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Topic subjectRE: np. the tactics you're describing here sound authoritarian as hell tho
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13345236&mesg_id=13345767
13345767, RE: np. the tactics you're describing here sound authoritarian as hell tho
Posted by reaction, Fri Aug-30-19 08:06 PM
>Do you not see a lot of similarities between the tactics
>you're proposing Sanders take and the tactics 45 has
>taken?...extreme purges? circumvention of congress and
>institutional norms/processes? heavy reliance on executive

Obama also relied a lot on executive action and purges is just semantics, I'm just saying many of the normal bureaucratic, technocratic types would be replaced by activists which could get a lot of positive things done quickly.

>And what is involved in "making comfortable people a little

Sanders coalition is a lot of working class people, the upper classes might have to sacrifice a bit (compared to what they have been used to) in order to make the playing field more fair which is not exactly radical in the big picture.

I just wanted to address what you were saying above in another post about Medicare For All putting you off Bernie for life and that he doesn't know what he's talking about. I find that a little ridiculous as he "wrote the damn bill". So why support Warren who "supposedly" supports M4A and cosponsored it if it's so bad? Some form of it works in every major country on earth but America couldn't handle it? If you really are concerned about how it is paid for this is an excellent discussion of the funding with Robert Pollin from Umass who is a very funny, engaging speaker in my opinion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaTcUsPmhks&t=23s He really lays it out well and I recommend anyone interested to watch.