 04:01 PM
13365624, Jobs don’t hesitate to ask fathers with young kids to travel for work.
Posted by MEAT, Thu Feb-06-20 01:52 PM
It’s insane that the burden of travel just isn’t considered.
13365720, is it possible to create a fake board
Posted by mista k5, Thu Feb-06-20 06:52 PM
like say a certain user logs in and is taken into the fake board. all their replies post there and fake responses are generated to keep them happy.

i guess seeing the real board while not logged in could tip them off.
13365796, Some posters here could be replaced with a .js response script
Posted by flipnile, Fri Feb-07-20 11:05 AM
Been thinking about writing one for some javascipt practice (I hate javascript).

13365814, Lmao
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Feb-07-20 12:16 PM