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Topic subjectHow do you find new places to eat?
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13339982, How do you find new places to eat?
Posted by mista k5, Tue Jun-25-19 10:21 AM
local or when visiting somewhere? just go off reviews on google? travelocity?

im always skeptical when i find an article about the best places to eat in a city. going to be in atlanta for a couple of days next week and when i search for places its overwhelming lol going to be a big group so i doubt ill get to try many places but still want to try something that is the best in atlanta or isnt found out west.

i always try to look up what a region or city is known for then go from there. will definitely prefer a local spot to a national chain. if the restaurant has multiple locations in a city thats fine.
13339987, Yelp or local magazines like 'Baltimore'...
Posted by Creole, Tue Jun-25-19 10:25 AM

Baltimore: https://www.baltimoremagazine.com/

Atlanta: https://www.atlantamagazine.com/

DC: https://www.washingtonian.com/

Philly: https://www.phillymag.com/

Also, Instagram. Hashtags are used pretty nicely to help curate a listing (if you will) of top foodie places in a city.

Edit: In Atlanta, try Poor Calvin's if you get the chance to.

13339999, checking out atlanta magazine right now
Posted by mista k5, Tue Jun-25-19 10:41 AM
calvins looks good. i think my sister in law already picked out a soul food place. ill keep it in mind.
13339989, If I don’t have a friend in the city for suggestions I use the local mag
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jun-25-19 10:29 AM
Try to find a top ten list that is backed by a reputable magazine.

I may also break it down by the food.

Best Steak House

Best Seafood

Best Soul

Best Italian

13339995, i always wonder how many of those top places paid to be listed though
Posted by mista k5, Tue Jun-25-19 10:39 AM
could be none but im a skeptical person lol
13340064, Not sure, but if they spent the money to get ranked
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jun-25-19 12:28 PM
It lets me know they are motivated to give people a good first impression

For me it’s mostly photos of the food on the website.
13339992, I just look at my map and try it out
Posted by walihorse, Tue Jun-25-19 10:34 AM
I do this anytime I've gone to a new job.

the bad thing is I have had some bad meals doing that.

overall though I love just going to new spots to give it a shot.
13340001, thats my move locally
Posted by mista k5, Tue Jun-25-19 10:43 AM
when i travel i try to do some research then go with maps once im actually there. if a spot came up during research and its close enough then it will get preference.

13340013, same
Posted by walihorse, Tue Jun-25-19 11:00 AM
My wife and I are going to Mexico City and we already started to map out spot to hit up if we are close.

I'm excited because our airbnb is on top of a cafe, first time being above a dedicated placed to eat while traveling
13339997, normally google, sometimes instagram
Posted by shygurl, Tue Jun-25-19 10:40 AM
Instagram is best when looking for high end food because people always take pictures of their food at fancy places.
13340004, Yelp! IF the rating is good on Yelp i'm 80% sure it's a GO!
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-25-19 10:47 AM


“It was the evidence from science and history that prompted me to abandon my atheism and become a Christian.” — Lee Strobel, The Case for Christ
13340006, eater
Posted by soulpsychodelicyde, Tue Jun-25-19 10:49 AM
13340008, never heard of this, thanks!
Posted by mista k5, Tue Jun-25-19 10:52 AM
13340010, It's the only one I trust.
Posted by soulpsychodelicyde, Tue Jun-25-19 10:58 AM
The only thing is... eater is curated so it doesn't review every restaurant... only the ones they deem worthy or whatever.
13340023, Same
Posted by Cam, Tue Jun-25-19 11:16 AM
13340027, thanks.. never heard of this one
Posted by Amritsar, Tue Jun-25-19 11:20 AM
13340007, mostly yelp or google
Posted by jimi, Tue Jun-25-19 10:50 AM
13340025, Yelp sort by newest reviews
Posted by Amritsar, Tue Jun-25-19 11:19 AM
also cross compare those with google reviews

I read the menus people post as well so I have an idea what I want before I get there
13340026, I check the best of from the alternative weekly
Posted by MEAT, Tue Jun-25-19 11:20 AM
So for San Antonio it’s the sa current
For Denver it’s the Westword
For Atlanta - https://creativeloafing.com/Food-and-Drink-Home

After that I plug the name into google maps

Google maps gives you quick star reviews and I check quantity more than quality
If it’s over 4.5 and has like 200-300+ that’s good enough for me
13340030, yeah quantity of good reviews matter
Posted by mista k5, Tue Jun-25-19 11:23 AM
finding a spot with 4 great ratings and no actual review is worthless.
13340031, Way more everyday people use google than yelp
Posted by MEAT, Tue Jun-25-19 11:29 AM
Yelp reviews are just not the wave for me
Weirdos giving 1 star reviews for places not being pet friendly
13340062, Yeah, I’ve read so many petty 1 star reviews
Posted by DJR, Tue Jun-25-19 12:22 PM
Sometimes from people who will even say how they always loved it and ate there all time, but after 1 bad experience(usually where the reviewer comes off as a high maintenance asshole), they’ll never go there again.

Poor yelp reviews usually just make me hate the people writing them and makes me glad I’m not in the service industry.
13340063, I was looking at daycares on yelp
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jun-25-19 12:26 PM
Folks giving one star reviews and then admitting they never even attended the school. Just didn’t get a call back in a timely fashion so they left 1 Star.

Most 1 Star reviews aren’t based on the food, it’s one bad waitress or not being seated in a timely fashion.
13340161, you gotta look at the credibility of the yelper posting
Posted by Amritsar, Tue Jun-25-19 04:37 PM
>Yelp reviews are just not the wave for me
>Weirdos giving 1 star reviews for places not being pet

how many past reviews have they made? What were those like?


13340162, That’s a lot of legwork for a single review
Posted by MEAT, Tue Jun-25-19 04:41 PM
I do it for speciality items
But not for eating out.
13340213, definitely a ton of legwork lol
Posted by Amritsar, Tue Jun-25-19 06:45 PM
I should have added that I travel for work

so eating well and picking good places to eat is a must
13340033, another one: Reddit cities
Posted by Amritsar, Tue Jun-25-19 11:30 AM



can find a subreddit for damn near any city. With posts you can search (or create your own) with foodie suggestions

Ive had way better luck with this than Yelp actually
13340034, interesting, i always sleep on reddit
Posted by mista k5, Tue Jun-25-19 11:32 AM
13340036, Do you trust the collective tastes/opinions heavily weighted to white men?
Posted by MEAT, Tue Jun-25-19 11:34 AM
13340044, all of reddit aint the Donald
Posted by Amritsar, Tue Jun-25-19 11:37 AM
step your reddit game up
13340053, Most of Reddit is white and male
Posted by MEAT, Tue Jun-25-19 11:55 AM
It’s not about political affiliation
It’s about experiences and tastes
And collectively the tastes and experiences and preferences of white males differ from mine by a lot.
I can’t name a non brew pub that I’ve walked into, had a good meal and time, and that the demographic was heavily white and male
So when I’m looking for reviews of places I like, I want them to come from the types of people I see at the places I enjoy
Which is why I personally start at the alternative weeklies because ... counter culture
13340039, IG.
Posted by JFrost1117, Tue Jun-25-19 11:35 AM
I follow a food blogger or 2, and some choice sponsored ads pop up in my feed.
13340056, When visiting, I usually go to the largest college area.
Posted by Cam, Tue Jun-25-19 12:02 PM
Find the strip and try to identify a place that seems like it's a long lasting institution.
In New Mexico weeks ago, I wound up at a place adjacent to the UNM campus.
Nonchalantly Tom Hanks happened to be in line when I walked in. Apparently Albuquerque has multiple production studios in the city.
Food was good and it set the theme for the rest of the food I ate while there, and I had a few more green-chilli topped foods after that meal. Unsolicited while sitting alone, all types of people were offering suggestions of where else to go, I don't know who they thought I was, but the over friendliness was odd.

Anyway, if in Albuquerque, try anything on the menu at Frontier.
13340059, so interesting
Posted by mista k5, Tue Jun-25-19 12:12 PM
ive heard a lot of celebrities frequent new mexico but i never bumped into anyone. heard a friend of a friend ended up doing yardwork for jeff bezos a few months back lol

not sure why people were going up to you with recommendations but cool i think.

i forget that green chile isnt very common outside of new mexico and colorado.
13340066, Friendly in the restaurant, but never have I seen so much
Posted by Cam, Tue Jun-25-19 12:31 PM
road rage attached to nearly zero traffic.
I walked maybe 5 miles one day, up route 66, away from the campus and drivers were enraged over nothing, with each other.
I also had an egg thrown at me (the missed) but it was my cue to get an Uber back to my hotel. I saw they had been throwing eggs at anyone walking on the street thinking back at all the broken eggs I glanced at previously without consideration.
All of the road rage cars were exactly like versions of vehicles Jesse Pinkman drove.
13340071, lol ive only driven once through abq
Posted by mista k5, Tue Jun-25-19 12:41 PM
ive heard so much bad stuff about that place
13340072, opentable for reservation type places
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Jun-25-19 12:45 PM
13340093, Aside from Eater and Yelp....
Posted by BlakStaar, Tue Jun-25-19 01:34 PM
Instagram. It's always indirect, tho. I don't go on there looking for food but I follow or stalk people and I'll end up discovering new spots based on their geo tags and food pics.
13340201, Yelp be helpin... and instagram
Posted by rdhull, Tue Jun-25-19 06:13 PM
13340228, In the industry so I just reach out
Posted by Nodima, Tue Jun-25-19 07:38 PM
I either know somebody or somebody that knows somebody at just about any new spot that opens at this point from as diverse locations as three hours away in KC to across the country in SF and NYC. And obviously in the hometown I just know right away what's going on months before it happens and decide way before something is open if I'll go immediately or give it a few months.

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