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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectThey are not the same!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13344033&mesg_id=13344072
13344072, They are not the same!
Posted by reaction, Tue Aug-20-19 12:51 PM
What people don't get about this is that Warren WILL NOT DO WHAT SHE IS PROPOSING / WILL PIVOT TO THE CENTER. Like Obama she is mostly talk and will make a few incremental changes and that's it. Obama not following through on his progressive promises and stacking his cabinet with Citigroup suggestions https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/8190 are the things that LED TO TRUMP. People just don't seem to want to see it, it is very frustrating.

Warren has a huge list of red flags, this tweet has a good summary of a few https://twitter.com/PollyTickal/status/1163203049348710401?s=20

Bernie released probably the most comprehensive criminal justice reform plan in history the other day and I posted it in the other thread and nobody said a thing. The points in there are what people in here have been wanting for decades and silence.

If people want to see anything remotely like that actually implemented Sanders is the only one with the movement, the fight, the activism and the conviction to do it. I GUARANTEE Warren pivots in the general, she already said she'll take corporate money. Campaign to the left, govern to the right, don't fall for it for the 4080'th time.