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Topic subjectAny fishermen/women here?
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13330490, Any fishermen/women here?
Posted by godleeluv, Sat May-04-19 09:14 PM
I ask because fishing is one of my favorite things to do. Maybe we could talk fishing.
... "A Beautiful Struggle"

13330493, my uncles are both fishermen
Posted by makaveli, Sat May-04-19 09:34 PM
one day when I was young we caught like 60 mackerel and cooked them a bunch of ways. I don’t even really like fish but they were delicious. I used to to smoke and fish sometimes with my friends when I was in high school. I do enjoy it but that’s all I got for you.
13330496, Sound like something you can do when life gets crazy.
Posted by SuiteLady, Sat May-04-19 09:53 PM
I actually remember you saying you liked fishing years ago. Glad to hear it is still a hobby of yours.

Off topic: What is your favorite snack right now?

I have be devouring Halo's myself.
13330670, yes it’s very relaxing. I’ve fished at least 15 times this year
Posted by godleeluv, Mon May-06-19 10:06 AM
Planning to go tomorrow. It’s gonna be sunny. I’m off. I have a sitter so I don’t have to stop at 2:30pm. Lol. It should be nice. It’s definitely my woosah moment.

Snack? Hmmm. I’ve been more into these mints in the round container. They have like grape and watermelon. Ridges on one side smooth on the other. I eat them like candy.


... "A Beautiful Struggle"

13330512, spent about 4 years of my life really into fishing.
Posted by rzaroch36, Sun May-05-19 08:05 AM
When I got my license at 16 to about 20 years old I would fish almost evrry weekend.

Now I only really have the desire to fish if it’s iIn the high sierras or the ocean. One of the best experiences is still catching a limit of cod with friends, then having a fish fry the next day.
13330565, Was heavy into it as a kid. Don't get out as much now
Posted by flipnile, Sun May-05-19 07:23 PM
Bought a few new rods and a tackle box a few years ago, so I'm ready. Going to take mini-me out a few times this year. The creek and river are only about 15 minutes away.

What do you fish for? We have sunnies, bass, trout, perch, catfish and carp here mostly in the creeks and rivers. I rarely ever make it out to salt water.
13330615, Used to get it in at the pier in Southport
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon May-06-19 08:05 AM
but haven’t been since we had kids.

Will prolly start again once they are a little older.
13330664, been a long time
Posted by infin8, Mon May-06-19 10:03 AM
I've been wanting to get back into it/introduce my daughter to it.

I'd like to catch/cook.
13330665, I found this app called fish brain.
Posted by godleeluv, Mon May-06-19 10:04 AM
Even tho it has a fee I really like it. I never pay for apps unless it’s amazon music.

... "A Beautiful Struggle"

13330683, I grew up doing a lot of fishing. I'd like to do more and introduce it to
Posted by MikaDanteBrown, Mon May-06-19 10:22 AM
my son. I think it would be relaxing.
13330702, it's my favorite hobby/obsession
Posted by kevb, Mon May-06-19 10:43 AM
I mainly fish freshwater and target Crappie, Whitebass, and Sunfish. Crappie is my all time favorite, though. The spring run was great and my freezer is full of fillets now.

Went to the coast and pier fished for blues and spanish mackerel this past Saturday, but only caught beautiful baby black bass and good vibes.

What do you fish for and where?

13330713, I use to fish ALL THE TIME!!!
Posted by The Real, Mon May-06-19 10:58 AM
From the age of 8 to 30. Got into it again a couple years back because my daughter wanted to give it a go.

But with sports and camps, there just isn't the time.
