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Topic subjectIncels getting radical plastic surgery to get laid (NY Mag)
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13335480, Incels getting radical plastic surgery to get laid (NY Mag)
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed May-29-19 10:24 AM

I'd swipe but it's long as hell and some of the visuals are interesting. Some folks just need to humble themselves and buy a hooker for the rest of society's sake.
13335483, legalize sex work
Posted by tomjohn29, Wed May-29-19 10:25 AM
13335578, ^^^^^^
Posted by rawsouthpaw, Wed May-29-19 11:51 AM
13335607, seems like this is the best option for these guys
Posted by Amritsar, Wed May-29-19 12:20 PM
aside from the obvious self care of working out and eating right. Therapy. etc.

I'm assuming most of them are gainfully employed in tech. Living alone. No kids - basically doing their part on this generation's decline in birth rates.

that demographic stays using escort services anyway. Legalize and tax that shit
13335683, It’s not about legal with these dudes
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed May-29-19 03:19 PM
These guys would view a sex worker as a worker. Just doing it because it’s her job.

Nothing about these dudes sound stable.

They hate women, hate society, hate themselves... just awful people who have a big ass hole in their self of steam.

Seems like most of them are cured or see the light when they get offline or meet a woman and realize they aren’t these evil beast.
13335794, Yeah, these sorts of articles really get at what it really is
Posted by Nodima, Thu May-30-19 12:11 AM
I've only read excerpts, but I've read other investigations into the Chad/Becky thing (Chads are endlessly desirable men, Beckys are endlessly undesirable women, and Stacys only sleep with Chads because they don't even meet Virgins) that make it painfully clear it's not about having sex or not for these guys, it's that they feel completely overlooked by the women that they find attractive. They think if they look like Paul Walker, none of the other stuff (charisma, fame, etc.) will be necessary. The Kardashians of the world will have no choice but to submit to them because it's in their genes.

It's wildly fucked.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
13335685, We should absolutely do this, but it won't help these guys
Posted by Marauder21, Wed May-29-19 03:20 PM
They'd just hate themselves even more for having to pay for it and would probably take it out on the sex worker.
13335897, RE: legalize sex work
Posted by double 0, Thu May-30-19 09:59 AM
The main dude lived in the Netherlands...

that doesn't seem to matter
13336821, exactly.
Posted by Damali, Tue Jun-04-19 05:50 PM
13335488, incels becoming instagram models.
Posted by Reeq, Wed May-29-19 10:28 AM
i give them a little credit for finally taking some self-initiative and not completely putting the onus on women.
13335493, That doctor sounds like kind of a scammer
Posted by Marauder21, Wed May-29-19 10:29 AM
These are shitty people, so maybe I don't feel SO bad about them getting scammed.

This will help zero of them get laid.
13335669, Yeah they still have to open their mouths and Express their awful views
Posted by Errol Walton Barrow, Wed May-29-19 02:35 PM
A plastic surgery face just gets you the date. These incels still gotta do the heavy lifting.
13335522, Gotdamn this shit is sad as fuck
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed May-29-19 11:01 AM
These dudes are insufferable.

Smh at the black pill.

I bet some of these dudes aren’t even ugly, at least not on the outside.
13335525, Future mass murderers. Regular dudes go and get hobbies...
Posted by flipnile, Wed May-29-19 11:03 AM
...when they can't get pussy.

Gonna be a bunch of angry dudes looking like the Joker for real out here shooting up shit in a few.
13335564, man if them joker movie leaks are true....
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed May-29-19 11:34 AM

13335678, Man... I got chills watching that. Getting a little too real.
Posted by flipnile, Wed May-29-19 03:09 PM
Never saw the preview before, and seeing that with the context of this post is kinda wild.
13335599, There was an incel in Toronto last year
Posted by Marauder21, Wed May-29-19 12:16 PM
who drove a van onto a crowded sidewalk and killed 10 people. I think the yoga studio shooter from Florida was, too, they're all trying to emulate Elliott Roger. There's an overlap between these guys and alt-right/white power types.
13335610, they hug their Waifu pillows and jerk it to Anime characters
Posted by Amritsar, Wed May-29-19 12:21 PM
or am I conflating Neckbeardery? lol
13335538, Started reading but realized I don't care
Posted by walihorse, Wed May-29-19 11:12 AM
People need to learn validation outside of strangers.

I am realistic as hell, I know I am not attractive to ever female on this world, just like I'm not attracted to every female.

This guys always sounds the same.

If i were better looking - well you're attitude is still shitty

Women only date good looking guys - thats not your problem, not every woman isn't attracted to the same guy.

Women liked to be negged - stupidest thing every. I remember trying shit like this in my early 20's, some girls found it funny, but most hated it.

I hope these men get emotional help.
13335541, the thing I never understood about incels is...
Posted by double negative, Wed May-29-19 11:14 AM
body dysmorphia aside

i never got the whole "poor me, no one will fuck me" angle + their obsession with chads

because - these people are men and the rules are kind of different for men. women definitely like eye candy as much as men, however thats not the only barrier for entry.

a man will hang his entire reality on the looks of a woman - some will define their entire worth on the perceived attractiveness of their mate.

the men who love a woman ONLY for having good heart or good sense of humor or some other personality based characteristic are not as common as women who love a man for his character.

I guess I'm saying, if these guys developed personalities, cleaned up and improved their lives it would be possible to meet and date people - back in the day in my 20s some of the dudes who consistently dated the most attractive girls were short dudes with strong personalities.

but...the truth is, these guys have a sense of entitlement and feel that they are OWED only the most "hot" 10s or whatever...

fuck these people and fuck the society that birthed this shit.
13335594, It's definitely this
Posted by Marauder21, Wed May-29-19 12:09 PM
>I guess I'm saying, if these guys developed personalities,
>cleaned up and improved their lives it would be possible to
>meet and date people - back in the day in my 20s some of the
>dudes who consistently dated the most attractive girls were
>short dudes with strong personalities.
>but...the truth is, these guys have a sense of entitlement and
>feel that they are OWED only the most "hot" 10s or
>fuck these people and fuck the society that birthed this shit.

Because they absolutely could meet someone if they really wanted to. But they don't want that, they want to have 20-year-old models who also share all of their interests dropped into their lap. They would never consider a woman that's closer to their level (like someone in their own age group or social class) and they don't want to actually put themselves out there. Everything they do is to impress other sad, miserable guys who hate themselves, instead of the women they claim to want.

I know guys who, if I'm being generous, have almost nothing on the surface to bring to a relationship. Don't make a whole lot, might not be in great shape, aren't musicians/artists/whatever interesting thing people do. All of them have been able to find someone.
13335709, Idk. I don't see these dudes that much different from the women.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed May-29-19 03:56 PM
I have known soo many superbad chicks with similar self-esteem issues that I know all of them are suffering from a disassociation with reality. It's all the same to me.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13335565, These guys are their own worst enemies
Posted by sectachrome86, Wed May-29-19 11:35 AM
The more they buy into and latch on to this "incel" shit the more unattractive they're making themselves. Stop being a little bitch and acting like women owe you something. Get some confidence and self esteem. Them not getting laid has literally zero to do with their looks. Ugly people fuck all the time. This is psychotic and these people need to seek therapy.
13335587, this has GOTTA be a sice. jabronis really believe that 'Chad' shit
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed May-29-19 11:59 AM
given the kind of people that actually live and reproduce on the Earth?!!
13335602, IG is powerful, doc
Posted by Amritsar, Wed May-29-19 12:16 PM
I think its why young girls are so up on the makeup game in a way previous generations that age did not.

Same goes for the boys and what they wear. The literal image they're giving off to the IGsphere

13335776, but it's so faulty. like dudes have looked like TRASH
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed May-29-19 09:09 PM
and bagged pretty girls since the beginning of time... there's no science to that "Chad" shit, lol
13335614, The more I read it the more “sympathy” I have for them
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed May-29-19 12:27 PM
Sympathy prolly isn’t the right word but I kinda get the whole body dismorphia part.

Are they crazy? Shit yeah.. will some of them kill due to their depression! Probably

but then I think about women who get butt implants
lip implants
dudes who get calf implants.
Bleached skin
Eyelid surgery

I think these incels are the worst of the worst of these types because they hate every woman unless they are raising a son. Wtf.

13335681, calf implants trip me out man
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed May-29-19 03:11 PM
mainly cause i've never heard/seen a chick trip over some fuckin calves lol.
13335686, I think most these dudes prolly gay deep down
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed May-29-19 03:21 PM
spend all day looking at perfect dude photos and shit. Photoshopping the perfect Chad (and I using it right?)

Only reason dudes get calf implants is so other dudes will look at them and get jealous.

13335687, He doubled the size of a testicle
Posted by Marauder21, Wed May-29-19 03:22 PM
13336077, I know a couple women that do
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Thu May-30-19 04:44 PM
but it's really low on their priority list
13336135, A lot of women have a thing for calves. Calves are genetic
Posted by napturalmystic, Fri May-31-19 09:21 AM
You either got em or you don't and when you got em, I say got damn!!! its a beautiful thing. I would have a difficult time being with a man who had stick legs. No amount of training will give you sexy calves. NONE

I don't ever want to see an implant.

13335670, these photo captions are killing me tho
Posted by hardware, Wed May-29-19 02:37 PM
13335788, INCELS are just loser who can't admit it
Posted by handle, Wed May-29-19 10:51 PM
What happened to just being a loser?
13335864, reading this shit makes me want to give myself a great big hug
Posted by mikediggz, Thu May-30-19 09:28 AM
13335867, lol I turned out alright
Posted by Amritsar, Thu May-30-19 09:30 AM
13335895, Fam, y'all gotta top providing these rabbit holes man...
Posted by auragin_boi, Thu May-30-19 09:58 AM
There's a response to this article (see below) from a guy responding to someone who said women don't need protection from men. Ugh, I wish I didn't know these mindsets existed...better yet, I wish these mindsets didn't exist:

@arfoire. Women definitely demand and currently enjoy a lot of protection. Police, subsidies, quotas, affirmative action, dirty/dangerous jobs (sewers, high voltage, underwater...)... The whole system caters to their this need and it does so by coercing men with intricate laws and extracting the necessary resources from them via taxes. Women are net beneficiaries of the whole tax system in place in each and every one of the Western Countries, while men are net contributors in it (1).

It is only natural, because women are weaker and must use protection from the state as a proxy for strength against malicious men. Saying women do not need protection is super naive and a problem with our society. Women are entitled and cared for to the point where they think everything surrounding them is free and a right. Many do not appreciate that the system has been created by men who worried about women. They still have the nerve to complain against the patriarchy today.

Now, is protection a "need" for women? We could argue that they can also pass without it, but they would surely get a rougher deal and face more difficulties in their everyday life. Therefore, it has been institutionalized women (people in general but specially women) need protection and that the state will provide that. Fine. Why not do the same with sex? Before, monogamy and religion would take care of it, but now that these institutions are down, society needs a new agent redistributing access to sex for the sake of equality and well-being of the whole population and specially men. Having no sex may not be a big deal for most women, but it is for most men given the greater pervasiveness of their desire to mate coming from having higher testosterone.

You say "you have no right to any other human beings time or body". Why are then women entitled to protection from the state? To water or freedom to walk the streets without fear? Who provides that? Mostly men do through taxes as we've seen. The state coerces men (people in general but mostly men) to sacrifice part of their will and wealth to sustain a system that mostly benefits women. This pretty much seems like women being entitled to the time and body of men, at least for the amount worth of taxes they pay. And specially because they have no choice on it.

(1) "Research finds that as a group, only men pay taxes" (Reddit).

Original Source: "The Distribution of Income and Fiscal Incidence by Age and Gender: Some Evidence from New Zealand" (2014).

Women say "My body my choice". Well, then why not "My company my choice" or "My money my choice" for men? Why do men have to pay taxes or make space for women in companies? The answer is that there is a general consensus stating that the particular interests of shareholders, managers and contributors will not be those of the general public. If left to their impulses, men will not contribute enough and companies will not provide equality. So the state intervenes and redistributes money and jobs in a more egalitarian way. Fine.

Why on earth, then though, do we trust women in their particular interest when deciding the allocation of sex? Shouldn't they be guided or controlled as men are to ensure that sex gets equally distributed? Women today choose who they have sex with, and they do so primarily (for the feelings) mainly with only a minority of men at the top of the hierarchy in terms of looks, height, status, money and shared origin; rejecting the majority of men for being too ugly, short, poor, low-status and/or other-race. Is this fair? I does not look like it. Hence why we need the state intervening in the sexual market to redistribute sex after the fall of monogamy.

No forcing women nor raping them. No. Just start by telling them what is wrong with acting on their impulses under complete freedom, and explain they need to share their love and touch with every man for the sake of social stability and general well-being. Pedagogy. If they do not do so and continue to be hypergamous, then intervene with the Promiscuity Tax. The tax will preserve freedom of choice, while incentivizing the desirable behaviors for the group at the same time. Money would be used to compensate incels for the discrimination they suffer, so they can attend the services of a professional (prostitution).

Noone would be raped nor forced in my scheme. At least not more than people are forced to pay taxes to sustain the system. Women have a responsibility with society and where they can help the most is in the sexual market, either by becoming partners and mothers, and/or sharing theirs goods with every man without discrimination. Hypergamy needs to be controlled for a healthy society as much as violence is.
13335911, wow...that is something
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu May-30-19 10:11 AM
13336046, it's the zoo man, observe, don't engage or share
Posted by double negative, Thu May-30-19 02:44 PM
but, yeah, incels are a group i've had my eye on

there is an intersection between incels, gamergaters, 4chan, reddit, twitter, trump, a-anon and the alt right.
13336047, That’s some Handmaid shit.
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu May-30-19 02:47 PM
Not forced sex...but like taxes.

Umm, that’s forced sex bruh.

13336059, Young. WTF? This is some Mad Max level post apocalyptic perversion.
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu May-30-19 03:35 PM
This is why we need government, cause if civilization ever went the way of the dodo, we're all really fucked.

"To Each His Reach"


Fuck aliens.
13336060, This guys mother needs to beat his ass
Posted by sectachrome86, Thu May-30-19 03:42 PM
13336025, I spend a good amount of time reading incel tears on Reddit
Posted by Adwhizz, Thu May-30-19 01:39 PM
To pass the time

I've felt similar frustrations when I was younger/before I got good at speaking to women

I lose all sympathy once it goes to pedo/rape/Nazi territory
13336056, I have only been on Reddit like 4 times ever...lol
Posted by Case_One, Thu May-30-19 03:25 PM


“It was the evidence from science and history that prompted me to abandon my atheism and become a Christian.” — Lee Strobel, The Case for Christ
13336034, millennial wps
Posted by rdhull, Thu May-30-19 02:04 PM
>I'd swipe but it's long as hell and some of the visuals are
>interesting. Some folks just need to humble themselves and buy
>a hooker for the rest of society's sake.
13336053, These are just Dudes with NO GAME or SWAG or COOL
Posted by Case_One, Thu May-30-19 03:10 PM

“It was the evidence from science and history that prompted me to abandon my atheism and become a Christian.” — Lee Strobel, The Case for Christ
13336061, You don't even need those....
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Thu May-30-19 03:53 PM
...just be normal and not a jerk and you can stumble into some P.

Every dude can't be a super pimp, but most dudes can at least get a piece from time to time just being normal.


"To Each His Reach"


Fuck aliens.
13336075, It was mentioned above, these dudes could probably get it in
Posted by GOMEZ, Thu May-30-19 04:23 PM
if they didn't act like assholes and expect super models. There's a lot of cute, nice, interesting girls out there.

Like you said though, if they would just be normal and stop dealing w/other incels, they'd probably run in to some on accident.

13336116, You're both right. Just being chill, enjoyable, and be able to communicate
Posted by Case_One, Fri May-31-19 07:41 AM
Those three things will allow any man to find a nice woman to have a good time in life with and enjoy their company at least as friends until romance evolves.


“It was the evidence from science and history that prompted me to abandon my atheism and become a Christian.” — Lee Strobel, The Case for Christ
13336323, as long as women are women there will be a market for dudes who listen
Posted by mikediggz, Sat Jun-01-19 10:17 PM
and are at least respectable. throw in some extras like intelligence and humor and theres no excuse for not being at least being able to meet some nice women. once you hit the 40s nice guys stock rises greatly.
13336123, naw they're mentally ill imo
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri May-31-19 08:09 AM
the most swagless/corny niggas i know still get laid at least.